



Bug #6494


High memory consumption of qemu/librbd with enabled cache

Added by Ivan Mironov over 10 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Target version:
% Done:


firefly, dumpling
2 - major
Affected Versions:
Pull request ID:
Crash signature (v1):
Crash signature (v2):


I observe very high memory consumption on client with write-intensive load with qemu 1.6.0 + librbd 0.67.3.

For benchmarking purposes I'm trying to simultaneously run 15 VMs with 3 GiB of RAM on the one host. Each VM uses RBD image cloned from protected snapshot of "master image". After boot of each VM, "rpm -ihv" with a bunch of really large RPMs (~8 GiB of unpacked small files) is automatically started. Here is part of libvirt's XML of one of these VMs:

    <disk type='network' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='writeback'/>
      <source protocol='rbd' name='storage-benchmark-vms/vm-image-1:rbd_cache=1:rbd_cache_max_dirty=134217728:rbd_cache_size=268435456:rbd_cache_max_dirty_age=20'>
        <host name='' port='6789'/>
        <host name='' port='6789'/>
        <host name='' port='6789'/>
      <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
      <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/>

Some time after start I can see unexpected growth of memory consumption of qemu-kvm processes:
 5565 qemu      20   0 9091m 7.3g  10m S  2.6  7.7   4:41.31 qemu-kvm
 5416 qemu      20   0 8059m 6.4g  10m S 27.8  6.8   4:40.93 qemu-kvm
 5490 qemu      20   0 6723m 5.3g  10m S 26.2  5.6   4:30.51 qemu-kvm
 5591 qemu      20   0 6475m 5.1g  10m S 39.1  5.3   4:35.68 qemu-kvm
 5390 qemu      20   0 6227m 4.9g  10m S  2.0  5.1   4:26.42 qemu-kvm
 5615 qemu      20   0 6203m 4.8g  10m S 27.5  5.1   4:34.56 qemu-kvm
 5692 qemu      20   0 6171m 4.8g  10m S 17.5  5.1   4:28.95 qemu-kvm
 5666 qemu      20   0 6163m 4.8g  10m S  2.0  5.1   4:29.66 qemu-kvm
 5740 qemu      20   0 6139m 4.8g  10m S 23.2  5.1   4:39.22 qemu-kvm
 5716 qemu      20   0 5899m 4.6g  10m S 20.2  4.8   4:30.84 qemu-kvm
 5539 qemu      20   0 5827m 4.5g  10m S  1.7  4.8   4:27.02 qemu-kvm
 5515 qemu      20   0 5651m 4.4g  10m S  4.6  4.7   4:25.20 qemu-kvm
 5640 qemu      20   0 5603m 4.3g  10m S  6.6  4.6   4:28.90 qemu-kvm
 5442 qemu      20   0 5373m 4.1g  10m S  2.3  4.4   4:28.45 qemu-kvm
 5466 qemu      20   0 5387m 4.1g  10m S 41.7  4.3   4:41.00 qemu-kvm

It could grow up further:
 5565 qemu 20 0 22.6g 18g 2772 S 2.6 20.0 6:07.40 qemu-kvm                                                                                                                                                                         

And then free some part of memory at some point:
 5565 qemu 20 0 8011m 6.0g 2796 S 2.3 6.3 6:23.10 qemu-kvm                                                                                                                                                                          

I tried to reduce cache size to defaults, as suggested on #ceph (replace "rbd_cache=1:rbd_cache_max_dirty=134217728:rbd_cache_size=268435456:rbd_cache_max_dirty_age=20" with just "rbd_cache=1"), but it didn't help much:
15297 qemu 20 0 7747m 6.1g 10m S 1.0 6.4 4:47.26 qemu-kvm 

Then I tried to disable cache (remove "cache='writeback'" and change rbd_cache to 0), and memory consumption became normal:
19590 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  9.2  3.2   3:33.42 qemu-kvm
19526 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  8.6  3.1   3:22.01 qemu-kvm
19399 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  9.6  3.1   3:15.01 qemu-kvm
19612 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  3.0  3.1   4:12.41 qemu-kvm
19568 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  3.0  3.1   3:32.04 qemu-kvm
19632 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  7.3  3.1   3:47.57 qemu-kvm
19419 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  8.9  3.1   3:20.40 qemu-kvm
19484 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  7.6  3.1   3:30.56 qemu-kvm
19676 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  4.0  3.1   3:48.99 qemu-kvm
19654 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  7.3  3.1   3:49.83 qemu-kvm
19464 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  8.9  3.1   3:45.45 qemu-kvm
19441 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  7.3  3.1   3:20.58 qemu-kvm
19377 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  7.9  3.1   3:16.99 qemu-kvm
19548 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  9.9  3.1   3:33.59 qemu-kvm
19506 qemu      20   0 4251m 3.0g  10m S  7.6  3.1   3:16.94 qemu-kvm

I also tried to drop all caches inside one of the VMs and see how memory usage of qemu-kvm will change:
killall -s STOP rpm
echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

But it didn't made any difference outside of VM (except CPU usage because of SIGSTOP).


massif.out.8867 (56.1 KB) massif.out.8867 Ivan Mironov, 10/09/2013 03:00 AM
massif.out.11923 (5.12 MB) massif.out.11923 Ivan Mironov, 10/10/2013 07:29 AM
plot.svg (15.2 KB) plot.svg Ivan Mironov, 10/10/2013 07:29 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Ivan Mironov over 10 years ago

It seems that I found a way to run qemu-kvm under valgrind/massif and trigger this issue. It looks like all this happens only if VM is able to generate write requests much faster that network can transmit. I only have 1 gbit/s network on my test setup, but it is still too fast for just one qemu running under valgrind, so I manually reduced network bandwidth with "tc". Here is the result:

Command:            /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -name storage-benchmark-vm-1 -M pc-i440fx-1.6
 -enable-kvm -m 3072 -smp 2,sockets=2,cores=1,threads=1 -uuid ec7d60dc-423b-db56-1e83-9781200b13b4
 -no-user-config -nodefaults -rtc base=utc -no-hpet -boot c
 -drive file=rbd:storage-benchmark-vms/vm-image-3:rbd_cache=1:auth_supported=none:mon_host=\:6789;\:6789;\:6789,if=none,id=drive-ide0-0-0,format=raw,cache=writeback
 -device ide-drive,bus=ide.0,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-0-0,id=ide0-0-0
 -drive file=/oneclickse/test//tests/current.iso,if=none,media=cdrom,id=drive-ide0-1-0,readonly=on,format=raw,cache=none
 -device ide-drive,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-1-0,id=ide0-1-0 -usb -vnc -vga cirrus
 -device virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3

Massif arguments:   --alloc-fn=g_malloc --alloc-fn=g_malloc0
ms_print arguments: massif.out.8867

5.274^                                          #                             
     |                                          #                             
     |                                          #                             
     |                                          #                             
     |                                        @@#                :            
     |                                        @ #                :            
     |                                        @ #              @@:            
     |                                        @ #              @ :            
     |                                        @ #              @ :            
     |                                        @ #             :@ :            
     |                                      @@@ #             :@ :            
     |                                      @ @ #             :@ :            
     |                                      @ @ #            ::@ :            
     |                                     @@ @ #   :        ::@ :            
     |                                     @@ @ #   :        ::@ :            
     |                                     @@ @ #   :     @ :::@ :            
     |                                    :@@ @ #::::     @ :::@ :            
     |                              @     :@@ @ #: ::@::  @ :::@ :            
     |                              @     :@@ @ #: ::@:  :@::::@ :            
     |     @                        @ ::  :@@ @ #: ::@: ::@::::@ ::           
   0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->Gi
     0                                                                   274.1

Number of snapshots: 58
 Detailed snapshots: [4, 9, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 (peak), 34, 38, 43, 48, 57]

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
  0              0                0                0             0            0
  1  5,607,065,627       11,631,800       11,235,363       396,437            0
  2 11,972,275,041       20,512,312       19,579,568       932,744            0
  3 16,330,249,323       37,424,608       37,094,162       330,446            0
  4 20,553,079,730      478,834,640      477,854,067       980,573            0
99.80% (477,854,067B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->81.05% (388,097,673B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->80.59% (385,875,968B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |     ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |       ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |         ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |           ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |             ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |               ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |                 ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |                   ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |                     ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |                       ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |                         ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |                           ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |                             ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |                               ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |                                 ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |                                   ->78.83% (377,487,360B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |                                     
| | ->01.75% (8,388,608B) 0x768B832: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | | ->01.75% (8,388,608B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   ->01.75% (8,388,608B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |     ->01.75% (8,388,608B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |       ->01.75% (8,388,608B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |         ->01.75% (8,388,608B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |           ->01.75% (8,388,608B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |             ->01.75% (8,388,608B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |               ->01.75% (8,388,608B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |                 ->01.75% (8,388,608B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |                   
| | ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.46% (2,221,705B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->11.63% (55,685,120B) 0x7C207E8: ceph::buffer::create_page_aligned(unsigned int) (
| ->11.63% (55,685,120B) 0x7BA4EAB: Pipe::read_message(Message**) (
| | ->11.63% (55,685,120B) 0x7BB39CF: Pipe::reader() (
| |   ->11.63% (55,685,120B) 0x7BB6C0B: Pipe::Reader::entry() (Pipe.h:47)
| |     ->11.63% (55,685,120B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| |       ->11.63% (55,685,120B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| |         
| ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->01.79% (8,565,106B) in 314 places, all below massif's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
  5 26,599,009,471      122,125,400      121,007,944     1,117,456            0
  6 31,961,814,888      225,807,288      225,412,549       394,739            0
  7 39,207,023,695      112,298,376      111,784,451       513,925            0
  8 45,540,155,093       82,709,568       82,402,864       306,704            0
  9 49,492,310,845      115,651,216      115,294,790       356,426            0
99.69% (115,294,790B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->28.99% (33,529,856B) 0x7C207E8: ceph::buffer::create_page_aligned(unsigned int) (
| ->28.99% (33,529,856B) 0x7BA4EAB: Pipe::read_message(Message**) (
| | ->28.99% (33,529,856B) 0x7BB39CF: Pipe::reader() (
| |   ->28.99% (33,529,856B) 0x7BB6C0B: Pipe::Reader::entry() (Pipe.h:47)
| |     ->28.99% (33,529,856B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| |       ->28.99% (33,529,856B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| |         
| ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->14.53% (16,801,792B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->14.51% (16,777,216B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->14.51% (16,777,216B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->14.51% (16,777,216B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x7644418: librbd::AioCompletion::finish_adding_requests(CephContext*) (
| | |     ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x766BBDE: librbd::aio_read(librbd::ImageCtx*, std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> > > const&, char*, ceph::buffer::list*, librbd::AioCompletion*) (
| | |       ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x7645D54: librbd::AioRequest::read_from_parent(std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> > >&) (
| | |         ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x76468E8: librbd::AbstractWrite::should_complete(int) (
| | |           ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x7655581: librbd::rados_req_cb(void*, void*) (AioRequest.h:37)
| | |             ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x7A51F16: librados::C_AioSafe::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:194)
| | |               ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |                 ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |                   ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |                     ->07.25% (8,388,608B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |                       
| | ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.02% (24,576B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->02.72% (3,145,728B) 0xAEF1282: _pixman_bits_image_init (in /usr/lib64/
| ->02.72% (3,145,728B) 0xAEF135A: pixman_image_create_bits (in /usr/lib64/
|   ->02.72% (3,145,728B) 0x355947: vnc_dpy_switch (vnc.c:585)
|   | ->02.72% (3,145,728B) 0x3368C0: dpy_gfx_replace_surface (console.c:1424)
|   | | ->02.72% (3,145,728B) 0x38E461: vga_update_display (vga.c:1699)
|   | | | ->02.72% (3,145,728B) 0x3521EC: vnc_refresh (vnc.c:2741)
|   | | |   ->02.72% (3,145,728B) 0x335310: gui_update (console.c:1436)
|   | | |     ->02.72% (3,145,728B) 0x3173E9: qemu_run_timers (qemu-timer.c:394)
|   | | |       ->02.72% (3,145,728B) 0x31743B: qemu_run_all_timers (qemu-timer.c:453)
|   | | |         ->02.72% (3,145,728B) 0x2DC28B: main_loop_wait (main-loop.c:471)
|   | | |           ->02.72% (3,145,728B) 0x35B235: main (vl.c:2090)
|   | | |             
|   | | ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
|   | | 
|   | ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
|   | 
|   ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->02.64% (3,052,816B) 0x358F3B: malloc_and_trace (vl.c:2830)
| ->02.16% (2,493,990B) 0x52767D1: g_malloc (in /lib64/
| | ->01.81% (2,097,152B) 0x1E8C5D: qemu_coroutine_new (coroutine-ucontext.c:144)
| | | ->01.81% (2,097,152B) 0x31273F: qemu_coroutine_create (qemu-coroutine.c:44)
| | |   ->01.81% (2,097,152B) in 2 places, all below massif's threshold (01.00%)
| | |     
| | ->00.34% (396,838B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.48% (558,826B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->01.87% (2,159,212B) in 312 places, all below massif's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 10 55,661,409,321      106,102,776      105,748,409       354,367            0
 11 61,311,879,350      154,343,640      153,876,820       466,820            0
 12 69,144,336,382      115,429,160      115,105,827       323,333            0
 13 75,437,173,160      163,611,320      163,065,860       545,460            0
 14 83,156,536,516       84,315,264       83,901,182       414,082            0
 15 87,098,528,861      118,413,600      118,080,338       333,262            0
 16 91,971,623,468       89,678,480       88,844,587       833,893            0
 17 97,833,308,214      116,851,624      116,469,391       382,233            0
 18 105,548,741,092      176,541,048      175,232,796     1,308,252            0
 19 111,157,341,614      108,397,120      107,148,969     1,248,151            0
 20 116,958,090,460      209,663,896      208,528,526     1,135,370            0
 21 123,438,390,514    1,042,055,400    1,040,255,936     1,799,464            0
99.83% (1,040,255,936B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->90.97% (947,978,377B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->90.97% (947,912,704B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->90.16% (939,524,096B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | |   
| | ->00.81% (8,388,608B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.01% (65,673B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->02.41% (25,128,960B) 0x7C207E8: ceph::buffer::create_page_aligned(unsigned int) (
| ->02.41% (25,128,960B) 0x7BA4EAB: Pipe::read_message(Message**) (
| | ->02.41% (25,128,960B) 0x7BB39CF: Pipe::reader() (
| |   ->02.41% (25,128,960B) 0x7BB6C0B: Pipe::Reader::entry() (Pipe.h:47)
| |     ->02.41% (25,128,960B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| |       ->02.41% (25,128,960B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| |         
| ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->00.84% (8,728,492B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 22 129,271,052,719      112,145,360      110,360,672     1,784,688            0
 23 134,287,876,761      291,533,584      288,859,969     2,673,615            0
 24 142,673,615,936       79,889,872       79,260,793       629,079            0
99.21% (79,260,793B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->31.49% (25,153,536B) 0x7C207E8: ceph::buffer::create_page_aligned(unsigned int) (
| ->31.49% (25,153,536B) 0x7BA4EAB: Pipe::read_message(Message**) (
| | ->31.49% (25,153,536B) 0x7BB39CF: Pipe::reader() (
| |   ->31.49% (25,153,536B) 0x7BB6C0B: Pipe::Reader::entry() (Pipe.h:47)
| |     ->31.49% (25,153,536B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| |       ->31.49% (25,153,536B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| |         
| ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->03.94% (3,145,728B) 0xAEF1282: _pixman_bits_image_init (in /usr/lib64/
| ->03.94% (3,145,728B) 0xAEF135A: pixman_image_create_bits (in /usr/lib64/
|   ->03.94% (3,145,728B) 0x355947: vnc_dpy_switch (vnc.c:585)
|   | ->03.94% (3,145,728B) 0x3368C0: dpy_gfx_replace_surface (console.c:1424)
|   | | ->03.94% (3,145,728B) 0x38E461: vga_update_display (vga.c:1699)
|   | | | ->03.94% (3,145,728B) 0x3521EC: vnc_refresh (vnc.c:2741)
|   | | |   ->03.94% (3,145,728B) 0x335310: gui_update (console.c:1436)
|   | | |     ->03.94% (3,145,728B) 0x3173E9: qemu_run_timers (qemu-timer.c:394)
|   | | |       ->03.94% (3,145,728B) 0x31743B: qemu_run_all_timers (qemu-timer.c:453)
|   | | |         ->03.94% (3,145,728B) 0x2DC28B: main_loop_wait (main-loop.c:471)
|   | | |           ->03.94% (3,145,728B) 0x35B235: main (vl.c:2090)
|   | | |             
|   | | ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
|   | | 
|   | ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
|   | 
|   ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->03.82% (3,055,168B) 0x358F3B: malloc_and_trace (vl.c:2830)
| ->03.12% (2,496,342B) 0x52767D1: g_malloc (in /lib64/
| | ->02.63% (2,097,152B) 0x1E8C5D: qemu_coroutine_new (coroutine-ucontext.c:144)
| | | ->02.63% (2,097,152B) 0x31273F: qemu_coroutine_create (qemu-coroutine.c:44)
| | |   ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x1AF4AD: bdrv_rwv_co (block.c:2223)
| | |   | ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x1AF5CF: bdrv_rw_co (block.c:2245)
| | |   |   ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x1AF892: bdrv_read_unthrottled (block.c:2264)
| | |   |     ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x21CA6E: guess_disk_lchs (hd-geometry.c:68)
| | |   |       ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x21CB9E: hd_geometry_guess (hd-geometry.c:125)
| | |   |         ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x2189D8: blkconf_geometry (block.c:41)
| | |   |           ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x26702F: ide_dev_initfn (qdev.c:164)
| | |   |             ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x236452: device_realize (qdev.c:178)
| | |   |               ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x236D11: device_set_realized (qdev.c:699)
| | |   |                 ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x32328C: property_set_bool (object.c:1300)
| | |   |                   ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x325E83: object_property_set_qobject (qom-qobject.c:24)
| | |   |                     ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x323AAC: object_property_set_bool (object.c:851)
| | |   |                       ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x237668: qdev_init (qdev.c:163)
| | |   |                         ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x30A85E: qdev_device_add (qdev-monitor.c:527)
| | |   |                           ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x357497: device_init_func (vl.c:2383)
| | |   |                             ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x481818: qemu_opts_foreach (qemu-option.c:1143)
| | |   |                               ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x35B0B6: main (vl.c:4334)
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x1AB983: bdrv_co_aio_rw_vector (block.c:3893)
| | |     ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x1ABB4F: bdrv_aio_readv (block.c:3377)
| | |       ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x1EF433: dma_bdrv_cb (dma-helpers.c:172)
| | |         ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x1EF55A: dma_bdrv_io (dma-helpers.c:218)
| | |           ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x1EF61B: dma_bdrv_read (dma-helpers.c:227)
| | |             ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x2641AB: ide_dma_cb (core.c:676)
| | |               ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x265EC1: bmdma_cmd_writeb (pci.c:324)
| | |                 ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x3BB036: access_with_adjusted_size (memory.c:477)
| | |                   ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x3BC4EA: io_mem_write (memory.c:989)
| | |                     ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x36DEA5: address_space_rw (exec.c:1973)
| | |                       ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x3B7264: cpu_outb (ioport.c:51)
| | |                         ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x3BA7FF: kvm_cpu_exec (kvm-all.c:1517)
| | |                           ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x3651B0: qemu_kvm_cpu_thread_fn (cpus.c:785)
| | |                             ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |                               ->01.31% (1,048,576B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |                                 
| | ->00.50% (399,190B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.70% (558,826B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->01.56% (1,246,065B) in 313 places, all below massif's threshold (01.00%)
->01.18% (943,616B) 0x358EF7: realloc_and_trace (vl.c:2837)
  ->01.18% (943,616B) 0x527661F: g_realloc (in /lib64/
    ->01.18% (943,616B) in 11 places, all below massif's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 25 149,411,482,472    1,223,140,776    1,220,508,587     2,632,189            0
 26 153,796,649,825    2,087,597,752    2,084,546,096     3,051,656            0
99.85% (2,084,546,096B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->95.64% (1,996,521,472B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->95.64% (1,996,488,704B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->95.23% (1,988,100,096B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | |   
| | ->00.40% (8,388,608B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.00% (32,768B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->01.20% (25,153,536B) 0x7C207E8: ceph::buffer::create_page_aligned(unsigned int) (
| ->01.20% (25,153,536B) 0x7BA4EAB: Pipe::read_message(Message**) (
| | ->01.20% (25,153,536B) 0x7BB39CF: Pipe::reader() (
| |   ->01.20% (25,153,536B) 0x7BB6C0B: Pipe::Reader::entry() (Pipe.h:47)
| |     ->01.20% (25,153,536B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| |       ->01.20% (25,153,536B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| |         
| ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->00.47% (9,734,623B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 27 158,522,635,188    3,010,805,008    3,007,303,477     3,501,531            0
99.88% (3,007,303,477B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->96.96% (2,919,268,352B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->96.96% (2,919,235,584B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->96.68% (2,910,846,976B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | |   
| | ->00.28% (8,388,608B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.00% (32,768B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->01.16% (34,898,660B) in 320 places, all below massif's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 28 163,634,151,031    4,009,584,152    4,005,594,100     3,990,052            0
99.90% (4,005,594,100B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->97.70% (3,917,512,841B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->97.70% (3,917,479,936B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->97.49% (3,909,091,328B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | |   
| | ->00.21% (8,388,608B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.00% (32,905B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->00.87% (34,944,794B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 29 167,549,711,252    4,773,349,288    4,768,990,014     4,359,274            0
99.91% (4,768,990,014B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->98.06% (4,680,876,169B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->98.06% (4,680,843,264B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->97.89% (4,672,454,656B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | |   
| | ->00.18% (8,388,608B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.00% (32,905B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->00.73% (34,977,380B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 30 172,273,415,923    5,663,020,216    5,658,226,689     4,793,527            0
99.92% (5,658,226,689B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->98.36% (5,570,068,617B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->98.36% (5,570,035,712B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->98.36% (5,570,035,712B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->98.36% (5,570,035,712B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->96.58% (5,469,372,416B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->01.78% (100,663,296B) 0x7644418: librbd::AioCompletion::finish_adding_requests(CephContext*) (
| | |     ->01.78% (100,663,296B) 0x766BBDE: librbd::aio_read(librbd::ImageCtx*, std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> > > const&, char*, ceph::buffer::list*, librbd::AioCompletion*) (
| | |       ->01.78% (100,663,296B) 0x7645D54: librbd::AioRequest::read_from_parent(std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> > >&) (
| | |         ->01.78% (100,663,296B) 0x76468E8: librbd::AbstractWrite::should_complete(int) (
| | |           ->01.78% (100,663,296B) 0x7655581: librbd::rados_req_cb(void*, void*) (AioRequest.h:37)
| | |             ->01.78% (100,663,296B) 0x7A51F16: librados::C_AioSafe::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:194)
| | |               ->01.78% (100,663,296B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |                 ->01.78% (100,663,296B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |                   ->01.78% (100,663,296B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |                     ->01.78% (100,663,296B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |                       
| | ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.00% (32,905B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->00.62% (35,021,607B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 31 178,728,383,028    1,304,981,272    1,301,520,440     3,460,832            0
 32 185,180,761,716    1,279,628,760    1,276,190,709     3,438,051            0
 33 189,487,655,207    2,118,785,024    2,114,954,708     3,830,316            0
 34 193,799,081,188    1,027,293,592    1,024,051,220     3,242,372            0
99.68% (1,024,051,220B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->90.64% (931,176,585B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->90.64% (931,135,488B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->89.82% (922,746,880B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | |   
| | ->00.82% (8,388,608B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.00% (41,097B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->02.45% (25,157,632B) 0x7C207E8: ceph::buffer::create_page_aligned(unsigned int) (
| ->02.45% (25,153,536B) 0x7BA4EAB: Pipe::read_message(Message**) (
| | ->02.45% (25,153,536B) 0x7BB39CF: Pipe::reader() (
| |   ->02.45% (25,153,536B) 0x7BB6C0B: Pipe::Reader::entry() (Pipe.h:47)
| |     ->02.45% (25,153,536B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| |       ->02.45% (25,153,536B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| |         
| ->00.00% (4,096B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->00.84% (8,604,544B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 35 198,095,524,372      852,683,432      849,759,039     2,924,393            0
 36 204,585,988,496      344,586,528      342,397,365     2,189,163            0
 37 211,038,029,316      581,705,384      576,360,039     5,345,345            0
 38 215,340,257,800    1,420,830,280    1,415,093,946     5,736,334            0
99.60% (1,415,093,946B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->93.29% (1,325,457,603B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->93.28% (1,325,400,064B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->92.69% (1,317,011,456B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | |   
| | ->00.59% (8,388,608B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.00% (57,539B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->02.36% (33,542,144B) 0x7C207E8: ceph::buffer::create_page_aligned(unsigned int) (
| ->02.36% (33,542,144B) 0x7BA4EAB: Pipe::read_message(Message**) (
| | ->02.36% (33,542,144B) 0x7BB39CF: Pipe::reader() (
| |   ->02.36% (33,542,144B) 0x7BB6C0B: Pipe::Reader::entry() (Pipe.h:47)
| |     ->02.36% (33,542,144B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| |       ->02.36% (33,542,144B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| |         
| ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->00.72% (10,190,866B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 39 219,678,714,848      681,433,432      676,150,023     5,283,409            0
 40 224,000,340,278    1,537,458,296    1,531,749,329     5,708,967            0
 41 228,299,608,721    2,376,775,432    2,370,652,734     6,122,698            0
 42 232,630,220,582    3,199,305,600    3,192,773,415     6,532,185            0
 43 236,934,180,104    4,046,770,008    4,039,855,446     6,914,562            0
99.83% (4,039,855,446B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->97.43% (3,942,695,186B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->97.43% (3,942,645,760B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->97.22% (3,934,257,152B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->97.22% (3,934,257,152B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->55.97% (2,264,924,160B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->41.25% (1,669,332,992B) 0x7644418: librbd::AioCompletion::finish_adding_requests(CephContext*) (
| | |     ->41.25% (1,669,332,992B) 0x766BBDE: librbd::aio_read(librbd::ImageCtx*, std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> > > const&, char*, ceph::buffer::list*, librbd::AioCompletion*) (
| | |       ->41.25% (1,669,332,992B) 0x7645D54: librbd::AioRequest::read_from_parent(std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> > >&) (
| | |         ->41.25% (1,669,332,992B) 0x76468E8: librbd::AbstractWrite::should_complete(int) (
| | |           ->41.25% (1,669,332,992B) 0x7655581: librbd::rados_req_cb(void*, void*) (AioRequest.h:37)
| | |             ->41.25% (1,669,332,992B) 0x7A51F16: librados::C_AioSafe::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:194)
| | |               ->41.25% (1,669,332,992B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |                 ->41.25% (1,669,332,992B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |                   ->41.25% (1,669,332,992B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |                     ->41.25% (1,669,332,992B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |                       
| | ->00.21% (8,388,608B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.00% (49,426B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->01.04% (41,914,368B) 0x7C207E8: ceph::buffer::create_page_aligned(unsigned int) (
| ->01.04% (41,906,176B) 0x7BA4EAB: Pipe::read_message(Message**) (
| | ->01.04% (41,906,176B) 0x7BB39CF: Pipe::reader() (
| |   ->01.04% (41,906,176B) 0x7BB6C0B: Pipe::Reader::entry() (Pipe.h:47)
| |     ->01.04% (41,906,176B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| |       ->01.04% (41,906,176B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| |         
| ->00.00% (8,192B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->00.24% (9,576,511B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 44 241,233,125,397    4,785,275,096    4,778,011,193     7,263,903            0
 45 245,529,916,049      395,845,416      394,015,836     1,829,580            0
 46 249,827,860,832      109,629,832      109,223,737       406,095            0
 47 254,173,148,083      135,638,984      134,376,910     1,262,074            0
 48 258,470,121,169      122,984,016      122,481,471       502,545            0
99.59% (122,481,471B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->27.25% (33,517,568B) 0x7C207E8: ceph::buffer::create_page_aligned(unsigned int) (
| ->27.25% (33,517,568B) 0x7BA4EAB: Pipe::read_message(Message**) (
| | ->27.25% (33,517,568B) 0x7BB39CF: Pipe::reader() (
| |   ->27.25% (33,517,568B) 0x7BB6C0B: Pipe::Reader::entry() (Pipe.h:47)
| |     ->27.25% (33,517,568B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| |       ->27.25% (33,517,568B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| |         
| ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->20.49% (25,202,688B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->20.46% (25,165,824B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->13.64% (16,777,216B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | |   
| | ->06.82% (8,388,608B) 0x768B832: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | | ->06.82% (8,388,608B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   ->06.82% (8,388,608B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |     ->06.82% (8,388,608B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |       ->06.82% (8,388,608B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |         ->06.82% (8,388,608B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |           ->06.82% (8,388,608B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |             ->06.82% (8,388,608B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |               ->06.82% (8,388,608B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |                 ->06.82% (8,388,608B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |                   
| | ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.03% (36,864B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->02.56% (3,145,728B) 0xAEF1282: _pixman_bits_image_init (in /usr/lib64/
| ->02.56% (3,145,728B) 0xAEF135A: pixman_image_create_bits (in /usr/lib64/
|   ->02.56% (3,145,728B) 0x355947: vnc_dpy_switch (vnc.c:585)
|   | ->02.56% (3,145,728B) 0x3368C0: dpy_gfx_replace_surface (console.c:1424)
|   | | ->02.56% (3,145,728B) 0x38E461: vga_update_display (vga.c:1699)
|   | | | ->02.56% (3,145,728B) 0x3521EC: vnc_refresh (vnc.c:2741)
|   | | |   ->02.56% (3,145,728B) 0x335310: gui_update (console.c:1436)
|   | | |     ->02.56% (3,145,728B) 0x3173E9: qemu_run_timers (qemu-timer.c:394)
|   | | |       ->02.56% (3,145,728B) 0x31743B: qemu_run_all_timers (qemu-timer.c:453)
|   | | |         ->02.56% (3,145,728B) 0x2DC28B: main_loop_wait (main-loop.c:471)
|   | | |           ->02.56% (3,145,728B) 0x35B235: main (vl.c:2090)
|   | | |             
|   | | ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
|   | | 
|   | ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
|   | 
|   ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->02.48% (3,052,816B) 0x358F3B: malloc_and_trace (vl.c:2830)
| ->02.03% (2,493,990B) 0x52767D1: g_malloc (in /lib64/
| | ->01.71% (2,097,152B) 0x1E8C5D: qemu_coroutine_new (coroutine-ucontext.c:144)
| | | ->01.71% (2,097,152B) 0x31273F: qemu_coroutine_create (qemu-coroutine.c:44)
| | |   ->01.71% (2,097,152B) in 2 places, all below massif's threshold (01.00%)
| | |     
| | ->00.32% (396,838B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.45% (558,826B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->01.82% (2,232,245B) in 317 places, all below massif's threshold (01.00%)

  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 49 262,812,624,408      159,369,600      158,925,790       443,810            0
 50 266,749,467,327      118,370,688      118,081,530       289,158            0
 51 270,689,632,545      125,542,616      125,193,698       348,918            0
 52 274,609,859,845       95,485,640       95,049,449       

Actions #2

Updated by Josh Durgin over 10 years ago

  • Assignee set to Josh Durgin

Excellent report! The massif output is really useful. It shows that there are a large number of buffers getting backed up in the finish queue. I think this is an unintended side effect of moving the blocking in the cache to the completion side rather than the request scheduling side.

Can you try with rbd_cache_block_writes_upfront=true? This goes back to the old behavior where writes may block before they start, instead of blocking all completions at the end to control the amount of dirty data.

Updated by Ivan Mironov over 10 years ago

With "rbd_cache_block_writes_upfront=1" it's harder to catch with massif, but I still see memory usage spikes using atop (see attached plot.svg).

I tried to increase number of massif snapshot and got this:

Command:            /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -name storage-benchmark-vm-1 -M pc-i440fx-1.6 -enable-kvm -m 3072 -smp 2,sockets=2,cores=1,threads=1 -uuid ec7d60dc-423b-db56-1e83-9781200b13b4 -no-user-config -nodefaults -rtc base=utc -no-hpet -boot c -drive file=rbd:storage-benchmark-vms/vm-image-4:rbd_cache=1:rbd_cache_block_writes_upfront=1:auth_supported=none:mon_host=\:6789;\:6789;\:6789,if=none,id=drive-ide0-0-0,format=raw,cache=writeback -device ide-drive,bus=ide.0,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-0-0,id=ide0-0-0 -drive file=/oneclickse/test//tests/current.iso,if=none,media=cdrom,id=drive-ide0-1-0,readonly=on,format=raw,cache=none -device ide-drive,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-1-0,id=ide0-1-0 -usb -vnc -vga cirrus -device virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3
Massif arguments:   --alloc-fn=g_malloc --alloc-fn=g_malloc0 --detailed-freq=1 --max-snapshots=1000
ms_print arguments: massif.out.11923

3.756^                                            #                           
     |                                            #                           
     |                                            #                           
     |                                           @#                           
     |                                           @#                           
     |                                           @#                           
     |                                           @#                           
     |                                          @@#                           
     |                                          @@#                           
     |                                          @@#                           
     |                                          @@#                           
     |                                         @@@#  @           @            
     |                                         @@@#  @           @            
     |                                         @@@#@ @         @@@            
     |                                    @    @@@#@@@        @@@@            
     |                                    @   @@@@#@@@        @@@@            
     |                           @      @@@   @@@@#@@@  @     @@@@            
     |                           @    @ @@@   @@@@#@@@ @@    @@@@@            
     |     @                     @@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@ @@    @@@@@ @          
     |    @@  @@            @  @ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@          
   0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->Gi
     0                                                                   275.2


  n        time(i)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
450 182,898,014,358    4,033,481,144    4,028,451,933     5,029,211            0
99.88% (4,028,451,933B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->97.54% (3,934,273,715B) 0x7C20D8D: ceph::buffer::create(unsigned int) (
| ->97.54% (3,934,257,152B) 0x7C20E63: ceph::buffer::ptr::ptr(unsigned int) (
| | ->97.54% (3,934,257,152B) 0x769612A: Striper::StripedReadResult::assemble_result(CephContext*, ceph::buffer::list&, bool) (
| | | ->97.54% (3,934,257,152B) 0x7642DA4: librbd::AioCompletion::finalize(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x7643515: librbd::AioCompletion::complete_request(CephContext*, long) (
| | |   | ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x7643C7F: librbd::C_AioRead::finish(int) (
| | |   |   ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |     ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x7642C2F: librbd::C_CacheRead::finish(int) (AioRequest.h:40)
| | |   |       ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |         ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |           ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x76924D3: finish_contexts(CephContext*, std::list<Context*, std::allocator<Context*> >&, int) (Context.h:98)
| | |   |             ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x768BC69: ObjectCacher::bh_read_finish(long, sobject_t, unsigned long, long, unsigned long, ceph::buffer::list&, int, bool) (
| | |   |               ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x76956E5: ObjectCacher::C_ReadFinish::finish(int) (ObjectCacher.h:489)
| | |   |                 ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                   ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x76796F6: librbd::C_Request::finish(int) (
| | |   |                     ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x7676DC2: librbd::context_cb(void*, void*) (
| | |   |                       ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x7A51F96: librados::C_AioComplete::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:175)
| | |   |                         ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |   |                           ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |   |                             ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |   |                               ->75.91% (3,061,841,920B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |   |                                 
| | |   ->21.63% (872,415,232B) 0x7644418: librbd::AioCompletion::finish_adding_requests(CephContext*) (
| | |     ->21.63% (872,415,232B) 0x766BBDE: librbd::aio_read(librbd::ImageCtx*, std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> > > const&, char*, ceph::buffer::list*, librbd::AioCompletion*) (
| | |       ->21.63% (872,415,232B) 0x7645D54: librbd::AioRequest::read_from_parent(std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> > >&) (
| | |         ->21.63% (872,415,232B) 0x76468E8: librbd::AbstractWrite::should_complete(int) (
| | |         | ->21.63% (872,415,232B) 0x7655581: librbd::rados_req_cb(void*, void*) (AioRequest.h:37)
| | |         |   ->21.63% (872,415,232B) 0x7A51F16: librados::C_AioSafe::finish(int) (AioCompletionImpl.h:194)
| | |         |     ->21.63% (872,415,232B) 0x76447B8: Context::complete(int) (Context.h:42)
| | |         |       ->21.63% (872,415,232B) 0x7ABD616: Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() (
| | |         |         ->21.63% (872,415,232B) 0x674884F: start_thread (in /lib64/
| | |         |           ->21.63% (872,415,232B) 0xB4CF90B: clone (in /lib64/
| | |         |             
| | |         ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | |         
| | ->00.00% (0B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
| | 
| ->00.00% (16,563B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
->01.40% (56,291,328B) 0x7C207E8: ceph::buffer::create_page_aligned(unsigned int) (
| ->01.40% (56,291,328B) in 2 places, all below massif's threshold (01.00%)
->00.26% (10,613,757B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)


Actions #4

Updated by Sage Weil over 10 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High
Actions #5

Updated by Ian Colle about 10 years ago

  • Priority changed from High to Urgent
Actions #6

Updated by Ian Colle about 10 years ago

  • Subject changed from High memory consumption of qemu/librdb with enabled cache to High memory consumption of qemu/librbd with enabled cache
Actions #7

Updated by Sage Weil about 10 years ago

  • Severity changed from 3 - minor to 2 - major
Actions #8

Updated by Sage Weil about 10 years ago

  • Priority changed from Urgent to High
Actions #9

Updated by Mark Nelson almost 10 years ago

During RBD performance testing using the librbd fio engine, I appear to be able to reproduce something that looks quite a bit like this, especially during 4K sequential writes. RSS memory usage appears to grow at roughly 20MB/s for the fio process. Setting rbd_cache_block_writes_upfront=1 may slow the rate of increase but does not solve the problem. Currently with that set the fio process is using 6.5GB of RSS memory and still growing.

I'll try to run the fio process under massif and/or memcheck to see if I can reproduce.

Actions #10

Updated by Xavier Trilla over 9 years ago

We are experiencing the same issue, even if we are using quite different software versions.

We have our setup running the following versions:

Ubuntu 14.04
Ceph 0.80.5
QEMU / KVM 2.0.0

Actually it's an OpenStack IceHouse nova-compute node... We have been doing some tests with librbd cache and we have noticed exactly the same behavior explained in this issue. Actually simple things like just starting a Windows Server 2012 image over KVM/QEMU produces exactly the same situation.

So far we have seen the qemu process increase go from 2x to 4x times it's normal size when launching 2GB RAM instances, even if we configure a maximum size of 256MB in the librbd cache settings.

If you need any information please just let me know.


Actions #11

Updated by Sage Weil over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Pending Backport
Actions #12

Updated by Josh Durgin over 9 years ago

FTR the commits fixing this are commit:4fc9fffc494abedac0a9b1ce44706343f18466f1 and commit:cdb7675a21c9107e3596c90c2b1598def3c6899f

Actions #13

Updated by Sage Weil over 9 years ago

  • Backport set to firefly

backported to firefly. josh, should we do dumpling too?

Actions #14

Updated by Sage Weil over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending Backport to Resolved
  • Backport changed from firefly to firefly, dumpling

ok did dumpling too

Actions #15

Updated by Xavier Trilla over 9 years ago

Hi Sage,

Is this fix already released in FireFly 0.80.7 ? I've been checking the release notes of 80.6 and 80.7 and I cannot find any reference to this fix. Is it scheduled for the next release?



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