====================== Run Crowbar on Sepia ====================== Here are quick & ugly scripts to run Crowbar on Sepia. Installation ============ Install necessary packages:: sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin python-lxml Add aliases to avoid typing so much:: install -d -m0755 ~/.libvirt cat <<-'EOF' uri_aliases = [ 'vercoi01=qemu+ssh://ubuntu@vercoi01.front.sepia.ceph.com/system?no_tty', 'vercoi02=qemu+ssh://ubuntu@vercoi02.front.sepia.ceph.com/system?no_tty', 'vercoi03=qemu+ssh://ubuntu@vercoi03.front.sepia.ceph.com/system?no_tty', 'vercoi04=qemu+ssh://ubuntu@vercoi04.front.sepia.ceph.com/system?no_tty', 'vercoi05=qemu+ssh://ubuntu@vercoi05.front.sepia.ceph.com/system?no_tty', 'vercoi06=qemu+ssh://ubuntu@vercoi06.front.sepia.ceph.com/system?no_tty', 'vercoi07=qemu+ssh://ubuntu@vercoi07.front.sepia.ceph.com/system?no_tty', 'vercoi08=qemu+ssh://ubuntu@vercoi08.front.sepia.ceph.com/system?no_tty', ] EOF Test your libvirt client:: virsh -c vercoi08 hostname Picking a server to use ======================= There are several servers. You need to pick one. There is currently no automation to help you pick. Avoid ``vercoi01`` and ``vercoi02``, they will be running more production-ish vms. Avoid servers that are low on free RAM. Use ``virsh -c vercoiNN nodememstats``. You can spread a single Crowbar setup over multiple servers. Usage ===== Things you need: - ``URI``: the libvirt server to talk to, looks like ``vercoiNN`` - ``NETWORK``: reserve an isolated network: https://docs.google.com/a/inktank.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArMxA48Whwo_dHVNQUNLeDMyTjZaSjNTTjB6d2s4VkE#gid=0 looks like ``isolatedN`` - ``ISO``: choose what ISO to use (``openstack-fred.iso`` was latest upstream when this was written) - ``NAME``: pick a unique name for your run -- it should include your username in it, for example ``jdoe-bug1234`` To create the admin node:: ./create-admin URI NETWORK ISO NAME Now connect to the console via VNC and finish the installation. ``virt-manager`` is a nice tool for Linux users. Once again, replace ``NAME`` with what you chose above, and run:: cd /tftpboot/ubuntu_dvd/extra sudo ./install NAME.crow.sepia.ceph.com sudo screen -r TODO VNC guide for non-linux To use the Crowbar web UI, run on the console:: sudo dhclient eth1 ip a show dev eth1 And, using the IP address shown, open browser to http://IP:3000/ Run the following and eth1 will be automatically available after each reboot:: sudo tee /etc/init/inktank-dhcp.conf <