



Feature #63889


OSD (trim_maps): Missing periodic MOSDMap updates from monitor

Added by jianwei zhang 5 months ago. Updated 4 months ago.

Target version:
% Done:


Affected Versions:
Pull request ID:


OSDMap trimming lower bound is originated from the monitor's `osdmap_first_committed` epoch.
This value is shared from the monitor to the OSDs through OSDMap messages (MOSDMaps).
In the scenario where there is no OSDMap related activity, the monitor may have new `osdmap_first_committed` epoch without informing the OSDs about it.
As a result the OSDSuperblock::cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound (mon's `osdmap_first_committed`)
will remain "stale" until the next MOSDMap shared from the monitor. Since the tlb is stale, trim_maps calls won't actually trim any maps.

To resolve this scenario, we can enhance the monitor's behavior to share a MOSDMap with the new cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound
regardless of any MOSDMap activity.

ref-PR: (osd: fix scheduling of OSD::trim_maps is not timely)

Problem Description
1. ceph -s check HEALTH_OK, and all pg are active+lean
2. ceph report | grep osdmap_, check the latest osdmap epoch is 25307, the oldest osdmap epoch is 24807, the difference between the two is 500 osdmaps
3. ceph tell osd.0 status, view
- oldest_map is 21594
- superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594, should be 24807, not as expected
- newest_map is 25307
- The difference of `3714` osdmap is not as expected
4. ceph -s --debug_ms=1 > aa 2>&1 show that cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound = 24807 of osd_map

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph -s
    id:     713551e4-fec5-453b-ac9e-ae0716d235cb
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 1 daemons, quorum a (age 5d)
    mgr: x(active, since 5d)
    osd: 2 osds: 2 up (since 2d), 2 in (since 3d)
         flags noout,nobackfill,norebalance,norecover,noscrub,nodeep-scrub

    pools:   2 pools, 256 pgs
    objects: 10.26k objects, 10 GiB
    usage:   10 GiB used, 9.2 TiB / 9.2 TiB avail
    pgs:     256 active+clean

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph osd dump | head
epoch 25307

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph report | grep osdmap_
report 974124877
    "osdmap_clean_epochs": {
    "osdmap_first_committed": 24807,
    "osdmap_last_committed": 25307,

25307 - 24807 = 500 epoch osdmap

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph report | jq  .osdmap_clean_epochs
report 1902116976
  "min_last_epoch_clean": 25306,
  "last_epoch_clean": {
    "per_pool": [
        "poolid": 1,
        "floor": 25307
        "poolid": 2,
        "floor": 25306
  "osd_epochs": [
      "id": 0,
      "epoch": 25307
      "id": 1,
      "epoch": 25307

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# tail -n 1000000 out/osd.0.log |grep trim_maps | tail -n  10
2023-12-25T15:23:02.055+0800 7f9d5dfa3700  5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258 
2023-12-25T15:24:04.020+0800 7f9d5dfa3700  5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258 
2023-12-25T15:25:05.060+0800 7f9d5dfa3700  5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258 
2023-12-25T15:26:06.941+0800 7f9d5dfa3700  5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258 
2023-12-25T15:27:08.033+0800 7f9d5dfa3700  5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258 
2023-12-25T15:28:09.170+0800 7f9d5dfa3700  5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258 
2023-12-25T15:29:11.127+0800 7f9d5dfa3700  5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258 
2023-12-25T15:30:12.387+0800 7f9d5dfa3700  5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258 
2023-12-25T15:31:14.312+0800 7f9d5dfa3700  5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258 
2023-12-25T15:32:16.066+0800 7f9d5dfa3700  5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258 

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph tell osd.0 status
    "cluster_fsid": "713551e4-fec5-453b-ac9e-ae0716d235cb",
    "osd_fsid": "bc068df8-0acb-4164-8262-3813b40ce736",
    "whoami": 0,
    "state": "active",
    "maps": "[21594~3714]",
    "cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound": 21594,
    "num_pgs": 128
[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph tell osd.1 status
    "cluster_fsid": "713551e4-fec5-453b-ac9e-ae0716d235cb",
    "osd_fsid": "a62eb046-59cb-40f7-bf63-82c228ef5e30",
    "whoami": 1,
    "state": "active",
    "maps": "[21594~3714]",
    "cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound": 21594,
    "num_pgs": 128

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph -s --debug_ms=1 > aa 2>&1

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# grep osdmap aa
2023-12-25T16:10:19.628+0800 7ffb2a3fc700  1 -- --> v2: -- mon_subscribe({osdmap=0}) v3 -- 0x7ffb24111330 con 0x7ffb240fef90

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# grep osd_map aa
2023-12-25T16:10:19.630+0800 7ffb20ff9700  1 -- <== mon.0 v2: 5 ==== osd_map(25307..25307 src has 24807..25307) v4 ==== 2651+0+0 (crc 0 0 0) 0x7ffb14032bb0 con 0x7ffb240fef90


class MOSDMap final : public Message {
  void print(std::ostream& out) const override {
    out << "osd_map(" << get_first() << ".." << get_last();
    if (cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound || newest_map)
      out << " src has " << cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound
          << ".." << newest_map;
    out << ")";

cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound = 24807
newest_map = 25307


1. # cat
set -x

rm -rf dev ceph.conf out

MON=1 MGR=1 OSD=1 FS=0 MDS=0 RGW=0 ../src/ -n -l -X -b --msgr2 \
    --bluestore-devs /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST10000NM0196-2AA131_ZA29A049 \
    --bluestore-db-devs /dev/disk/by-id/ata-INTEL_SSDSC2KG480G8_BTYG909204YN480BGN-part3 \
    --bluestore-wal-devs /dev/disk/by-id/ata-INTEL_SSDSC2KG480G8_BTYG909204YN480BGN-part1

2. # ../src/ --inc-osd

3. # crush tree
   osd.0 in root default-root-0
   osd.1 in root default-root-1

4. # create pool
   create test-pool-0 with default-root-0 root. (single replicas)
   create test-pool-1 with default-root-1 root. (single replicas)

5. # kill -9 <>

6. # change osdmap
for i in {1..10000}; do
    ceph osd pool application rm "test-pool-1" rgw "abc" 
    ceph osd pool application set "test-pool-1" rgw "abc" "efg" 
    ceph osd dump | head -n 1

7. # record osdmap info
  ceph osd dump | head
  ceph report | grep osdmap
  ceph report | jq .osdmap_clean_epochs
  ceph tell osd.1 status

8. # start osd.0
  init-ceph start osd.0

9. # record osdmap info
  ceph tell osd.0 status
  ceph tell osd.1 status
  ceph osd dump | head
  ceph report | grep osdmap
  ceph report | jq .osdmap_clean_epochs

10. # ceph daemon osd.0 config set debug_osd 20
      ceph daemon osd.1 config set debug_osd 20
      ceph daemon osd.0 config set osd_map_trim_min_interval 60
      ceph daemon osd.1 config set osd_map_trim_min_interval 60

11. tail -f out/osd.0.log | grep trim_maps


osd0-osdmap-change.png (358 KB) osd0-osdmap-change.png jianwei zhang, 12/26/2023 01:40 AM
Actions #1

Updated by jianwei zhang 5 months ago

  1. 2023-12-25 ceph osd down osd.1 trigger osdmap change

A temporary solution is to down an osd, triggering osdmap changes,
Let mon update cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound = first_committed epoch

2023-12-25T16:27:34.178+0800 7f9d5dfa3700 5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258
2023-12-25T16:28:36.027+0800 7f9d5dfa3700 5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258
2023-12-25T16:29:37.190+0800 7f9d5dfa3700 5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258
2023-12-25T16:30:02.824+0800 7f9d50d7a700 5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=24807 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=24807 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258
2023-12-25T16:30:04.182+0800 7f9d50d7a700 5 osd.0 25308 trim_maps: min=24807 oldest_map=21609 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=24807 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258
2023-12-25T16:30:06.448+0800 7f9d50d7a700 5 osd.0 25309 trim_maps: min=24807 oldest_map=21624 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=24807 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258
2023-12-25T16:31:08.162+0800 7f9d5dfa3700 5 osd.0 25311 trim_maps: min=24807 oldest_map=21639 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=24807 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25262
2023-12-25T16:32:10.047+0800 7f9d5dfa3700 5 osd.0 25311 trim_maps: min=24807 oldest_map=21654 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=24807 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25262
2023-12-25T16:33:11.052+0800 7f9d5dfa3700 5 osd.0 25311 trim_maps: min=24807 oldest_map=21669 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=24807 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25262
2023-12-25T16:34:12.234+0800 7f9d5dfa3700 5 osd.0 25311 trim_maps: min=24807 oldest_map=21684 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=24807 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25262
2023-12-25T16:35:14.175+0800 7f9d5dfa3700 5 osd.0 25311 trim_maps: min=24807 oldest_map=21699 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=24807 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25262

Actions #2

Updated by jianwei zhang 4 months ago

After 12 hours, observe the number of osdmaps of osd,0:

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph daemon osd.0 status
    "cluster_fsid": "713551e4-fec5-453b-ac9e-ae0716d235cb",
    "osd_fsid": "bc068df8-0acb-4164-8262-3813b40ce736",
    "whoami": 0,
    "state": "active",
    "maps": "[24807~505]",
    "cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound": 24807,
    "num_pgs": 128

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph report | grep osdmap_
report 2402830739
    "osdmap_clean_epochs": {
    "osdmap_first_committed": 24807,
    "osdmap_last_committed": 25311,

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph report | jq .osdmap_clean_epochs
report 744581619
  "min_last_epoch_clean": 25309,
  "last_epoch_clean": {
    "per_pool": [
        "poolid": 1,
        "floor": 25309
        "poolid": 2,
        "floor": 25311
  "osd_epochs": [
      "id": 0,
      "epoch": 25311
      "id": 1,
      "epoch": 25311

The line chart of the picture shows:
- min: Indicates that the OSD::trim_maps function selects the epoch of the minimum boundary.
- superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound: Indicates the maximum osdmap trim boundary of the cluster obtained by osd.0 when receiving the MOSDMap message.
- oldest_map: indicates the oldest osdmap epoch held by osd.0
- Among them, the polylines of min/superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound are completely overlapping

The reason why osd.0 min/superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound increased from epoch 21594 to 24807
- Executing ceph osd down osd.1 near this point in epoch 24807 triggered the osdmap change
- osd.0 received the MOSDMap message sent by mon, in which cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound was updated to 24807
- So the OSD::trim_maps function of osd.0 got 24807 when getting min

The reason why osd.0 oldest_map has a slash change:
- Due to the this pr, periodic OSD::trim_maps calls are added in OSD::tick to trim osdmap epochs in the [oldest_map,superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound) interval
- Call OSD::trim_maps every 1 minute
- Trim 30 object transactions and 15 osdmaps each time
- So, there is a relatively slow trend of cropping

in conclusion:
- Currently even though periodic OSD::trim_maps calls are added to OSD::tick,
- In some scenarios, thousands of osdmaps held by ceph-osd that should be cropped still cannot be cropped in time.
- You can only trigger clipping until the next time osdmap changes.
- The reason:
(1) ceph-osd’s superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound can only rely on the cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound parameter carried in the MOSDMap message;
(2) ceph-mon trim osdmap is min_last_epoch_clean reported periodically by ceph-osd through send_beacon, and this report is one-way ceph-osd ==> ceph-mon,
(3) If osdmap has not changed, even if all pg are in active+clean state, and ceph-mon has completed trim osdmap to a new boundary, since we have no change in osdmap epoch after ceph-mon trim osdmap, there is no change in osdmap epoch. It is impossible to notify ceph-osd in time that the current cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound has been updated, and ceph-osd is still holding the old osdmap.

Possible solutions:
After ceph-mon completes trim osdmap, update the osdmap epoch and spread it to all ceph-osd through MOSDMap.
After ceph-osd obtains the new cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound, it trims it periodically.

Actions #3

Updated by jianwei zhang 4 months ago

Solution 1:

Can we add a new cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound member variable in OSDMap?

Whenever Mon completes the trimming of OSDMap,
it adds another OSDMap change, that is, cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound = get_first_committed() and epoch + 1,
and then passes it to each osd.

Actions #4

Updated by jianwei zhang 4 months ago

Solution 2:

Rely on MOSDBeacon and MOSDMap message interaction to update the superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound of each ceph-osd。

(1) When ceph-osd sends_beacon to ceph-mon OSD::send_beacon, add the superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound variable of the current osd to MOSDBeacon and send it to ceph-mon together;
(2) After ceph-mon receives MOSDBeacon, if MOSDBeacon.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound < get_first_committed(), then send an empty MOSDMap to the ceph-osd with the latest cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound
(3) After ceph-osd receives MOSDMap, if MOSDMap.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound < superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound, update superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound
(4) In OSD::tick of ceph-osd, you can trim osdmap periodically

Actions #5

Updated by Matan Breizman 4 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Need More Info
  • Assignee set to Matan Breizman

jianwei zhang wrote:

Solution 1:
Can we add a new cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound member variable in OSDMap?

Whenever Mon completes the trimming of OSDMap,
it adds another OSDMap change, that is, cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound = get_first_committed() and epoch + 1,
and then passes it to each osd.

IIUC, this is already true, See `OSDMonitor::build_latest_full` or OSDMonitor::build_incremental`OSDMonitor::build_incremental`:

m->cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound = get_first_committed();

Solution 2:

Rely on MOSDBeacon and MOSDMap message interaction to update the superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound of each ceph-osd。
After ceph-osd receives MOSDMap, if MOSDMap.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound < superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound, update superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound

See OSD::handle_osd_map:

  if (superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound < m->cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound) {
    superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound = m->cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound;

I don't yet fully understand what is the bug here, trimming factors in multiple config options that affect the triggering trim_maps. Some of the key ones are: `osd_beacon_report_interval`, `paxos_service_trim_min` and `mon_min_osdmap_epochs`.
Reducing OSD beacon intervals and mon's OSDMap related options will also decrease the "long time" of no calls to trim_maps.
Please try these options and let me know if you still experience any issues.

Actions #6

Updated by jianwei zhang 4 months ago

The BUG is:

(1) ceph-mon has completed osdmap trim,
(2) But in a scenario where osdmap has not changed for a long time,
1> ceph-osd cannot receive MOSDMap.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound,
2> There is no way to update superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound,
3> Eventually ceph-osd cannot perform OSD::trim_maps

Actions #7

Updated by jianwei zhang 4 months ago

Hi matan-B,

(1)ceph-mon has completed osdmap trim

# ceph report | grep osdmap_
report 974124877
    "osdmap_clean_epochs": {
    "osdmap_first_committed": 24807,
    "osdmap_last_committed": 25307,       //25307 - 24807 = 500 osdmaps

(2)But in a scenario where osdmap has not changed for a long time,
1> ceph-osd cannot receive MOSDMap.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound,
2> There is no way to update superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound,
3> Eventually ceph-osd cannot perform OSD::trim_maps

[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph tell osd.0 status
    "cluster_fsid": "713551e4-fec5-453b-ac9e-ae0716d235cb",
    "osd_fsid": "bc068df8-0acb-4164-8262-3813b40ce736",
    "whoami": 0,
    "state": "active",
    "maps": "[21594~3714]",
    "cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound": 21594,     
    "num_pgs": 128
[root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph tell osd.1 status
    "cluster_fsid": "713551e4-fec5-453b-ac9e-ae0716d235cb",
    "osd_fsid": "a62eb046-59cb-40f7-bf63-82c228ef5e30",
    "whoami": 1,
    "state": "active",
    "maps": "[21594~3714]",                    // osd store 3714 osdmaps, more than 500 osdmaps
    "cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound": 21594,  //but osd superblock.tlb still is 21594, not is 24807
    "num_pgs": 128
Actions #8

Updated by Matan Breizman 4 months ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
  • Status changed from Need More Info to New
  • Priority changed from Normal to Low

I think that this is more of a RFE than a bug. If I could suggest a rephrase:

OSD (trim_maps): Missing periodic MOSDMap updates from monitor

OSDMap trimming lower bound is originated from the monitor's `osdmap_first_committed` epoch.
This value is shared from the monitor to the OSDs through OSDMap messages (MOSDMaps).
In the scenario where there is no OSDMap related activity, the monitor may have new `osdmap_first_committed` epoch without informing the OSDs about it.
As a result the OSDSuperblock::cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound (mon's `osdmap_first_committed`)
will remain "stale" until the next MOSDMap shared from the monitor. Since the tlb is stale, trim_maps calls won't actually trim any maps.

To resolve this scenario, we can enhance the monitor's behavior to share a MOSDMap with the new cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound
regardless of any MOSDMap activity.

The way I see it, we can reply to the OSD using with mon's latest map in one of the following options (OSDMonitor::send_latest):

  • Send the latest mon MOSDMap periodically (every n OSD beacons? / ticks?)
  • Add the OSD's local cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound to MOSDBeacon to detect "stale" ones and share latest accordingly.
  • Re-use MOSDFull logic, once every `osd_mon_report_interval` the OSD asks the monitor for full update if needed (See OSD::send_full_update()).
    (Enhance existing implementation?)

Thank you for the report jianwei. Let me know if I understood correctly.

Actions #9

Updated by jianwei zhang 4 months ago

Yes, your understanding is completely correct.

Let’s think about possible solutions together,
To completely strengthen the logic related to mon/osd osdmap trim,
Avoid expired osdmaps from occupying a large amount of storage space for a long time.

Thank you

Actions #10

Updated by Matan Breizman 4 months ago

  • Subject changed from OSD trim_maps - osdmap not change for a long time and not trigger trim_maps in ceph-osd to OSD (trim_maps): Missing periodic MOSDMap updates from monitor
  • Description updated (diff)

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