# v12.2.14 * Backport #41857: luminous: client: removing dir reports "not empty" issue due to client side filled wrong dir offset * Backport #42123: luminous: client: no method to handle SEEK_HOLE and SEEK_DATA in lseek * Backport #42160: luminous: osdc: objecter ops output does not have useful time information * Backport #43481: luminous: radosgw-admin reshard status displays 'num_shards: 18446744073709551615' instead of 'num_shards: -1' * Backport #43626: luminous: rbd-mirror daemon command "rbd mirror status" produces invalid JSON * Backport #43831: luminous: Potential live-lock in disable/enable feature request * Backport #44070: luminous: Add builtin functionality in ceph-kvstore-tool to repair corrupted key-value store * Backport #44333: luminous: simple scan on dmcrypt OSDs creates wrong keys in json file * Backport #44474: nautilus: mgr/dashboard: restore lost fix for prometheus alert * Backport #44476: luminous: mds: assert(p != active_requests.end()) * Backport #44984: luminous: Nautilus: selinux denials SELinuxError for ceph_mgr on httpd * Bug #45154: the command "radosgw-admin orphans list-jobs" failed * Bug #45670: luminous: osd: too many store transactions when osd got an incremental osdmap but failed encode full with correct crc again and again * Backport #45687: luminous: mds: FAILED assert(locking == lock) in MutationImpl::finish_locking * Bug #45698: PrioritizedQueue: messages in normal queue * Backport #45825: luminous: MDS config reference lists mds log max expiring * Backport #46195: luminous: BlueFS replay log grows without end * Bug #47204: ceph osd getting shutdown after joining to cluster * Bug #48505: osdmaptool crush * Backport #48639: luminous: pybind/ceph_volume_client: allows authorize on auth_ids not created through ceph_volume_client * Bug #48855: OSD_SUPERBLOCK Checksum failed after node restart * Bug #49408: osd run into dead loop and tell slow request when rollback snap with using cache tier * Bug #49409: osd run into dead loop and tell slow request when rollback snap with using cache tier * Bug #49448: If OSD types are changed, pools rules can become unresolvable without providing health warnings * Support #49489: Getting Long heartbeat and slow requests on ceph luminous 12.2.13 * Bug #49503: standby-replay mds assert failed when replay