


Cleanup #38765

Updated by Ernesto Puerta about 5 years ago

Currently 75% of the dashboard code follows the template below, which exhibits a high degree of code duplication. For every back-end resource (pools, RBD images, RGW users, ...): 
 * *list-component*: table-like component exposing the collection of resources (GET /api/<resource>). The table features action buttons bottoms to interact with listed resources, which commonly include: 
 ** *create*: mapping @POST /api/<resource>@, routing to a form-component 
 ** *edit*: mapping @PUT /api/<resource>/<id>@, routing to a form-component 
 ** *delete*: mapping @DELETE /api/<resource>/<id>@, it usually loads a different modal component. 
 * *form-component*: 'reactive form' relying on some developed helpers, but mostly duplicating boilerplate code. 
 * *delete-modal* (defined in list-component) 

 A suggestion for improvement would be to create a base form-component featuring the common layout and basic actions for every component (create, edit, remove). A basic interface for that component could be as follows: 
 <pre><code class="javascript"> 
 import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';                                                                                             
 import { CdFormGroup } from '../../forms/cd-form-group';                                              
 import { ActionLabelsI18n } from '../../constants/app.constants';                                     
   selector: 'cd-resource-form',                                                                       
   templateUrl: './resource-form.component.html'                                                       
 export class ResourceFormComponent {                                                                  
   @Input() action:string;        //    the main action to perform by this form (Create|Edit|...)                    
   @Input() resource:string;      //    the resource kind ('pool', 'rbd', etc)                              
   @Input() form:FormGroup;       //    the form object                               
   @Input() submit: Function;     //    the onSubmit callback (could be replaced with an Emitter/@Output)                                                      
   @Input() cancelLink: string; //    the link to get back at for the cancel action (easily inferable)                                                                                                   

 <pre><code class="html"> 
 <div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-6">                                                                                                              
     <form name="form"                                                                                 
       <div class="panel panel-default">                                                               
         <div class="panel-heading">                                                                   
           <h3 class="panel-title">                                                                    
             <span i18n>{{action + ' ' + resource | titlecase}}</span>                                 
         <div class="panel-body">                                                                      
         <div class="panel-footer">                                                                    
           <div class="button-group text-right">                                                       
             <cd-submit-button [form]="formDir"                                                        
               <span i18n>{{ action + ' ' + resource | titlecase }}</span>                             
             <button i18n                                                                              
                     class="btn btn-sm btn-default"                                                    

 A sample use would be: 
 <pre><code class="html"> 
 <cd-resource-form [action]="actions.CREATE" [resource]="resources.POOL" [form]="form" [submit]="submit" cancelLink="/pool"> 
 <!-- Add form controls --> 

 This move could be further developed and provide a templated component-list as well, which would remove even more duplication.
