


Subtask #4928

Updated by Loïc Dachary about 11 years ago

* The goal is not to factor out a base class from which an ErasureEncodedPG could be derived, it is to reverse engineer the PG API 
 * PG/ReplicatedPG are really a single class although they grew from two different classes, back when RAID4 was to be implemented : the difference between the two gradually disapeared 
 * Define an API ( IPG ? ) class for PG/ReplicatedPG 
 * Change the code using PG/ReplicatedPG to use the API class rather than the actual PG/RepliatedPG classes 
 ** this may involve modifying the code of the calling classes to use accessors when data members are referenced 
 ** the callers are not otherwise modified, to minimize the change 
 ** it is assumed that the the API is defined by what is used and no attempt is made to improve 
 * Tests are written for the API to cover 100% of the LOC and most of the expected functionalities implemented by PG/ReplicatedPG.
