


Feature #2698 ยป README.rst

command to add inktank-dhcp.conf for upstart - JuanJose Galvez, 07/05/2012 04:12 PM

Run Crowbar on Sepia

Here are quick & ugly scripts to run Crowbar on Sepia.


Install necessary packages::

sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin python-lxml

Add aliases to avoid typing so much::

install -d -m0755 ~/.libvirt
cat <<-'EOF'
uri_aliases = [

Test your libvirt client::

virsh -c vercoi08 hostname

Picking a server to use

There are several servers. You need to pick one. There is currently no
automation to help you pick.

Avoid ``vercoi01`` and ``vercoi02``, they will be running more
production-ish vms.

Avoid servers that are low on free RAM. Use ``virsh -c vercoiNN

You can spread a single Crowbar setup over multiple servers.


Things you need:

- ``URI``: the libvirt server to talk to, looks like ``vercoiNN``
- ``NETWORK``: reserve an isolated network:
looks like ``isolatedN``
- ``ISO``: choose what ISO to use (``openstack-fred.iso`` was latest
upstream when this was written)
- ``NAME``: pick a unique name for your run -- it should include your
username in it, for example ``jdoe-bug1234``

To create the admin node::

./create-admin URI NETWORK ISO NAME

Now connect to the console via VNC and finish the
installation. ``virt-manager`` is a nice tool for Linux users. Once
again, replace ``NAME`` with what you chose above, and run::

cd /tftpboot/ubuntu_dvd/extra
sudo ./install
sudo screen -r

TODO VNC guide for non-linux

To use the Crowbar web UI, run on the console::

sudo dhclient eth1
ip a show dev eth1

And, using the IP address shown, open browser to http://IP:3000/

Run the following and eth1 will be automatically available after each reboot::

sudo tee /etc/init/inktank-dhcp.conf <<EOF
description "Bring up 'front' network on eth1."
start on startup
exec /sbin/dhclient eth1
end script


Once the server is running, add nodes by running::

./create-node URI NETWORK NAME 1
./create-node URI NETWORK NAME 2
# repeat with increasing numbers, if you need more


And finally, once you are done testing, remove your vms::

./destroy URI NAME

``destroy`` only acts on one server. If you spread your Crowbar setup
over multiple servers, run it against all the servers you had virtual
machines on.