# v16.1.0 * Bug #48923: pacific: pybind: revert removal of ceph_volume_client library * Bug #49146: mgr/dashboard: service create lists mgr/mon and crash * Bug #49147: mgr/dashboard: admin can issue a create service for an existing service * Bug #49149: mgr/dashboard: unable to see grafana integration after enabling the services manually * Bug #49154: mgr/dashboard: removing a service switches it to unmanaged in the UI but will block it in the CLI * Bug #49177: OSD is missing from the create service page (without a why) * Tasks #49178: create osd service from UI should allow the user to provide a service name * Bug #49179: using a host_pattern for osd selection resulted in the placement representing the name as a list of chars * Feature #49180: mgr/dashboard: [RFE] Pool information doesn't provide easy visiblity of new(ish) features