


Bug #8592

Updated by Alfredo Deza almost 10 years ago

When using `--change-name` on the same call when creating the partition sgdisk complains like: 

 sudo /sbin/sgdisk --new=1:+0:+5120M --change-name=1:"ceph journal" --partition-guid=1:68ca602a-af72-48a6-8ca9-ecff1003ecca --typecode=1:45b0969e-9b03-4f30-b4c6-5ec00ceff106 --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdb 
 Problem opening journal for reading! Error is 2. 
 The specified file does not exist! 
 </pre> <pre> 

 Taking out that flag allows us to create everything except for setting the name: 

 sudo /sbin/sgdisk --new=1:+0:+5120M --partition-guid=1:68ca602a-af72-48a6-8ca9-ecff1003ecca --typecode=1:45b0969e-9b03-4f30-b4c6-5ec00ceff106 --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdb 
 Creating new GPT entries. 
 Information: Moved requested sector from 34 to 2048 in 
 order to align on 2048-sector boundaries. 
 The operation has completed successfully. 

 This affects ceph-disk as the `--change-name` flag is used everywhere. Modifying ceph-disk on the fly to do a subsequent `--change-name` worked 
