


Bug #13370

Updated by Loïc Dachary over 8 years ago

h3. Workaround 

 Run ceph-disk activate manually.  

 h3. Rationale for Won't fix 

 The problem revealed by this suite is a race condition that can be fixed easily manually. It is fixed in infernalis, together with a number of fixes related to udev related fixes. It would not be trivial to backport on hammer and it looks like people usually work around this. 

 h3. Description 

 curl --silent | jq '.[] | .name' | while read run ; do eval run=$run ; curl --silent$run/jobs/ | jq '.[] | select(.os_version == "6.5" and .status == "pass") | select(.description | contains("dmcrypt")) | .name' ; done  
 returns nothing and  
 teuthology-suite --verbose --suite ceph-deploy --filter="ceph-deploy/basic/{ceph-deploy-overrides/ceph_deploy_dmcrypt.yaml config_options/cephdeploy_conf.yaml distros/centos_6.5.yaml tasks/ceph-deploy_hello_world.yaml}" --suite-branch wip-ceph-deploy-test-hammer --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type vps --priority 101 
 fails consistently (see for an example). 

 I suspect this is a combination of incorrect udev rules and racing udev events generated by ceph-disk. 

 teuthology-suite --verbose --suite ceph-deploy --filter="ceph-deploy/basic/{ceph-deploy-overrides/ceph_deploy_dmcrypt.yaml config_options/cephdeploy_conf.yaml distros/centos_6.5.yaml tasks/ceph-deploy_hello_world.yaml}" --suite-branch wip-ceph-deploy-test-hammer --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type vps --priority 101 

 will create a teuthology job that never returns (it waits forever for the cluster to be healthy) which is convenient to investigate.
