


HOWTO schedule an issue for backporting » History » Version 10

Loïc Dachary, 11/04/2015 06:04 PM

1 3 Loïc Dachary
h3. First stage
3 4 Loïc Dachary
Although this can be done by the backporter when (s)he notices an issue should be backported, it is usually done by the original developer when (s)he realizes the fix must be backported.
4 3 Loïc Dachary
5 2 Loïc Dachary
* Add the name of the release to the comma separated list of release in the **Backport** field of the issue (see "journal Unable to read past sequence 406": for instance). 
6 1 Loïc Dachary
* Change the issue status to *Pending Backport*
8 3 Loïc Dachary
h3. Second stage
This is not expected from the developer, it is the responsibility of the backporter.
* visit the list of pending backports for the release (for instance "pending hammer backports":
13 8 Loïc Dachary
* each *Pending backport* issue should be copied to the appropriate backport tracker(s). That this has happened is indicated by the presence of lines like <code>Copied to #11653</code> in the *Related to* column. There should be one such line for each target release
14 3 Loïc Dachary
* for each issue that misses at least a *Copied from*, visit the issue
15 1 Loïc Dachary
* *copy* the issue (link on the top right of the issue)
16 10 Loïc Dachary
* add a *Copy from* relation to the original issue.
17 8 Loïc Dachary
** change *Tracker* to *Backport*
** change *Status* to *New*
19 9 Abhishek Varshney
** change *Priority* to *Normal* (if not already)
20 8 Loïc Dachary
** remove all text from the *Description*
** keep *Subject* as is
** set *Target version* to blank unless you know exactly which version it will go into
** set *Release* to the target release
** set *Assignee* to yourself if desired, otherwise to blank (do not leave the original value - Assignee should always be a member of the Stable releases and backports team)
25 3 Loïc Dachary
** unselect *copying attachement* if any (this only shows if the original issues had attachements)
** unselect *Include link to original story*
27 5 Loïc Dachary
* verify that the new issue shows as being *Copied from* in the list of related issues of the original issue
28 6 Loïc Dachary
h3. Backport field in the commit messages
31 7 Nathan Cutler
Calling for backport by including a line like <code>Backport: firefly</code> in the commit message is discouraged because the commit message is immutable. An issue in the *Backport* tracker of the corresponding project at should be created instead. Or, if the commit is associated with an existing issue, the *Backport* field should be updated with a comma-separated list of desired backports. Use release code names, not version numbers.