


Tasks #13571

Updated by Loïc Dachary over 8 years ago

h3. Workflow 

 * "Preparing the release": *IN PROGRESS* 
 * "Cutting the release":  
 ** Jason knows that Sage approves the release *DONE* 
 ** Jason gets approval from his lead 
 *** Josh, RBD 
 ** Sage writes and commits the release notes 
 ** Jason informs Alfredo that the branch is ready for release  
 ** Alfredo creates the packages and sets the release tag   

 h3. Release information 

 ** branch to build from: hammer, commit:1107f29224e24211860b719b82f9b85a022c25e3 commit:TBD 
 ** version: v0.94.5 
 ** type of release: point release 
 ** where to publish the release: and 

 <code>git --no-pager log --format='%H %s' --graph tags/v0.94.4..ceph/hammer | perl -p -e 's/"/ /g; if (/\w+\s+Merge pull request #(\d+)/) { s|\w+\s+Merge pull request #(\d+).*|"Pull request $1":$1|; } else { s|(\w+)\s+(.*)|"$2":$1|; } s/\*/+/; s/^/* /;'</code> 

 * +     "Pull request 6348": 
 * |\   
 * | + "librbd: potential assertion failure during cache read": 
 * | + "tests: reproduce crash during read-induced CoW": 
 * +     "Pull request 6362": 
 * |\   
 * | + "osd/ReplicatedPG: remove stray debug line": 
 * |/   
 * + "Pull request 6330": 
 * + "qa: Use public qemu repo": 
