


Bug #6955

Updated by Loïc Dachary about 9 years ago

If an existing ceph data partition is re-used, the partition GUID is not reset when ceph-disk prepares it. As a consequence it will not be identified as a ceph data partition by the ceph udev rules and the OSD won't start when the machine boots. 

 Steps to reproduce: 
 loic@fold:~/software/ceph/ceph/src$ sudo sgdisk --typecode=1:99999999-9d25-41b8-afd0-062c0ceff05d /dev/loop2 
 Warning: The kernel is still using the old partition table. 
 The new table will be used at the next reboot. 
 The operation has completed successfully. 
 loic@fold:~/software/ceph/ceph/src$ sudo partprobe /dev/loop2 
 loic@fold:~/software/ceph/ceph/src$ sudo sgdisk --info 1 /dev/loop2 
 Partition GUID code: 99999999-9D25-41B8-AFD0-062C0CEFF05D (Unknown) 
 Partition unique GUID: 66D87896-493A-48B4-A803-6ED6DE5D49AB 
 First sector: 2048 (at 1024.0 KiB) 
 Last sector: 819166 (at 400.0 MiB) 
 Partition size: 817119 sectors (399.0 MiB) 
 Attribute flags: 0000000000000000 
 Partition name: 'ceph data' 
 loic@fold:~/software/ceph/ceph/src$ #sudo env PATH=$PATH ceph-disk --verbose prepare /dev/loop2 /tmp/journal 
 loic@fold:~/software/ceph/ceph/src$ touch /tmp/journal 
 loic@fold:~/software/ceph/ceph/src$ sudo env PATH=$PATH ceph-disk --verbose prepare /dev/loop2p1 /tmp/journal 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: ceph-osd --cluster=ceph --show-config-value=fsid 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mkfs_type 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_type 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mkfs_options_xfs 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mkfs_options_xfs 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mount_options_xfs 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mount_options_xfs 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: ceph-osd --cluster=ceph --show-config-value=osd_journal_size 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_cryptsetup_parameters 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_dmcrypt_key_size 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_dmcrypt_type 
 DEBUG:ceph-disk:Journal is file /tmp/journal 
 WARNING:ceph-disk:OSD will not be hot-swappable if journal is not the same device as the osd data 
 DEBUG:ceph-disk:OSD data device /dev/loop2p1 is a partition 
 DEBUG:ceph-disk:Creating xfs fs on /dev/loop2p1 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: /sbin/mkfs -t xfs -f -i size=2048 -- /dev/loop2p1 
 meta-data=/dev/loop2p1             isize=2048     agcount=4, agsize=25535 blks 
          =                         sectsz=512     attr=2, projid32bit=0 
 data       =                         bsize=4096     blocks=102139, imaxpct=25 
          =                         sunit=0        swidth=0 blks 
 naming     =version 2                bsize=4096     ascii-ci=0 
 log        =internal log             bsize=4096     blocks=1232, version=2 
          =                         sectsz=512     sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1 
 realtime =none                     extsz=4096     blocks=0, rtextents=0 
 DEBUG:ceph-disk:Mounting /dev/loop2p1 on /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.IUm2Xm with options noatime,inode64 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: mount -t xfs -o noatime,inode64 -- /dev/loop2p1 /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.IUm2Xm 
 DEBUG:ceph-disk:Preparing osd data dir /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.IUm2Xm 
 DEBUG:ceph-disk:Creating symlink /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.IUm2Xm/journal -> /tmp/journal 
 DEBUG:ceph-disk:Unmounting /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.IUm2Xm 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: /bin/umount -- /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.IUm2Xm 
 umount: /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.IUm2Xm: device is busy. 
         (In some cases useful info about processes that use 
          the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)) 
 DEBUG:ceph-disk:Unmounting /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.IUm2Xm 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: /bin/umount -- /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.IUm2Xm 
 DEBUG:ceph-disk:Calling partprobe on prepared device /dev/loop2p1 
 INFO:ceph-disk:Running command: /sbin/partprobe /dev/loop2p1 
 Error: Partition(s) 1 on /dev/loop2p1 have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change, probably because it/they are in use.    As a result, the old partition(s) will remain in use.    You should reboot now before making further changes. 
 loic@fold:~/software/ceph/ceph/src$ sudo sgdisk --info 1 /dev/loop2 
 Partition GUID code: 99999999-9D25-41B8-AFD0-062C0CEFF05D (Unknown) 
 Partition unique GUID: 66D87896-493A-48B4-A803-6ED6DE5D49AB 
 First sector: 2048 (at 1024.0 KiB) 
 Last sector: 819166 (at 400.0 MiB) 
 Partition size: 817119 sectors (399.0 MiB) 
 Attribute flags: 0000000000000000 
 Partition name: 'ceph data' 
 loic@fold:~/software/ceph/ceph/src$ sudo partprobe /dev/loop2 
 loic@fold:~/software/ceph/ceph/src$ sudo sgdisk --info 1 /dev/loop2 
 Partition GUID code: 99999999-9D25-41B8-AFD0-062C0CEFF05D (Unknown) 
 Partition unique GUID: 66D87896-493A-48B4-A803-6ED6DE5D49AB 
 First sector: 2048 (at 1024.0 KiB) 
 Last sector: 819166 (at 400.0 MiB) 
 Partition size: 817119 sectors (399.0 MiB) 
 Attribute flags: 0000000000000000 
 Partition name: 'ceph data' 
 See mailing list thread:
