


Feature #63889

Updated by Matan Breizman 5 months ago

<pre><code class="text"> 
 OSDMap trimming lower bound is originated from the monitor's `osdmap_first_committed` epoch. 
 This value is shared from the monitor to the OSDs through OSDMap messages (MOSDMaps). 
 In the scenario where there is no OSDMap related activity, the monitor may have new `osdmap_first_committed` epoch without informing the OSDs about it. 
 As a result the OSDSuperblock::cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound (mon's `osdmap_first_committed`) 
 will remain "stale" until the next MOSDMap shared from the monitor. Since the tlb is stale, trim_maps calls won't actually trim any maps. 

 To resolve this scenario, we can enhance the monitor's behavior to share a MOSDMap with the new cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound 
 regardless of any MOSDMap activity. 

 ref-PR: (osd: fix scheduling of OSD::trim_maps is not timely)  

 Problem Description 
 1. ceph -s check HEALTH_OK, and all pg are active+lean 
 2. ceph report | grep osdmap_, check the latest osdmap epoch is 25307, the oldest osdmap epoch is 24807, the difference between the two is 500 osdmaps 
 3. ceph tell osd.0 status, view 
     - oldest_map is 21594 
     - superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594, should be 24807, not as expected 
     - newest_map is 25307 
     - The difference of `3714` osdmap is not as expected 
 4. ceph -s --debug_ms=1 > aa 2>&1 show that cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound = 24807 of osd_map 

 [root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph -s 
     id:       713551e4-fec5-453b-ac9e-ae0716d235cb 
     health: HEALTH_OK 

     mon: 1 daemons, quorum a (age 5d) 
     mgr: x(active, since 5d) 
     osd: 2 osds: 2 up (since 2d), 2 in (since 3d) 
          flags noout,nobackfill,norebalance,norecover,noscrub,nodeep-scrub 

     pools:     2 pools, 256 pgs 
     objects: 10.26k objects, 10 GiB 
     usage:     10 GiB used, 9.2 TiB / 9.2 TiB avail 
     pgs:       256 active+clean 

 [root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph osd dump | head 
 epoch 25307 

 [root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph report | grep osdmap_ 
 report 974124877 
     "osdmap_clean_epochs": { 
     "osdmap_first_committed": 24807, 
     "osdmap_last_committed": 25307, 

 25307 - 24807 = 500 epoch osdmap 

 [root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph report | jq    .osdmap_clean_epochs 
 report 1902116976 
   "min_last_epoch_clean": 25306, 
   "last_epoch_clean": { 
     "per_pool": [ 
         "poolid": 1, 
         "floor": 25307 
         "poolid": 2, 
         "floor": 25306 
   "osd_epochs": [ 
       "id": 0, 
       "epoch": 25307 
       "id": 1, 
       "epoch": 25307 

 [root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# tail -n 1000000 out/osd.0.log |grep trim_maps | tail -n    10 
 2023-12-25T15:23:02.055+0800 7f9d5dfa3700    5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258  
 2023-12-25T15:24:04.020+0800 7f9d5dfa3700    5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258  
 2023-12-25T15:25:05.060+0800 7f9d5dfa3700    5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258  
 2023-12-25T15:26:06.941+0800 7f9d5dfa3700    5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258  
 2023-12-25T15:27:08.033+0800 7f9d5dfa3700    5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258  
 2023-12-25T15:28:09.170+0800 7f9d5dfa3700    5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258  
 2023-12-25T15:29:11.127+0800 7f9d5dfa3700    5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258  
 2023-12-25T15:30:12.387+0800 7f9d5dfa3700    5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258  
 2023-12-25T15:31:14.312+0800 7f9d5dfa3700    5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258  
 2023-12-25T15:32:16.066+0800 7f9d5dfa3700    5 osd.0 25307 trim_maps: min=21594 oldest_map=21594 superblock.cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound=21594 service.map_cache.cached_key_lower_bound=25258  

 [root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph tell osd.0 status 
     "cluster_fsid": "713551e4-fec5-453b-ac9e-ae0716d235cb", 
     "osd_fsid": "bc068df8-0acb-4164-8262-3813b40ce736", 
     "whoami": 0, 
     "state": "active", 
     "maps": "[21594~3714]", 
     "cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound": 21594, 
     "num_pgs": 128 
 [root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph tell osd.1 status 
     "cluster_fsid": "713551e4-fec5-453b-ac9e-ae0716d235cb", 
     "osd_fsid": "a62eb046-59cb-40f7-bf63-82c228ef5e30", 
     "whoami": 1, 
     "state": "active", 
     "maps": "[21594~3714]", 
     "cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound": 21594, 
     "num_pgs": 128 

 [root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# ceph -s --debug_ms=1 > aa 2>&1 

 [root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# grep osdmap aa 
 2023-12-25T16:10:19.628+0800 7ffb2a3fc700    1 -- --> v2: -- mon_subscribe({osdmap=0}) v3 -- 0x7ffb24111330 con 0x7ffb240fef90 

 [root@zjw-cmain-dev build]# grep osd_map aa 
 2023-12-25T16:10:19.630+0800 7ffb20ff9700    1 -- <== mon.0 v2: 5 ==== osd_map(25307..25307 src has 24807..25307) v4 ==== 2651+0+0 (crc 0 0 0) 0x7ffb14032bb0 con 0x7ffb240fef90 


 class MOSDMap final : public Message { 
   void print(std::ostream& out) const override { 
     out << "osd_map(" << get_first() << ".." << get_last(); 
     if (cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound || newest_map) 
       out << " src has " << cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound 
           << ".." << newest_map; 
     out << ")"; 

 cluster_osdmap_trim_lower_bound = 24807 
 newest_map = 25307 

 1. # cat 
 set -x 

 rm -rf dev ceph.conf out 

 MON=1 MGR=1 OSD=1 FS=0 MDS=0 RGW=0 ../src/ -n -l -X -b --msgr2 \ 
	 --bluestore-devs /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST10000NM0196-2AA131_ZA29A049 \ 
	 --bluestore-db-devs /dev/disk/by-id/ata-INTEL_SSDSC2KG480G8_BTYG909204YN480BGN-part3 \ 
	 --bluestore-wal-devs /dev/disk/by-id/ata-INTEL_SSDSC2KG480G8_BTYG909204YN480BGN-part1 

 2. # ../src/ --inc-osd 

 3. # crush tree 
    osd.0 in root default-root-0 
    osd.1 in root default-root-1 

 4. # create pool 
    create test-pool-0 with default-root-0 root. (single replicas) 
    create test-pool-1 with default-root-1 root. (single replicas) 

 5. # kill -9 <> 

 6. # change osdmap 
 for i in {1..10000}; do 
	 ceph osd pool application rm "test-pool-1" rgw "abc" 
	 ceph osd pool application set "test-pool-1" rgw "abc" "efg" 
	 ceph osd dump | head -n 1 

 7. # record osdmap info 
   ceph osd dump | head 
   ceph report | grep osdmap 
   ceph report | jq .osdmap_clean_epochs 
   ceph tell osd.1 status 

 8. # start osd.0 
   init-ceph start osd.0 

 9. # record osdmap info 
   ceph tell osd.0 status 
   ceph tell osd.1 status 
   ceph osd dump | head 
   ceph report | grep osdmap 
   ceph report | jq .osdmap_clean_epochs 

 10. # ceph daemon osd.0 config set debug_osd 20 
       ceph daemon osd.1 config set debug_osd 20 
       ceph daemon osd.0 config set osd_map_trim_min_interval 60 
       ceph daemon osd.1 config set osd_map_trim_min_interval 60 

 11. tail -f out/osd.0.log | grep trim_maps 

