



Bug #43447


mgr/diskprediction: diskprediction module fails to initialize with newer SciPy versions

Added by Volker Theile over 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Target version:
% Done:


2 - major
Affected Versions:
Pull request ID:
Crash signature (v1):
Crash signature (v2):


In latest master it seems

ceph -h
does not list the manager module commands. Because of that it is not possible to start a vstart environment which inifinitely waits for the dashboard module to be started.

vstart is using

ceph -h
to check if a module is loaded, see

=== mon.c === 
Stopping Ceph mon.c on ceph-master-docker...done
=== mon.b === 
Stopping Ceph mon.b on ceph-master-docker...done
=== mon.a === 
Stopping Ceph mon.a on ceph-master-docker...done
=== mgr.x === 
Stopping Ceph mgr.x on ceph-master-docker...done
** going verbose **
rm -f core* 
hostname ceph-master-docker
port 40763
/ceph/build/bin/ceph-authtool --create-keyring --gen-key --name=mon. /ceph/build/keyring --cap mon 'allow *' 
creating /ceph/build/keyring
/ceph/build/bin/ceph-authtool --gen-key --name=client.admin --cap mon 'allow *' --cap osd 'allow *' --cap mds 'allow *' --cap mgr 'allow *' /ceph/build/keyring 
/ceph/build/bin/monmaptool --create --clobber --addv a [v2:,v1:] --addv b [v2:,v1:] --addv c [v2:,v1:] --print /tmp/ceph_monmap.30775 
/ceph/build/bin/monmaptool: monmap file /tmp/ceph_monmap.30775
/ceph/build/bin/monmaptool: generated fsid 78ca53ba-40d0-4716-9d53-f24f254e2d0d
epoch 0
fsid 78ca53ba-40d0-4716-9d53-f24f254e2d0d
last_changed 2020-01-02T16:52:44.629708+0000
created 2020-01-02T16:52:44.629708+0000
min_mon_release 0 (unknown)
0: [v2:,v1:] mon.a
1: [v2:,v1:] mon.b
2: [v2:,v1:] mon.c
/ceph/build/bin/monmaptool: writing epoch 0 to /tmp/ceph_monmap.30775 (3 monitors)
rm -rf -- /ceph/build/dev/mon.a 
mkdir -p /ceph/build/dev/mon.a 
/ceph/build/bin/ceph-mon --mkfs -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -i a --monmap=/tmp/ceph_monmap.30775 --keyring=/ceph/build/keyring 
rm -rf -- /ceph/build/dev/mon.b 
mkdir -p /ceph/build/dev/mon.b 
/ceph/build/bin/ceph-mon --mkfs -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -i b --monmap=/tmp/ceph_monmap.30775 --keyring=/ceph/build/keyring 
rm -rf -- /ceph/build/dev/mon.c 
mkdir -p /ceph/build/dev/mon.c 
/ceph/build/bin/ceph-mon --mkfs -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -i c --monmap=/tmp/ceph_monmap.30775 --keyring=/ceph/build/keyring 
rm -- /tmp/ceph_monmap.30775 
/ceph/build/bin/ceph-mon -i a -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf 
/ceph/build/bin/ceph-mon -i b -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf 
/ceph/build/bin/ceph-mon -i c -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf 
Populating config ...

    mgr/telemetry/enable = false
    mgr/telemetry/nag = false
Setting debug configs ...
creating /ceph/build/dev/mgr.x/keyring
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -i /ceph/build/dev/mgr.x/keyring auth add mgr.x mon 'allow profile mgr' mds 'allow *' osd 'allow *' 
added key for mgr.x
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring config set mgr mgr/dashboard/x/ssl_server_port 41763 --force 
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring config set mgr mgr/restful/x/server_port 42763 --force 
Starting mgr.x
/ceph/build/bin/ceph-mgr -i x -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf 
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start
/ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring -h 
waiting for mgr dashboard module to start

The configuration:

# cat /ceph/build/ceph.conf
; generated by on Thu 02 Jan 2020 04:52:44 PM UTC
        num mon = 3
        num osd = 3
        num mds = 3
        num mgr = 1
        num rgw = 1
        num ganesha = 0

        fsid = 55d5f021-9cff-41bb-861e-17dcb5df051e
        osd failsafe full ratio = .99
        mon osd full ratio = .99
        mon osd nearfull ratio = .99
        mon osd backfillfull ratio = .99
        erasure code dir = /ceph/build/lib
        plugin dir = /ceph/build/lib
        filestore fd cache size = 32
        run dir = /ceph/build/out
        crash dir = /ceph/build/out
        enable experimental unrecoverable data corrupting features = *
        osd_crush_chooseleaf_type = 0
        debug asok assert abort = true

        ms bind msgr2 = true
        ms bind msgr1 = true

        lockdep = true
        auth cluster required = cephx
        auth service required = cephx
        auth client required = cephx
        keyring = /ceph/build/keyring
        log file = /ceph/build/out/$name.$pid.log
        admin socket = /tmp/ceph-asok.O14tIJ/$name.$pid.asok

        ; needed for s3tests
        rgw crypt s3 kms backend = testing
        rgw crypt s3 kms encryption keys = testkey-1=YmluCmJvb3N0CmJvb3N0LWJ1aWxkCmNlcGguY29uZgo= testkey-2=aWIKTWFrZWZpbGUKbWFuCm91dApzcmMKVGVzdGluZwo=
        rgw crypt require ssl = false
        ; uncomment the following to set LC days as the value in seconds;
        ; needed for passing lc time based s3-tests (can be verbose)
        ; rgw lc debug interval = 10
        ; The following settings are for SSE-KMS with Vault
        ;rgw crypt s3 kms backend = vault
        ;rgw crypt vault auth = token
        ;rgw crypt vault token file = /ceph/build/vault.token
        ;rgw crypt vault addr =
        ;rgw crypt vault secret engine = kv
        ;rgw crypt vault prefix = /v1/kv/data
        ;rgw crypt vault secret engine = transit
        ;rgw crypt vault prefix = /v1/transit/export/encryption-key/

        debug shell = true

        rgw frontends = beast port=8000
        admin socket = /ceph/build/out/radosgw.8000.asok

        log file = /ceph/build/out/$name.log
        admin socket = /tmp/ceph-asok.O14tIJ/$name.asok
        chdir = "" 
        pid file = /ceph/build/out/$
        heartbeat file = /ceph/build/out/$name.heartbeat

        mds data = /ceph/build/dev/mds.$id
        mds root ino uid = 0
        mds root ino gid = 0

        mgr data = /ceph/build/dev/mgr.$id
        mgr module path = /ceph/src/pybind/mgr
        cephadm path = /ceph/src/cephadm/cephadm

        log file = /ceph/build/out/$name.log
        admin socket = /tmp/ceph-asok.O14tIJ/$name.asok
        chdir = "" 
        pid file = /ceph/build/out/$
        heartbeat file = /ceph/build/out/$name.heartbeat


        log file = /ceph/build/out/$name.log
        admin socket = /tmp/ceph-asok.O14tIJ/$name.asok
        chdir = "" 
        pid file = /ceph/build/out/$
        heartbeat file = /ceph/build/out/$name.heartbeat

        osd_check_max_object_name_len_on_startup = false
        osd data = /ceph/build/dev/osd$id
        osd journal = /ceph/build/dev/osd$id/journal
        osd journal size = 100
        osd class tmp = out
        osd class dir = /ceph/build/lib
        osd class load list = *
        osd class default list = *
        osd fast shutdown = false

        filestore wbthrottle xfs ios start flusher = 10
        filestore wbthrottle xfs ios hard limit = 20
        filestore wbthrottle xfs inodes hard limit = 30
        filestore wbthrottle btrfs ios start flusher = 10
        filestore wbthrottle btrfs ios hard limit = 20
        filestore wbthrottle btrfs inodes hard limit = 30
        bluestore fsck on mount = true
        bluestore block create = true
        bluestore block db path = /ceph/build/dev/osd$id/block.db.file
        bluestore block db size = 1073741824
        bluestore block db create = true
        bluestore block wal path = /ceph/build/dev/osd$id/block.wal.file
        bluestore block wal size = 1048576000
        bluestore block wal create = true

        ; kstore
        kstore fsck on mount = true
        osd objectstore = bluestore

        mgr initial modules = dashboard restful iostat

        log file = /ceph/build/out/$name.log
        admin socket = /tmp/ceph-asok.O14tIJ/$name.asok
        chdir = "" 
        pid file = /ceph/build/out/$
        heartbeat file = /ceph/build/out/$name.heartbeat

        debug mon = 20
        debug paxos = 20
        debug auth = 20
        debug mgrc = 20
        debug ms = 1

        mon cluster log file = /ceph/build/out/cluster.mon.$id.log
        osd pool default erasure code profile = plugin=jerasure technique=reed_sol_van k=2 m=1 crush-failure-domain=osd
        host = ceph-master-docker
        mon data = /ceph/build/dev/mon.a
        host = ceph-master-docker
        mon data = /ceph/build/dev/mon.b
        host = ceph-master-docker
        mon data = /ceph/build/dev/mon.c
        mon host =  [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:]
        host = ceph-master-docker

The module is configured:

# /ceph/build/bin/ceph -c /ceph/build/ceph.conf -k /ceph/build/keyring mgr module ls              
2020-01-02T16:55:29.438+0000 7f6dd3fa1700 -1 WARNING: all dangerous and experimental features are enabled.
2020-01-02T16:55:29.462+0000 7f6dd3fa1700 -1 WARNING: all dangerous and experimental features are enabled.
    "enabled_modules": [
    "disabled_modules": []


mgr.x.log (103 KB) mgr.x.log Volker Theile, 01/02/2020 05:10 PM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to mgr - Bug #45147: Module 'diskprediction_local' takes forever to loadResolved

Actions #1

Updated by Volker Theile over 4 years ago

Actions #2

Updated by Volker Theile over 4 years ago

  • Assignee set to Sage Weil

@Sage Weil I assigned the issue to you because you already worked on that issue some time ago:

Actions #3

Updated by Kiefer Chang over 4 years ago

The mgr hangs when loading `diskprediction_local` module.

Some experiments:
- Move diskprediction_local module folder out of source tree to avoid loading it --> mgr starts.
- The new-created container has scipy 1.4.1. I temporarily replace it with scipy 1.3.2 --> mgr starts.

May be related to #42764.

Actions #4

Updated by Volker Theile over 4 years ago

Kiefer, you made my day. I can confirm that removing the src/pybind/mgr/diskprediction_local/ directory fixes the issue. I assume that downgrading scipy will also fix it, too.

Actions #5

Updated by Patrick Seidensal over 4 years ago

I ran into this today and removing `diskprediction_local` from `src/pybind/mgr` resolved the issue for me.

Actions #6

Updated by Patrick Seidensal over 4 years ago

@Kiefer Chang

That explains why a new build of my container seems to have broken vstart! Thanks for the investigation.

Actions #7

Updated by Lenz Grimmer about 4 years ago

FWIW, I ran into this issue myself a few days ago and was not able to determine the root cause. Downgrading scipy to version 1.3.2 fixed the issue for me.

We should investigate why newer versions of that module cause the diskprediction module to get stuck in initialization.

Actions #8

Updated by Lenz Grimmer about 4 years ago

  • Project changed from Ceph to mgr
  • Subject changed from vstart: ceph -h does not show manager module commands to mgr/diskprediction: diskprediction module fails to initialize with newer SciPy versions
  • Category changed from ceph cli to diskprediction_cloud
  • Regression changed from No to Yes
  • Severity changed from 3 - minor to 2 - major

Updated component and severity according to the latest findings.

Actions #9

Updated by Kiefer Chang about 4 years ago

gdb call trace of ceph-mgr when using with scipy 1.4.1.

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007f1eefe96aaa in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/
#1  0x00007f1ef0582f6f in PyEval_RestoreThread () from /usr/lib64/
#2  0x00007f1ef0608c59 in PyGILState_Ensure () from /usr/lib64/
#3  0x00007f1ec3003e7d in ?? () from /usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/fft/_pocketfft/
#4  0x00007f1ec2f7dcb5 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/fft/_pocketfft/
#5  0x00007f1ec30027ee in ?? () from /usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/fft/_pocketfft/
#6  0x00007f1ec2ff204d in ?? () from /usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/fft/_pocketfft/
#7  0x00007f1ec2ff4f78 in PyInit_pypocketfft () from /usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/fft/_pocketfft/
#8  0x00007f1ef060e3cf in _PyImport_LoadDynamicModuleWithSpec () from /usr/lib64/
#9  0x00007f1ef060fc1d in ?? () from /usr/lib64/
#10 0x00007f1ef0516d97 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/
#11 0x00007f1ef055db52 in PyVectorcall_Call () from /usr/lib64/

NOTE: scipy.fft is a new submodule since scipy 1.4.0 (release note)

Actions #10

Updated by Kiefer Chang almost 4 years ago

  • Related to Bug #45147: Module 'diskprediction_local' takes forever to load added

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