


Feature #4366

Updated by Greg Farnum about 11 years ago

Neil needs The current documentation says: 

 "To prepare a host (...) so that it can administer the cluster" run ceph-deploy admin HOST 

 Would it not be more accurate to fill in say that ceph-deploy admin command enables a machine to become a *client* of the Ceph cluster and so the switch should be called client? Seems more specific requirements here, but for likely that a starting point, something like: 
 "ceph-deploy rbd-client <host> <client-name> <pool-images-are-in>" 
 user would run this prior to get-or-create installing an rgw or rbd client on a client key with <client-name> host. 

 Also, given the initial host that has is running the permissions it needs ceph-deploy commands is likely to access RBD images in become a client, or admin, if localhost is given as HOST, the pool <pool-images-are-in>. script should perhaps avoid doing a ssh and just run the commands locally.
