# v16.1.1 * Bug #49078: build failure on fedora-34/rawhide when building with system liburing * Bug #49080: packages fail to install on Fedora 34/rawhide due to missing shared lib libblk.so * Bug #49081: packages fail to install on Fedora 34/rawhide due to missing shared lib libneoradostest-support.so * Bug #49197: pg balancer not working during recovery --> bad distribution --> full pools --> complete cluster failure * Bug #49205: orchestrator/01-hosts.e2e-spec.ts failed in test_dashboard_e2e.sh * Tasks #49211: mgr/dashboard: accessibility, performance and security check for dashboard * Bug #49215: device life expectancy resets on mgr restart * Cleanup #49220: mgr/dashboard: avoid using document.write() * Bug #49224: mgr/dashboard: Exports for NFS-Ganesha fails with rook mgr module enabled