


Feature #10509

Updated by Joao Eduardo Luis over 9 years ago

*This is a tracking ticket for the monitor wishlist in src/doc/mon-wishlist.txt* 

 h3. h2. Low-hanging fruit 

 * audit helpers that put() messages but do not get() them. 
   where possible, get rid of those put().    No one expects helpers to 
   put() messages and that may lead to double frees. (issue #9378) 

 h3. h2. Medium complexity 

 * get rid of QuorumServices.    It seemed like a neat idea, but we only have 
   one or two and they just add complexity and noise. (issue #10506) 

 h3. h2. Time consuming / complex 

 * Split the file into auxiliary files.    This will mean: 

   1. Logically split subsystems (osd crush, osd pool, ...) 
   2. Split the big badass functions, especially prepare/process_command() 

 * Have Tracked Ops on the monitor, similarly to the OSDs. (issue #10507) 

 * Move to Ref'erenced messages instead of pointers all around.    This would 
   also help with the Tracked Ops thing, as we'd be able to simply ignore all 
   the get() and put() stuff behind it. (issue #3500) 

 h3. h2. Delicate / complex 

 * Finer-grained Paxos::is_readable() and/or PaxosService::is_readable() (issue #10508) 

   Rationale: a given service S should be able to read its committed state 
   even though a Paxos proposal is happening, as long as the on-going 
   proposal is not a value of service S. 
