


Feature #2920

Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago

Sphinx supports it, but we'd need to fix other parts of our toolchain. 

 To see where we are: 

 1. add this patch: 
 diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ 
 index 667f884..e65bb9d 100644 
 --- a/doc/ 
 +++ b/doc/ 
 @@ -67,3 +67,14 @@ def _get_manpages(): 
  man_pages = list(_get_manpages()) 
  asphyxiate_doxygen_xml = 'doxygen' 
 +latex_documents = [ 
 +      ( 
 +          'index', 
 +          'ceph.tex', 
 +          html_title, 
 +          'Ceph developers', 
 +          'manual', 
 +          False, 
 +          ), 
 +      ] 

 2. disable ditaa for now: replace all ".. ditaa::" in doc/ with ".. ignore ditaa::" (DO NOT COMMIT THIS) 
 3. run ./admin/build-doc 
 4. make sure you have python-sphinx recommended & suggested tex packages installed.. at least sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended 
 5. run cd build-doc && install -d output/pdf && PYTHONPATH=$PWD/../src/pybind ./virtualenv/bin/sphinx-build -a -b latex -d doctrees ../doc output/pdf 
 6. run cd output/pdf && pdflatex ceph.tex && pdflatex ceph.tex && pdflatex ceph.tex 
 7. browse ceph.pdf 

 Current known blockers: 

 - needs to support PDF writers 
