


Cleanup #42072

Updated by Ernesto Puerta over 4 years ago

This is a series of changes/improvements to the Landing Page based on downstream improvements: 

 The main goals of this re-design would be: 

 * Improve data visualization & comprehension (more visual hints/anchors vs. textual/readable ones, reduce big whitespace/blank areas). 
 * Improve layout, structure & responsiveness (visual flow, information grouping, resizing). 
 * Make easier to create new information cards. 

 h3. Re-arrange info cards: 

 * **Info-groups** could be re-arranged: Status > Capacity > Performance (currently: Status >    Performance > Capacity). Performance. 

 * **Status info cards** could be arranged hierarchically: Cluster > Host > Monitor > { OSD, Mgr, RGW, MDS, iSCSI}. Or perhaps, a vertical arrangment (stacked column or 3x3 box-like). iSCSI} 



 * **Capacity info cards**: Group visual cards (charts) and show them first. Textual cards (Pools and PGs/OSD) could be replaced with charts? 



 * Grid alignment: we should replace the current 3 flex-row layout with a grid-like, or something more suitable 



 h3. Replace pie charts with donut charts + center text. 

 The change would be limited to the chart (the card style is simply a patternfly 4 card). 

 !pg_status_pie.png! !pg_status_donut.png! 

 h3. Generic info cards 

 Info card pie/donut charts require high customization (per-char config and callback). The idea is to replace them with generics/reusable components with clear inputs: 
 * Title: 
 * Data set: instead of feeding them with a complex object, and then extract & process the metrics from within the callbacks, the required metrics are directly fed into the info card component 
 ** The above will also improve performance, as now Angular triggers change detection in the info-card for every change to the complex data object, instead of to the exposed data series. 
 * Center text: with interpolated variables 
 * Configuration options: only colors, and some minor label config is allowed.
