


Bug #61882

Updated by Ernesto Puerta 11 months ago

h3. Description 

 While "Quincy on EL9 is not officially supported (yet)":, the Ceph project is "releasing EL9 packages for Quincy": 

 Recently the EPEL 9 repo updated the `thrift` packages there from 0.14 to 0.15 and removed the 0.14 version (around Jun 27 or 28). From that moment on, anyone trying to install Ceph Quincy RPM packages for EL9 would see the following error/s: 

 <pre><code class="text"> 
 error: Could not depsolve transaction; 6 problems detected:                                                   
  Problem 1: conflicting requests                                                                              
   - nothing provides needed by ceph-common-2:17.2.6-0.el9.x86_64 from Ceph 
  Problem 2: package ceph-mon-2:17.2.6-0.el9.x86_64 from Ceph requires ceph-base = 2:17.2.6-0.el9, but none of the providers can be installed 
   - package ceph-base-2:17.2.6-0.el9.x86_64 from Ceph requires librgw2 = 2:17.2.6-0.el9, but none of the providers can be installed 
   - conflicting requests 
   - nothing provides needed by librgw2-2:17.2.6-0.el9.x86_64 from Ceph 

 The @libthrift-0.14@ dependency comes from the @parquet-libs@ package, which is a dependency of the @libarrow@ package (both packages are published in EPEL by Ceph maintainers, especifically Kaleb Keithley). 

 h3. Fix 

 Kaleb mentioned that he's building and pushing an updated version of both packages, but that it would "take a few days to work through the Fedora/EPEL bodhi process". 

 h3. Workarounds 

 - Unfortunately not installing RGW packages is not an option, as Ceph RPMs declare cross-dependencies (ceph-common already fails to install due to this missing dep). 
 - @thrift 0.14@ is still available at 
