


Bug #4036

Updated by Greg Farnum about 11 years ago

I noticed this when using init-ceph You used to be able to restart daemons with ./init-ceph restart mds. Unfortunately that doesn't work any more — it successfully picks up on which MDS exists, but tries to restart with a vstart cluster: bunch of default config options: 
 starting mds.a at :/0 
 ./ceph -c ceph.conf -k /home/gregf/ceph/src/keyring mds set_max_mds 1 
 max_mds = 1 
 started. to stop.    see out/* (e.g. 'tail -f out/????') for debug output. 
 gregf@kai:~/ceph/src [master]$ ps aux | grep ceph 
 gregf      26870    1.0    0.4 117092 18384 ?          Ssl    12:51     0:00 ./ceph-mon -i a -c ceph.conf 
 gregf      26942 11.2    0.6 367808 24752 ?          Ssl    12:51     0:00 ./ceph-osd -i 0 -c ceph.conf 
 gregf      26965    1.0    0.4 134740 18676 ?          Ssl    12:51     0:00 ./ceph-mds -i a -c ceph.conf 
 gregf      27048    0.0    0.0     6024     688 pts/5      S+     12:51     0:00 grep ceph 
 nobody     29299    0.0    0.0    31400    3004 ?          Ss     Feb01     0:12 /usr/sbin/openvpn --writepid /var/run/ --daemon ovpn-cephco-sepia --status /var/run/openvpn.cephco-sepia.status 10 --cd /etc/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/cephco-sepia.conf 
 gregf@kai:~/ceph/src [master]$ ./init-ceph restart mds 
 === mds.a ===  
 === mds.a ===  
 Stopping Ceph mds.a on kai...kill 26965...done 
 === mds.a ===  
 Starting Ceph mds.a on kai... 
 mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/run/ceph': Permission denied 
 bash: line 0: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted 
 starting mds.a at :/0 
 gregf@kai:~/ceph/src [master]$ <pre> 

 The problem appears to be that init-ceph is attempting to unconditionally create the "/var/run/ceph" directory, even if none of the daemons want to put anything there. It appears to be so that "init-ceph status" can look in that directory for the admin sockets? So that should probably get modified to look wherever the admin sockets actually live.
