


Fix #53588

Updated by Mark Kogan over 2 years ago

add the ability to specify ssl certificate to be used by radosgw-admin when acting as https client to radosgw which frontend is configured as https endpoint 
 (currently there is no mechanism to specify such certificate and such radosgw-admin operations are performed with --rgw_verify_ssl=false) 

 example MS mstart flow (--rgw_verify_ssl=false -->    --rgw_verify_ssl_cacert=./cert.pem): 


 # PRE-REQ: prepare cert.pem: 

 openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -subj "/CN=localhost" -days 3650 
 cat key.pem >> cert.pem 

 # restart: 
 ../src/ c1 ; ../src/ c2 
 kill --verbose -9 $(ps -ef | grep 'bin\/radosgw' | grep "800[12]" | awk '{ print $2 }') 
 ps -ef | grep '[r]adosgw' ; ps -ef | grep '[c]eph' 
 /usr/bin/rm -rf ./run/* 

 ###    ZONE 1    ### 
 export CEPH_DEV=0 
 env MON=1 OSD=1 MDS=0 MGR=1 RGW=1 ../src/ c1 -n -o bluestore_block_size=536870912000 --without-dashboard | ccze -A -onolookups 

 ../src/mrun c1 radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=gold --default | jq 

 ../src/mrun c1 radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=us --endpoints=https://localhost:1443 --master --default | jq 

 ../src/mrun c1 radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=us --rgw-zone=us-east --endpoints=https://localhost:1443 --access-key a2345678901234567890 --secret a234567890123456789012345678901234567890 --master --default | jq 

 ../src/mrun c1 radosgw-admin user create --uid=realm.admin --display-name=RealmAdmin --access-key a2345678901234567890 --secret a234567890123456789012345678901234567890 --system | jq 

 ../src/mrun c1 radosgw-admin period update --commit | jq 

 ../src/mrun c1 radosgw-admin user create --display-name="Test Id" --uid=testid --access-key b2345678901234567890 --secret b234567890123456789012345678901234567890 | jq 

 ../src/mrun c1 radosgw-admin user modify --uid=testid --max-buckets=0 | jq 

 # restart radosgw: 
 pgrep -a ceph ; pgrep -a rados | ccze 
 kill $(ps -ef | grep radosgw | grep 8001 | awk '{ print $2 }') 
 kill $(ps -ef | grep radosgw | grep 7001 | awk '{ print $2 }') 
 truncate -s0 ./run/c1/out/radosgw.7001.log 
 ../src/ c1 7001 1443 --debug-rgw=20 --debug-ms=0 --debug_rgw_sync=0 --rgw-zone=us-east #--rgw_verify_ssl_cacert=./cert.pem    #--rgw_verify_ssl=false 
 pgrep -a ceph ; pgrep -a rados | ccze 

 ps -ef | grep "[r]adosgw"  
 ../src/mrun c1 ceph status | ccze -A -onolookups ; ../src/mrun c1 ceph df | ccze -A -onolookups 

 ###    ZONE 2    ### 
 env MON=1 OSD=1 MDS=0 MGR=1 RGW=1 ../src/ c2 -n -o bluestore_block_size=536870912000 --without-dashboard | ccze -A -onolookups 

 ../src/mrun c2 radosgw-admin realm pull --url=https://localhost:1443 --access-key a2345678901234567890 --secret a234567890123456789012345678901234567890 --default --rgw_verify_ssl_cacert=./cert.pem | jq    #--rgw_verify_ssl=false | jq 

 ../src/mrun c2 radosgw-admin period pull --url=https://localhost:1443 --access-key a2345678901234567890 --secret a234567890123456789012345678901234567890 --default --rgw_verify_ssl_cacert=./cert.pem | jq    #--rgw_verify_ssl=false | jq 

 ../src/mrun c2 radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=us --rgw-zone=us-west    --endpoints=https://localhost:2443 --access-key=a2345678901234567890 --secret=a234567890123456789012345678901234567890 --default | jq 

 ../src/mrun c2 radosgw-admin period update --commit --rgw_verify_ssl_cacert=./cert.pem | jq    #--rgw_verify_ssl=false | jq 

 # restart radosgw 
 pgrep -a ceph ; pgrep -a rados | ccze 
 kill $(ps -ef | grep radosgw | grep 8002 | awk '{ print $2 }') 
 kill $(ps -ef | grep radosgw | grep 7002 | awk '{ print $2 }') 
 truncate -s0 ./run/c2/out/radosgw.7002.log 
 ../src/ c2 7002 2443 --debug-rgw=20 --debug-ms=0 --debug_rgw_sync=0 --rgw-zone=us-west #--rgw_verify_ssl_cacert=./cert.pem    #--rgw_verify_ssl=false 
 pgrep -a ceph ; pgrep -a rados | ccze 

 ps -ef | grep "[r]adosgw"  
 ../src/mrun c1 ceph status | ccze -A -onolookups ; ../src/mrun c2 ceph df | ccze -A -onolookups 

 sleep 4 
 ../src/mrun c2 radosgw-admin sync status --rgw_verify_ssl_cacert=./cert.pem    | ccze -Aonolookups 
