

Satoru Takeuchi


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 3 18 21



04:59 AM Ceph Support #65873 (New): How to recover from the failure of rbd import and rbd import-diff
I confirmed the failure of `rbd import-diff` leave garbage data. I asked how to treat this in ceph-users ML.
Satoru Takeuchi


06:06 AM rgw Bug #64340: invalid olh attributes on the target object after copy_object in a versioning suspended bucket
Thank you for your reply. I verified that consistent GET error happened with my v17.2.5 cluster. Satoru Takeuchi


11:53 PM rgw Bug #64340: invalid olh attributes on the target object after copy_object in a versioning suspended bucket
> The Get request crashed the rgw in our ceph version.
In my understanding, this silent error only happens in mai...
Satoru Takeuchi


06:50 AM rgw Bug #59104: All access to rgw took over 100 seconds for a long time
> I found that increasing the number of index OSD reduces the latency. So I'll increase the number of index OSDs in t... Satoru Takeuchi


07:49 AM rgw Bug #59104: All access to rgw took over 100 seconds for a long time
I succeeded to create a reproducer. I found that increasing the number of index OSD reduces the latency. So I'll incr... Satoru Takeuchi


04:55 AM rgw Bug #59104: All access to rgw took over 100 seconds for a long time
Hi, I took over Yuma's work.
We succeeded to reproduce this problem. Here is the additional input.
h3. problem
Satoru Takeuchi


12:42 AM cephsqlite Bug #55606: [ERR] Unhandled exception from module ''devicehealth'' while running on mgr.y: unknown
I hit a quite similar problem. My cluster became unhealthy as follows.
$ kubectl exec -n ${NS} deployment/roo...
Satoru Takeuchi


01:18 AM RADOS Bug #52385: a possible data loss due to recovery_unfound PG after restarting all nodes
I have tried to reproduce this issue in 17.2.5 for two weeks. However, nothing happened. Please close this ticket. Satoru Takeuchi


12:11 PM ceph-volume Bug #58591 (Resolved): report "Insufficient space (<5GB)" even when disk size is sufficient
ceph-volumes uses `/sys/block/<bdev>/size` field to judge whether a device has enough size (>= 5GiB).
The unit of th...
Satoru Takeuchi


11:42 AM rgw Backport #58171: quincy: RGW misplaces index entries after dynamically resharding bucket
When will the backport PR corresponding to this issue is created? Can I create a backport PR by I w... Satoru Takeuchi

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