



Bug #3936


rbd: Strange dd speed behaviour (server side issue?)

Added by Ivan Kudryavtsev over 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Target version:
% Done:


2 - major
Affected Versions:
Pull request ID:
Crash signature (v1):
Crash signature (v2):


I have 3 node/15 osds (5 on each), every on separate drive installation (with SSD cache), journal in RAMFS. XFS as backing store for OSD. Also have 3 mons and 3 mds on separate 3 nodes. Every mon writes to SSD. Hosts are connected using 1G/10G mixed. All pools are size=3

I've created RBD device and trying to test it. And have some strange behaviour.

1st, I'm launching fio and got pretty nice results about concurrency and IOPS:

root@hosting-cloud1-s1:~# fio --filename=/dev/rbd/rbd/test --direct=1 --rw=randrw --bs=4k --size=1G --numjobs=50 --runtime=100 --group_reporting --name=test --rwmixread=95 --thread --ioengine=aio
test: (g=0): rw=randrw, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=1
test: (g=0): rw=randrw, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=1
Starting 50 threads
Jobs: 39 (f=39): [mmmmmm_m_mmmmmm_mmmmmmm_mm__mmmmmmmm_mm_m___mmmmmm] [8.4% done] [3452K/249K /s] [843/61 iops] [eta 18m:19s]    
test: (groupid=0, jobs=50): err= 0: pid=25476
  read : io=633276KB, bw=6276KB/s, iops=1569, runt=100903msec
    slat (usec): min=14, max=1385, avg=61.85, stdev= 3.27
    clat (usec): min=57, max=4817K, avg=28138.66, stdev=13854.88
    bw (KB/s) : min=    0, max=  580, per=2.31%, avg=145.27, stdev=14.12
  write: io=34012KB, bw=345166B/s, iops=84, runt=100903msec
    slat (usec): min=18, max=820, avg=63.80, stdev= 3.08
    clat (msec): min=1, max=4169, avg=41.27, stdev=14.50
    bw (KB/s) : min=    0, max=   50, per=2.63%, avg= 8.85, stdev= 1.05
  cpu          : usr=1.88%, sys=12.59%, ctx=9516717, majf=156, minf=253109
  IO depths    : 1=100.0%, 2=0.0%, 4=0.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
     submit    : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
     complete  : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
     issued r/w: total=158319/8503, short=0/0
     lat (usec): 100=0.01%, 250=0.01%, 500=14.07%, 750=15.61%, 1000=8.70%
     lat (msec): 2=14.11%, 4=9.83%, 10=6.89%, 20=7.53%, 50=12.96%
     lat (msec): 100=3.23%, 250=4.12%, 500=2.01%, 750=0.53%, 1000=0.24%
     lat (msec): 2000=0.17%, >=2000=0.01%

Run status group 0 (all jobs):
   READ: io=633276KB, aggrb=6276KB/s, minb=6426KB/s, maxb=6426KB/s, mint=100903msec, maxt=100903msec
  WRITE: io=34012KB, aggrb=337KB/s, minb=345KB/s, maxb=345KB/s, mint=100903msec, maxt=100903msec

Next, I've tried dbench and got next results:

DBench 20 SAS
Operation      Count        AvgLat     MaxLat
NTCreateX    1636786     0.225     493.473
Close        1202468     0.003       4.339
Rename         69322                 0.746     168.787
Unlink        330314     1.272     506.259
Deltree           40                24.670   112.694
Mkdir             20                 0.007       0.007
Qpathinfo    1483642     0.044     548.973
Qfileinfo     260015     0.002       3.554
Qfsinfo       271935     0.007       9.574
Sfileinfo     133431     0.472     505.952
Find          573572     0.060     120.191
WriteX        815868     0.285     687.965
ReadX        2565845     0.034     402.321
LockX           5328                 0.007       3.633
UnlockX         5328                 0.004       0.092
Flush         114709     92.376   993.116

DBench 20 Ceph
Operation      Count    AvgLat    MaxLat
NTCreateX    3031192     0.297  1848.309
Close        2226672     0.004     5.188
Rename        128357     0.633   447.750
Unlink        612116     1.365  1702.513
Deltree           80        37.245   216.251
Mkdir             40         0.007     0.016
Qpathinfo    2747388     0.059   980.984
Qfileinfo     481600     0.002     3.049
Qfsinfo       503764     0.008     4.435
Sfileinfo     246912     0.421  1705.006
Find         1062128     0.070   339.131
WriteX       1511925     0.317   777.022
ReadX        4751626     0.041   773.618
LockX           9874         0.007     1.624
UnlockX         9874         0.004     0.136
Flush         212445    42.397  2963.149

Speed was twice faster than RAID1 2xSAS 10K of 73GB but with higher latency. About 200MB/sec.

Next, I'm trying to do just:

dd if=/dev/rbd/rbd/test of=/var/www-cache/test bs=4M

And it is strange:

1st 1.5G is copied very fast, but next speed moves to almost zero, and when I'm viewing ifstat on DD host it shows almost 0 incoming traffic. And furthermore, when I'm trying to see iostat on OSD host it also shows no activity.

First of all, I've thought that ceph handles bad sparse volumes created and with no data, then I've created Ext4 on RBD and filled with data. Filling was very impressive about speed, but when I've tried to DD volume again, the same picture occured as before - 1st 1.5GB is OK (ifstat/iostat) and next almost to 0.

Actions #1

Updated by Ivan Kudryavtsev over 11 years ago

I also tried to do:
dd if=/dev/rbd/rbd/test of=/dev/null bs=4M - the same situation.

Actions #2

Updated by Ivan Kudryavtsev over 11 years ago

rados -p rbd bench 120 write -t 16

shows about 90-110 MB/sec.

Actions #3

Updated by Ian Colle over 11 years ago

  • Project changed from CephFS to rbd
  • Target version deleted (v0.56)
Actions #4

Updated by Ian Colle over 11 years ago

  • Assignee set to Alex Elder
  • Priority changed from Normal to High
Actions #5

Updated by Greg Farnum over 11 years ago

It's pretty likely that this is a server-side behavior rather than a client-side one. Keep that in mind when reproducing and debugging!

Actions #6

Updated by Ivan Kudryavtsev about 11 years ago

Ifstat output looks like:

       eth1                eth0                ib0        
 KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out
 8057.82    134.23      0.34      0.76  21019.68     71.07
12888.93    211.60      0.19      0.16  25221.22     82.05
10526.51    176.11      0.37      0.16  25223.97     79.15
10956.70    189.17      0.07      0.16  29428.05     92.74
12485.04    221.08      0.13      0.16  19706.17     63.39
 4700.10     78.09      0.07      0.16  30744.86     87.90
 7519.63    126.90      0.26      0.16  21019.66     65.64
12887.68    214.49      0.13      0.16  11487.29     36.72
 9669.09    157.11      0.26      0.16  22144.58     72.16
 8594.75    146.85      0.07      0.16  31353.90    110.93
    0.07      0.08      0.59      0.16     34.26     34.85
   38.20     41.09      0.19      0.16     30.57     34.62
   38.12     40.51      0.19      0.16     34.08     36.34
   17.35     18.32      0.41      0.16     24.78     26.09
   25.69     27.41      0.13      0.16     31.61     33.74
    8.54      9.09      0.07      0.16     25.55     26.07
   17.15     18.25      0.19      0.16     25.06     29.07
   25.49     27.28      0.13      0.16     24.29     25.20
    8.54      9.09      0.13      0.16     30.98     30.74
   25.56     27.28      0.07      0.16     28.17     29.90
    0.07      0.07      0.29      0.25     29.29     33.94
    8.47      9.16      0.16      0.16     30.95     33.54
    8.47      9.09      0.26      0.16     30.18     29.92
   16.95     18.26      0.07      0.16     49.13     52.17
    8.61      9.16      0.19      0.16     27.07     29.92
   16.95     18.12      0.19      0.16     31.00     33.98
   16.95     18.19      0.19      0.16     37.69     38.46
    8.41      9.03      0.13      0.16     31.27     34.21
   16.95     18.19      0.13      0.16     29.32     33.75
   17.79     44.42      0.13      0.16  12620.13     48.53
       eth1                eth0                ib0        
 KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out
 7256.63    129.10      0.40      0.76   4203.80     12.96
12759.52    217.86      0.19      0.16   7170.64     34.16
 5781.17    106.97      0.13      0.16     32.63     34.18
   25.62     27.24      0.16      0.16     30.66     33.99
   14.83     16.01      0.32      0.16     34.98     25.65
   27.86     29.60      0.07      0.16   8412.56     31.97
12889.14    219.37      0.19      0.16  37835.11    115.14
12888.38    216.01      0.07      0.16  21019.31     67.72
17182.41    296.69      0.19      0.16  21020.33     63.20
17182.55    305.12      0.07      0.16  32241.23    102.97

and some time after in the same DD:

24783.31    412.76      0.13      0.16  12611.68     40.37
18053.93    297.39      0.13      0.16  21019.87     65.68
19858.86    321.00      0.12      0.16  21020.61     64.59
20273.00    333.89      0.21      0.32  21020.08     65.88
15707.43    274.34      0.07      0.16  16829.48     60.19
       eth1                eth0                ib0        
 KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out
 2684.44     45.98      0.32      0.39     36.19     38.44
 4305.16     80.63      0.26      0.42   7540.23     37.67
 4313.70     84.18      0.27      0.16     32.71     34.81
    8.67      9.16      0.07      0.16     30.40     33.99
    0.06      0.00      0.13      0.16     31.59     33.74
    0.00      0.00      0.13      0.16     29.42     30.12
   34.08     36.34      0.19      0.16     24.92     25.63
   17.08     18.18      0.32      0.16     27.13     29.50
    8.61      9.16      0.19      0.16     38.85     42.75
    8.48      9.09      0.07      0.16     28.98     29.27
    8.47      9.09      0.32      0.16     23.29     25.40
    0.00      0.00      0.07      0.16     29.18     28.64
    0.00      0.00      0.13      0.16     24.52     29.65
    8.61      9.23      0.50      0.16     23.54     21.58
   17.21     18.24      0.13      0.16     30.48     33.71
    0.07      0.07      0.44      0.16     32.17     33.97
    8.41      9.03      0.38      0.16     26.41     29.03
    8.54      9.16      0.32      0.16     39.22     42.34
    8.72      9.34      0.26      0.16     40.70     42.13
   25.49     27.27      0.13      0.16     20.67     21.98
    0.00      0.00      0.61      0.16     30.96     33.71
   23.69     25.52      0.07      0.16     21.02     22.03
   10.41     10.95      0.49      0.16     26.15     29.86
   16.88     18.18      0.13      0.16     28.37     27.13
   25.76     27.42      0.43      0.16     30.27     33.75
   12.58     13.61      0.32      0.16     32.64     33.80
   80.81     86.37      0.49      0.16     14.56     15.82
   34.42     36.47      0.13      0.16     20.93     23.29
   49.19     52.67      0.56      0.16     24.35     26.94
   18.82     20.23      0.28      0.16     19.71     21.58
       eth1                eth0                ib0        
 KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out
   26.07     27.67      0.56      0.48     28.89     30.34
    8.22      8.89      0.19      0.16     23.76     25.19
    8.54      9.09      0.19      0.16     27.69     30.10
    0.07      0.07      0.13      0.16     26.15     29.26
   25.29     27.20      0.13      0.16     41.69     43.37
    0.20      0.15      0.19      0.16     35.14     37.83
   12.46     13.45      0.19      0.16     23.49     25.41
   13.17     13.96      0.13      0.16     37.74     38.72
   17.25     18.49      0.07      0.16     31.33     34.59
   29.96     32.03      0.19      0.16     20.07     22.25
   21.18     22.62      0.13      0.16     40.74     42.95
   25.37     27.14      0.13      0.16     37.95     39.29
    0.00      0.00      0.07      0.16     29.92     33.94
    8.61      9.16      0.13      0.16     29.41     29.50
   16.95     18.19      0.13      0.16     22.48     25.62
   17.28     18.46      0.19      0.16     26.59     25.64
   16.76     17.91      0.13      0.16     26.56     29.64
   17.21     18.24      0.19      0.16     28.89     30.34
    0.07      0.07      0.13      0.16     38.22     40.15
   53.68     57.29      0.13      0.16     24.69     27.34
    6.30      6.74      0.07      0.16     36.93     41.68
   16.81     18.10      0.19      0.16     24.21     25.21
    0.27      0.15      0.07      0.16     26.45     25.22
   16.50     17.95      0.19      0.16     21.93     25.65
   26.07     27.64      0.13      0.16     35.15     38.67
   22.48     24.36      0.13      0.16     35.78     35.05
   11.50     12.02      0.13      0.16     24.05     25.41
    8.54      9.16      0.13      0.16     32.96     37.61
   17.32     18.49      0.07      0.16     40.01     30.39
   33.96     36.29      0.13      0.16     30.93     30.34
       eth1                eth0                ib0        
 KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out
   37.74     40.52      0.51      0.64     17.17     18.55
   21.90     23.25      0.13      0.25     33.52     38.02
    8.41      9.03      0.07      0.16     34.22     34.40
    8.61      9.16      0.19      0.16     29.31     33.32
   11.17     12.00      0.07      0.16     27.41     29.48
   31.07     33.27      0.13      0.16     22.01     21.37
   17.00     18.10      0.19      0.16     30.50     33.77
    0.00      0.00      7.62      0.16     33.19     33.76
   17.08     18.32      0.07      0.16     33.05     38.47
   33.97     36.36      0.19      0.16     25.11     25.63
    8.60      9.14      0.13      0.16     25.07     25.68
   17.15     18.33      0.19      0.16     18.99     21.77
    8.54      9.15      0.32      0.16     36.89     38.69
    8.61      9.16      0.26      0.22     29.54     32.89
    8.66      9.36      0.07      0.16     21.62     21.38
   17.78     18.38      0.19      0.16     31.17     35.04
 4297.43     70.61      0.13      0.16  21019.40     65.80
 8593.37    147.89      0.13      0.16   8414.72     34.85
 2052.93     76.16      0.13      0.16     27.79     29.70
   42.50     45.38      0.13      0.16     28.30     30.77
    0.00      0.00      0.13      0.16   6596.35     48.00
 4305.66     78.92      0.32      0.16  25486.20     82.40
 8594.28    137.26      0.19      0.16  18391.33     57.92
 7923.04    135.33      0.19      0.16  12612.10     38.68
 9265.37    154.34      0.32      0.16  29427.89     86.30
 4297.46     71.44      0.32      0.16  41776.19    125.82
11680.27    190.47      0.07      0.16  25486.26     79.69
 2573.42     45.14      0.13      0.16  27063.31     80.92
 9780.42    159.76      0.28      0.16  16158.55     52.03
16240.82    280.61      0.13      0.16  24040.91     73.10
       eth1                eth0                ib0        
 KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out
15569.96    268.50      0.34      0.76  29419.37     93.12
 4295.88     74.65      0.19      0.16  38359.55    116.29
12888.82    214.54      0.07      0.16  24699.23     74.49
11280.13    180.17      0.19      0.16  26799.46     86.48
 2693.27     43.31      0.13      0.16  23648.67     68.44
14161.33    231.31      0.19      0.16  20874.91     62.78
14164.57    237.77      0.19      0.16  17749.25     56.70
12622.60    212.63      0.13      0.16  11823.39     38.79

Actions #7

Updated by Ivan Kudryavtsev about 11 years ago

eth1 and ib0 connected to ceph cloud.

Actions #8

Updated by Alex Elder about 11 years ago

I'm sorry if I missed it, but can you tell me the version
of the kernel you are working with? Running "uname -a"
might be enough. I'd like to try to narrow down which
recent changes might (or might not) have contributed to
this behavior. Thanks.

Actions #9

Updated by Ivan Kudryavtsev about 11 years ago

Linux 3.7.2-ceph #1 SMP Wed Jan 16 23:25:11 NOVT 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Kernel config:

Actions #10

Updated by Ivan Kudryavtsev about 11 years ago

During slow periods iostat shows no operations on OSDs. First of all I've thought about sceduler and iowait problems, but seems it's somewhere inside ceph.

Actions #11

Updated by Alex Elder about 11 years ago


That tells me a lot, and in fact makes me suspect it might
not be rbd that's the cause.

What can you tell me about the version of ceph you have
running on an osd node?

Actions #12

Updated by Sage Weil about 11 years ago

It may be a network issue as well. Is it easy for you by chance to try with regular ethernet (say, gig instead of 10gig) on the client side?

Actions #13

Updated by Josh Durgin about 11 years ago

  • Subject changed from rbd: Strange dd speed behaviour to rbd: Strange dd speed behaviour (server side issue?)
  • Assignee changed from Alex Elder to Josh Durgin

What size is the journal on your osds? You may just be seeing a slowdown when the journals fill up, and must be flushed to the main osd data store.

Also, could you try the dd with conv=fsync and oflag=sync so that the client page cache doesn't confuse things?

Actions #14

Updated by Ivan Kudryavtsev about 11 years ago

Tried on regular 1G ethernet (other client server). Works well. Speed is stable and no such effect.

I don't understand how it could be connected to network? Since it works almost good on high speed IB, but slow down for 5-15 seconds from time to time.

Will try at the same server with IB network disabled.

Ceph version is 0.56.2.

Actions #15

Updated by Ivan Kudryavtsev about 11 years ago

Journal is 1G in RAM. Since there are no writers at all yet, I don't think that journal is filled and causes device syncing. As I wrote before, no valuable iops activity detected during slow down.

Actions #16

Updated by Ian Colle about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Network issue.


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