


Bug #40754

Updated by Ernesto Puerta almost 5 years ago

"A Rook issue": might be (still under investigation) caused by a long-term caching of JS assets (dashboard Angular front-end) causing an older version of the front-end to interact with a newer Python back-end. Regardless any discussions on backward compatibility, this behaviour should be reviewed. According to "RFC7234":, in the absence of cache control headers, it should be assumed that web browsers and HTTP proxies can unconditionally cache contents. @Last-Modified@ headers (added by default by CherryPy) should result in some cache revalidation (10%) but it seems that's not enough. 

 Hence the recommendation is to set "@Cache-Control@ headers": Let's use this issue to experiment and discuss the specific settings: 
 - @no-cache@ would trigger cache revalidation for every request, so perhaps having a small @max-age@ could work better. 

