



Bug #20527


v2 presigned URLs don't work with radosgw.

Added by Marcus Watts almost 7 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Can't reproduce
Target version:
% Done:


3 - minor
Affected Versions:
Pull request ID:
Crash signature (v1):
Crash signature (v2):


s3cmd only supports v2 style presigned URLs (see ).
Also, it only supports "virtual host style" access, not path access.

Accepting these limitations, for a command like,
s3cmd signurl s3://my-new-bucket/services `date -d 'now + 1 year' +%s`
the output will be something like,

When this is given to ceph, the result will be:

It's possible to munge that path into something that works with ceph, such as,
However, there isn't any way to configure s3cmd to cause this to happen; prepending the bucket onto the hostname is hard-wired into s3cmd and happens even if the hostname is an IP address.

By appending "--debug" to the s3cmd command line, near the end, something like this will appear:
DEBUG: Signing plaintext: u'GET\n\n\n1530851096\n/my-new-bucket/services'

By running radosgw with "debug rgw = 20", it in turn reports:
2017-07-05 23:55:27.368575 7f74102f2700 15 string_to_sign=GET


According to "",
when doing "virtual hosted style" access, the path has to be prefixed with the bucket name. Clearly, ceph is not doing this.

Actions #1

Updated by Marcus Watts almost 7 years ago

I should mention: awscli does v4 signatures by default, but when properly coaxed (by giving it a specially prepared "endpoints.json" file), it can be coerced into doing v2 signatures. The url it emits is a faulty host based url: "", but the signature formed is using /bucket/object matching the behavior of s3cmd. And just as in the s3cmd case the signature works with radosgw when the URL is munged into a valid path style URL.

Giving awscli a differently prepared "endpoints.json" file (or using --endpoint=) causes it to generate v4 signatures instead, which work fine with ceph.

Actions #2

Updated by Robin Johnson almost 7 years ago

Either you're doing something weird, or it's broken between Jewel & master.

Here is working output on Jewel (not quite 10.2.7, 10.2.6 + most RGW stuff backported by me before the release) it DOES work to generate Vhost calling-format URLs, and you can manually re-arrange it to have working path-format access.

$ .../s3cmd -c $MYCFG signurl s3://robjoh84-congress-private-test/testfile-private `date -d 'now + 1 year' +%s`

Feel free to check it.

And manually re-arrange it:

Running s3cmd v1.6.1-2-gf0340a6, which is 1.6.1 w/ a minor packaging fix.

Actions #3

Updated by Matt Benjamin almost 7 years ago

@mwatts, can you update with info from last night?


Actions #4

Updated by Matt Benjamin almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Marcus Watts
Actions #5

Updated by Marcus Watts almost 7 years ago

I checked: jewel has the same behavior.

I don't think Robin is describing different behavior than what I saw. We agree: it works if you manually rearrange the URL to force path style access. So the only question is whether that behavior is a bug or a feature.

Actions #6

Updated by Robin Johnson almost 7 years ago

In my case v2 worked in both calling formats

Actions #7

Updated by Robin Johnson almost 7 years ago

@mwatts I can't get it to fail in my production setups, maybe your setup had a weird rgw dns name or zone config?

Actions #8

Updated by William Schroeder almost 7 years ago


My team is trying to update from Hammer to Jewel, and we believe we have run into this issue. We are testing with s3curl (, which uses the V2 signature. The command we use (apologies for vaguery here):

s3curl --id the_test_user_profile -- -s http://region_url_mapped_to_rgw:7480/mytestbucket/sometest.file

This results in a 403. I turned on

debug rgw = 20
and confirmed that "calculated digest" and "auth_sign" are different values. My not-yet-upgraded RGW servers still respond successfully with my object. Note that to call to them, I modify my /etc/hosts file such that "region_url_mapped_to_rgw" points to their respective IPs.

How far along are you on figuring out where the algorithm changed?

Actions #9

Updated by William Schroeder almost 7 years ago

I was able to reproduce this by running s3curl against demo Docker containers.

ceph/demo:tag-build-master-hammer-ubuntu-14.04 returns successfully
ceph/demo:tag-build-master-jewel-ubuntu-14.04 returns the 403

$ cat


if [ "$version" == "" ]; then
    echo "Specify hammer or jewel as a parameter" 
    exit 1


docker rm -f ceph
docker run -p 7280:8080 -d -e RGW_CIVETWEB_PORT=8080 -e MON_IP= -e CEPH_PUBLIC_NETWORK= --name ceph ${CEPH_IMAGE}
docker exec ceph radosgw-admin user create --uid=uat_admin --display-name="Ceph user for testing" --access-key=CEPHUSER --secret=thisisasecret --access=full --system
$ cat ~/.s3curl
@endpoints = (

%awsSecretAccessKeys = (
    sigtester => {
      id => 'CEPHUSER',
      key => 'thisisasecret',
$ ./ hammer

$ s3curl --id sigtester http://localhost:7280
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns=""><Owner><ID>uat_admin</ID><DisplayName>Ceph user for testing</DisplayName></Owner><Buckets></Buckets></ListAllMyBucketsResult>
$ ./ jewel

$ s3curl --id sigtester http://localhost:7280
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>SignatureDoesNotMatch</Code><RequestId>tx000000000000000000001-0059764eee-100d-default</RequestId><HostId>100d-default-default</HostId></Error>
Actions #10

Updated by William Schroeder almost 7 years ago

Discovered that Hammer's auth_hdr debug output ends with:


But in Jewel, it ends with:


This is why the signatures do not match. Jewel incorrectly includes the host, probably assuming it is the bucket? (Reading above suggests folks already knew that.)

Actions #11

Updated by William Schroeder almost 7 years ago

We can ignore my comments here. They are caused by an incorrect configuration of "rgw dns name" in /etc/ceph/ceph.conf. RGW uses that to parse out the host and detect bucket vs host.

Actions #12

Updated by Casey Bodley over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Can't reproduce

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