


Bug #43169

Updated by Volker Theile over 4 years ago

The radosgw process is running at 100% in my vstart environment. RGW is only started, but not used in any way. 

 top - 12:19:36 up 51 min,    1 user,    load average: 1.16, 2.12, 3.35 
 Tasks: 322 total,     1 running, 321 sleeping,     0 stopped,     0 zombie 
 %Cpu(s): 25.8 us,    0.6 sy,    0.0 ni, 67.9 id,    0.1 wa,    0.0 hi,    5.5 si,    0.0 st 
 MiB Mem :    15970.0 total,     4033.5 free,     9026.8 used,     2909.6 buff/cache 
 MiB Swap:     8075.0 total,     6570.0 free,     1505.0 used.     6209.8 avail Mem  

   PID USER        PR    NI      VIRT      RES      SHR S    %CPU    %MEM       TIME+ COMMAND     
 17554 root        20     0 5025580    12556        0 S 100.0     0.1    38:52.49 radosgw   

 The log has been attached as compressed archive. 
