


Bug #9500

Updated by Florian Haas over 9 years ago

System info: Firefly (0.80.5 on CentOS 6.5). radosgw is configured and working fine with s3cmd. 

 Symptom: despite there being a proper user, subuser, and Swift key, any auth request using the Swift v1 API fails (regardless of whether done with curl or python-swiftclient). At the same time, S3 access using the same user's access key and secret key works without a hitch. 

 Debugging with "debug_ms=10/10" then shows that radosgw is getting ENOENT from the OSD immediately prior to the auth failure. Verifying with "rados -p .users.swift ls" shows that the subuser object is indeed missing there, instead there is an object named "" (empty string) that contains the uid. there. 

 Manually create an object whose name matches creating the subuser id object and then re-adding the swift key resolves the access issue. 

 It appears that radosgw-admin subuser create simply fails to create the subuser object. 

 A reference system with 0.80.5 on Ubuntu precise does not show this problem. Could this be a RHEL/CentOS specific issue? 
