



Bug #44613


librbd:No lockers are obtained, ImageNotFound exception will be output.

Added by daolong zhang about 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Target version:
% Done:


3 - minor
Affected Versions:
Pull request ID:
Crash signature (v1):
Crash signature (v2):


  1. rbd status lpool-ae13e329e4304a2085b6aae977f6ffdb/volume-e10205c959e1454dacfcff41987c63e4
    watcher= client.8644327 cookie=140681117230512
    watcher= client.8683609 cookie=140683599972336

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 13, in <module>
img_lock = rbd.LockOwnerIterator(img)
File "rbd.pyx", line 4725, in rbd.LockOwnerIterator.__init__ (/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_DIST/centos7/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/release/14.2.8/rpm/el7/BUILD/ceph-14.2.8/build/src/pybind/rbd/pyrex/rbd.c:44180)
rbd.ImageNotFound: [errno 2] error listing lock owners for image volume-e10205c959e1454dacfcff41987c63e4

  1. cat
    import rbd
    import rados
    import time
    import datetime


cluster = rados.Rados(conffile='/etc/ceph/ceph.conf')
ioctx = cluster.open_ioctx(pool)
with rbd.Image(ioctx, image_name) as img:
img_lock = rbd.LockOwnerIterator(img)
for lock in img_lock:
print lock

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Copied to rbd - Backport #44896: nautilus: librbd:No lockers are obtained, ImageNotFound exception will be output.ResolvedNathan CutlerActions
Copied to rbd - Backport #44897: octopus: librbd:No lockers are obtained, ImageNotFound exception will be output.ResolvedNathan CutlerActions
Actions #1

Updated by daolong zhang about 4 years ago

rbd status lpool-ae13e329e4304a2085b6aae977f6ffdb/volume-e10205c959e1454dacfcff41987c63e4
watcher= client.8644327 cookie=140681117230512
watcher= client.8683609 cookie=140683599972336

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 13, in <module>
img_lock = rbd.LockOwnerIterator(img)
File "rbd.pyx", line 4725, in rbd.LockOwnerIterator.__init__ (/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_DIST/centos7/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/release/14.2.8/rpm/el7/BUILD/ceph-14.2.8/build/src/pybind/rbd/pyrex/rbd.c:44180)
rbd.ImageNotFound: [errno 2] error listing lock owners for image volume-e10205c959e1454dacfcff41987c63e4

import rbd
import rados
import time
import datetime


cluster = rados.Rados(conffile='/etc/ceph/ceph.conf')
ioctx = cluster.open_ioctx(pool)
with rbd.Image(ioctx, image_name) as img:
img_lock = rbd.LockOwnerIterator(img)
for lock in img_lock:
print lock

the code :
  1. vim src/librbd/managed_lock/
    18 template <typename I>
    17 void GetLockerRequest<I>::handle_get_lockers(int r) {
    16 ldout(m_cct, 10) << "r=" << r << dendl;
    14 std::map<rados::cls::lock::locker_id_t,
    13 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊rados::cls::lock::locker_info_t> lockers;
    12 ClsLockType lock_type = LOCK_NONE;
    11 std::string lock_tag;
    10 if (r == 0) {
    9 ┊ auto it = m_out_bl.cbegin();
    8 ┊ r = rados::cls::lock::get_lock_info_finish(&it, &lockers, &lock_type,
    7 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ &lock_tag);
    6 }
    4 if (r < 0) {
    3 ┊ lderr(m_cct) << "failed to retrieve lockers: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
    2 ┊ finish(r);
    1 ┊ return;
    73 }
    2 if (lockers.empty()) {
    3 ┊ ldout(m_cct, 20) << "no lockers detected" << dendl;
    4 ┊ finish(ENOENT); ---> the result code is -ENOENT
    5 ┊ return;
    6 }
  2. vim src/librbd/
    21 int lock_get_owners(ImageCtx *ictx, rbd_lock_mode_t *lock_mode,
    20 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ std::list<std::string> *lock_owners)
    19 {
    18 ┊ CephContext *cct = ictx->cct;
    17 ┊ ldout(cct, 20) << func << ": ictx=" << ictx << dendl;
    15 ┊ managed_lock::Locker locker;
    14 ┊ C_SaferCond get_owner_ctx;
    13 ┊ {
    12 ┊ ┊ std::shared_lock owner_locker{ictx->owner_lock};
    10 ┊ ┊ if (ictx->exclusive_lock == nullptr) {
    9 ┊ ┊ ┊ lderr(cct) << "exclusive-lock feature is not enabled" << dendl;
    8 ┊ ┊ ┊ return EINVAL;
    7 ┊ ┊ }
    5 ┊ ┊ ictx
    >exclusive_lock->get_locker(&locker, &get_owner_ctx);
    4 ┊ }
    2 ┊ int r = get_owner_ctx.wait();
    1 ┊ if (r == ENOENT) {
    1016 ┊ ┊ return r; --
    > return ENOENT to
    1 ┊ } else if (r < 0) {
    2 ┊ ┊ lderr(cct) << "failed to determine current lock owner: "
    3 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊<< cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
    4 ┊ ┊ return r;
    5 ┊ }
  3. vim src/pybind/rbd/rbd.pyx
33 cdef class LockOwnerIterator(object):
32 """
31 Iterator over managed lock owners for an image
29 Yields a dictionary containing information about the image's lock
27 Keys are:
25 * ``mode`` (int) - active lock mode
23 * ``owner`` (str) - lock owner name
22 """
20 cdef:
19 ┊ rbd_lock_mode_t lock_mode
18 ┊ char lock_owners
17 ┊ size_t num_lock_owners
16 ┊ object image
14 def init(self, Image image):
13 ┊ self.image = image
12 ┊ self.lock_owners = NULL
11 ┊ self.num_lock_owners = 8
10 ┊ while True:
9 ┊ ┊ self.lock_owners = &lt;char
8 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ self.num_lock_owners
7 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ sizeof(char
6 ┊ ┊ with nogil:
5 ┊ ┊ ┊ ret = rbd_lock_get_owners(image.image, &self.lock_mode,
4 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ self.lock_owners,
3 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ &self.num_lock_owners)
2 ┊ ┊ if ret >= 0:
1 ┊ ┊ ┊ break
5396 ┊ ┊ elif ret != -errn
Actions #2

Updated by daolong zhang about 4 years ago

1 ┊ ┊ elif ret != -errno.ERANGE:
5397 ┊ ┊ ┊ raise make_ex(ret, 'error listing lock owners for image %s' %

Actions #3

Updated by daolong zhang about 4 years ago

Deubg out put

  1. python
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.472 7f010a976740 1 librados: starting msgr at
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.472 7f010a976740 1 librados: starting objecter
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.472 7f010a976740 1 librados: setting wanted keys
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.472 7f010a976740 1 librados: calling monclient init
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.475 7f010a976740 1 librados: init done
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.475 7f010a976740 10 librados: wait_for_osdmap waiting
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.478 7f010a976740 10 librados: wait_for_osdmap done waiting
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.484 7f010a976740 5 librbd::io::ImageRequestWQ: 0xef4d10 ImageRequestWQ: ictx=0xea2e40
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.484 7f010a976740 20 librbd::ImageState: 0xef3ef0 open
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.484 7f010a976740 10 librbd::ImageState: 0xef3ef0 0xef3ef0 send_open_unlock
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.484 7f010a976740 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 send_v2_detect_header
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.486 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: handle_v2_detect_header: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.486 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 send_v2_get_id
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.486 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: handle_v2_get_id: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.486 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 send_v2_get_initial_metadata
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.487 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: handle_v2_get_initial_metadata: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.487 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 send_v2_get_create_timestamp
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.487 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 handle_v2_get_create_timestamp: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.487 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 send_v2_get_access_modify_timestamp
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.488 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 handle_v2_get_access_modify_timestamp: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.488 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 send_v2_get_data_pool
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.488 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 handle_v2_get_data_pool: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.488 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::ImageCtx: init_layout stripe_unit 4194304 stripe_count 1 object_size 4194304 prefix rbd_data.3594337eec6a09 format rbd_data.3594337eec6a09.%016llx
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.488 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 send_refresh
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.488 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 send_v2_get_mutable_metadata
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.489 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 handle_v2_get_mutable_metadata: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.489 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 send_v2_get_parent: legacy=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.489 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 handle_v2_get_parent: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.489 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 send_v2_get_metadata: start_key=
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.490 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 handle_v2_get_metadata: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.490 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 send_v2_get_pool_metadata: start_key=
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.491 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 handle_v2_get_pool_metadata: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.491 7f00d3fff700 20 librbd::ImageCtx: apply_metadata
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.491 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 send_v2_get_group
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.491 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 handle_v2_get_group: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 send_v2_init_exclusive_lock
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::ExclusiveLock: 0x7f00c400b2d0 init
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d3fff700 5 librbd::io::ImageRequestWQ: 0xef4d10 block_writes: 0xea2e40, num=1
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d3fff700 20 librbd::io::AsyncOperation: 0x7f00c400b728 start_op
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d3fff700 20 librbd::io::ImageRequest: 0x7f00d3ffe920 send: aio_flush: ictx=0xea2e40, completion=0x7f00c400b600
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d3fff700 20 librbd::io::AioCompletion: 0x7f00c400b600 set_request_count: pending=1
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::ObjectDispatcher: 0xef70d0 send: object_dispatch_spec=0x7f00c400b870
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::AioCompletion: 0x7f00c400b600 complete_request: cb=1, pending=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::AioCompletion: 0x7f00c400b600 finalize: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::ExclusiveLock: 0x7f00c400b2d0 handle_init_complete: features=61
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::ImageRequestWQ: 0xef4d10 set_require_lock:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 handle_v2_init_exclusive_lock: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 send_v2_apply
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::AsyncOperation: 0x7f00c400b728 finish_op
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 handle_v2_apply
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::image::RefreshRequest: 0x7f00c4009cc0 apply
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 10 librados: set snap write context: seq = 0 and snaps = []
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: handle_refresh: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 send_init_cache
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 5 librbd::cache::ObjectCacherObjectDispatch: 0x7f00cc004b80 init:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 5 librbd::cache::ObjectCacherObjectDispatch: 0x7f00cc004b80 init: enabling caching...
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 5 librbd::cache::ObjectCacherObjectDispatch: 0x7f00cc004b80 init: Initial cache settings: size=33554432 num_objects=10 max_dirty=0 target_dirty=16777216 max_dirty_age=1
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 5 librbd::cache::ObjectCacherObjectDispatch: 0x7f00cc004b80 init: cache bytes 33554432 -> about 1048 objects
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 5 librbd::io::ObjectDispatcher: 0xef70d0 register_object_dispatch: object_dispatch_layer=1
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 send_register_watch
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.492 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::Watcher: 0x7f00c4008700 register_watch:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.514 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::Watcher: 0x7f00c4008700 handle_register_watch: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.515 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::image::OpenRequest: 0xef72e0 handle_register_watch: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.515 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::ImageState: 0xef3ef0 0xef3ef0 handle_open: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.515 7f010a976740 20 librbd: lock_get_owners: ictx=0xea2e40
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.515 7f010a976740 10 librbd::ManagedLock: 0x7ffe9bc37890 get_locker:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.515 7f010a976740 10 librbd::managed_lock::GetLockerRequest: 0xef7510 send_get_lockers:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.515 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::managed_lock::GetLockerRequest: 0xef7510 handle_get_lockers: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.515 7f00d3fff700 20 librbd::managed_lock::GetLockerRequest: 0xef7510 handle_get_lockers: no lockers detected
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.515 7f00d3fff700 10 librbd::managed_lock::GetLockerRequest: 0xef7510 finish: r=-2
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f010a976740 20 librbd::ImageState: 0xef3ef0 close
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f010a976740 10 librbd::ImageState: 0xef3ef0 0xef3ef0 send_close_unlock
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f010a976740 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 send_block_image_watcher
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f010a976740 10 librbd::ImageWatcher: 0x7f00c4008700 block_notifies
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f010a976740 5 librbd::Watcher: 0x7f00c4008700 block_notifies: blocked_count=1
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f010a976740 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 handle_block_image_watcher: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f010a976740 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 send_shut_down_update_watchers
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f010a976740 20 librbd::ImageState: 0xef3ef0 shut_down_update_watchers
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f010a976740 20 librbd::ImageState: 0xef3fe0 ImageUpdateWatchers::shut_down
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f010a976740 20 librbd::ImageState: 0xef3fe0 ImageUpdateWatchers::shut_down: completing shut down
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 handle_shut_down_update_watchers: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 send_shut_down_io_queue
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 5 librbd::io::ImageRequestWQ: 0xef4d10 shut_down: shut_down: in_flight=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::AsyncOperation: 0x7f00cc0077a8 start_op
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::ImageRequest: 0x7f00d37fd9c0 send: aio_flush: ictx=0xea2e40, completion=0x7f00cc007680
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::AioCompletion: 0x7f00cc007680 set_request_count: pending=1
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::ObjectDispatcher: 0xef70d0 send: object_dispatch_spec=0x7f00cc006d70
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::cache::ObjectCacherObjectDispatch: 0x7f00cc004b80 flush:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::ObjectDispatcher: 0xef70d0 send: object_dispatch_spec=0x7f00cc006d70
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::AioCompletion: 0x7f00cc007680 complete_request: cb=1, pending=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::AioCompletion: 0x7f00cc007680 finalize: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 handle_shut_down_io_queue: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 send_shut_down_exclusive_lock
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::ExclusiveLock: 0x7f00c400b2d0 shut_down
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::ManagedLock: 0x7f00c400b2d0 shut_down:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::ManagedLock: 0x7f00c400b2d0 send_shutdown:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::AsyncOperation: 0x7f00cc0077a8 finish_op
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::ExclusiveLock: 0x7f00c400b2d0 shutdown_handler
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 20 librbd::io::ImageRequestWQ: 0xef4d10 set_require_lock:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 5 librbd::io::ImageRequestWQ: 0xef4d10 unblock_writes: 0xea2e40, num=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::ManagedLock: 0x7f00c400b2d0 handle_shutdown: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::ManagedLock: 0x7f00c400b2d0 wait_for_tracked_ops: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::ManagedLock: 0x7f00c400b2d0 complete_shutdown: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 handle_shut_down_exclusive_lock: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 send_unregister_image_watcher
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::ImageWatcher: 0x7f00c4008700 unregistering image watcher
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.516 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::Watcher: 0x7f00c4008700 unregister_watch:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.536 7f00d3fff700 10 librados: async_watch_flush enter
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.536 7f00d3fff700 10 librados: async_watch_flush exit
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.536 7f00d1ffb700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 handle_unregister_image_watcher: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.536 7f00d1ffb700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 send_flush_readahead
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.536 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 handle_flush_readahead: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.536 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 send_shut_down_object_dispatcher
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.536 7f00d37fe700 5 librbd::io::ObjectDispatcher: 0xef70d0 shut_down:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.536 7f00d37fe700 5 librbd::io::ObjectDispatch: 0xddce40 shut_down:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.536 7f00d37fe700 5 librbd::cache::ObjectCacherObjectDispatch: 0x7f00cc004b80 shut_down:
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.537 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 handle_shut_down_object_dispatcher: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.537 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 send_flush_op_work_queue
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.537 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 handle_flush_op_work_queue: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.537 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::image::CloseRequest: 0xef8170 handle_flush_image_watcher: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.537 7f00d37fe700 10 librbd::ImageState: 0xef3ef0 0xef3ef0 handle_close: r=0
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.537 7f010a976740 20 librados: flush_aio_writes
    2020-03-13 18:00:44.537 7f010a976740 20 librados: flush_aio_writes
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 13, in <module>
    img_lock = rbd.LockOwnerIterator(img)
    File "rbd.pyx", line 4725, in rbd.LockOwnerIterator.__init__ (/home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_DIST/centos7/DIST/centos7/MACHINE_SIZE/huge/release/14.2.8/rpm/el7/BUILD/ceph-14.2.8/build/src/pybind/rbd/pyrex/rbd.c:44180)
    rbd.ImageNotFound: [errno 2
Actions #4

Updated by daolong zhang about 4 years ago


Actions #5

Updated by Mykola Golub about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fix Under Review
  • Pull request ID set to 33962
Actions #6

Updated by Mykola Golub about 4 years ago

  • Pull request ID changed from 33962 to 34134
Actions #7

Updated by Mykola Golub about 4 years ago

  • Backport set to octopus, nautilus
Actions #8

Updated by Mykola Golub about 4 years ago

  • Backport changed from octopus, nautilus to octopus,nautilus
Actions #9

Updated by Mykola Golub about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Fix Under Review to Pending Backport
Actions #10

Updated by Nathan Cutler about 4 years ago

  • Copied to Backport #44896: nautilus: librbd:No lockers are obtained, ImageNotFound exception will be output. added
Actions #11

Updated by Nathan Cutler about 4 years ago

  • Copied to Backport #44897: octopus: librbd:No lockers are obtained, ImageNotFound exception will be output. added
Actions #12

Updated by Nathan Cutler about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending Backport to Resolved

While running with --resolve-parent, the script "backport-create-issue" noticed that all backports of this issue are in status "Resolved" or "Rejected".


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