# v15.2.1 * Backport #44583: octopus: mgr/dashboard: Dashboard does not allow you to set norebalance OSD flag * Backport #44649: octopus: vstart_runner.py: fix OSError when checking if non-existent path is mounted * Backport #44697: octopus: mgr/dashboard: add popover list of Stand-by Managers & Metadata Servers (MDS) in landing page * Backport #44709: octopus: mgr/dashboard: Orchestrator documentation link no longer working * Backport #44710: octopus: doc/cephadm: replace `osd create` with `apply osd` * Backport #44717: octopus: osd/PeeringState.cc: 5582: FAILED ceph_assert(ps->is_acting(osd_with_shard) || ps->is_up(osd_with_sh ard)) * Backport #44737: octopus: prometheus metrics wrongly reports scrubbing pgs * Backport #44741: octopus: mgr/dashboard: Check for missing npm resolutions * Backport #44754: octopus: mgr default value handling is broken * Backport #44770: octopus: fast luminous -> nautilus -> octopus upgrade asserts out * Backport #44786: octopus: mgr/dashboard: backend test failure on tasks.mgr.dashboard.test_health.HealthTest * Backport #44796: octopus: mgr/dashboard: 'dashboard ac-user-create' is not idempotent * Backport #44840: octopus: mgr/dashboard: daemons of mds/rgw services are not listed in Services page * Backport #44847: octopus: osd-backfill-recovery-log.sh fails * Backport #44861: octopus: Octopus librbd clients cannot open images from a Luminous cluster * Backport #44872: octopus: mgr/dashboard: ceph-api-nightly-octopus-backend and master test failure "test_purge_trash (tasks.mgr.dashboard.test_rbd.RbdTest)" * Backport #44890: Test failure: test_all (tasks.mgr.dashboard.test_rgw.RgwBucketTest) * Backport #44921: octopus: mgr/dashboard: Add more debug information to Dashboard RGW backend * Backport #44932: octopus: mgr/dashboard: error when enabling SSO with certificate file * Backport #44933: octopus: mgr/dashboard: fix notifications E2E tests * Bug #45153: fsync locking up in certain conditions * Bug #45169: tools: ceph-immutable-object-cache can start without root permission * Bug #45257: Removing filesystem results in task status scrub status old mdses in idle state * Support #45270: after reboot osd move to localhost * Support #45413: explanation of bucket_list_objects_absolute_max vs rgw_max_listing_results * Bug #45522: Autoscale fails on cache pools, warning goes away though * Bug #45574: subinterpreters: ceph/mgr/rook RuntimeError on import of RookOrchestrator - ceph cluster does not start * Bug #45638: Querying mirror pool status returns summary states unknown * Bug #45659: roles in multisite configuration do not get 'replicated' to other zones * Bug #45671: aws iam get-role-policy doesn't work