


Bug #41781

Updated by Ernesto Puerta over 4 years ago

Most unit & e2e tests use CSS (e.g.: @".card-title"@) or Angular component attributes (@[cardTitle="Cluster Status"]@) to retrieve HTML/DOM contents for assertions/navigation. 

 While this works, it means that we are anchoring tests to elements that might change due to refactors. For example:  

 * CSS classes might change with framework updates (e.g.: the recent Bootstrap 3 to 4 refresh) or simple cleanups. 
 * Adding new elements with the same attributes would modify/break the query results. 
 * Angular component attributes include literal strings that might change ("Cluster Status" -> "Cluster Health"). 

 HTML5 provides free-from @"data-*"@ attributes that might perfectly fit for this purpose: 

 * Either by adding @data-testid@/@data-description@/@data-id@ to semantically describe/identify elements: @data-testid@: "reference": 
 * If we are Or simply using @data-description@ or @data-id@ to add semantically  
 * Using semantic descriptors, why not using "ARIA": ARIA attributes and might also improve provide a placeholder for this while improving accessibility for in our dashboard ("reference": 
