# v14.2.6 * Backport #40056: nautilus: mgr/dashboard: Use serial RGW Admin OPS API calls * Backport #40838: nautilus: mgr/dashboard: Disable event propagation in the helper icon * Backport #41594: nautilus: mgr/dashboard: A block-manager can not access the pool page * Backport #41634: nautilus: object can be copied to bucket from other user without writing permission * Backport #41636: nautilus: rgw: gc remove tag issue * Backport #41714: nautilus: can't remove rados objects after copy rgw-object fail * Backport #41810: nautilus: osd_memory_target isn't applied in runtime. * Backport #41978: nautilus: rgw: fix list starts with null marker * Backport #42134: nautilus: core in CryptoRandom::get_bytes(char*, int) * Backport #42197: nautilus: osd/PrimaryLogPG.cc: 13068: FAILED ceph_assert(obc) * Backport #42203: nautilus: osd child thread not inherit main thread affinity attribute * Backport #42259: nautilus: document new option mon_max_pg_per_osd * Backport #42400: nautilus: ceph daemon fails if ceph.conf contains a duplicate option * Backport #42462: nautilus: doc: MDS and metadata pool hardware requirements/recommendations * Backport #42537: nautilus: ceph-volume-zfs: add the inventory command #30995 * Backport #42739: nautilus: scrub object count mismatch on device_health_metrics pool * Backport #42880: nautilus: mgr/dashboard: OSD throughput sparkline graphic has `undefined` in tooltip * Backport #42900: nautilus: mgr/dashboard: when renaming RBD snapshot, modal header shows "Create" instead of "Rename" * Bug #42912: nautilus: mgr/dashboard: some UI elements pass click elements to their parents, causing quirky behaviours * Bug #42913: nautilus: cram test fails with _do_alloc_write failed with (28) No space left on device * Bug #42928: ceph-bluestore-tool bluefs-bdev-new-db does not update lv tags * Backport #42948: nautilus: mgr/dashboard: restored RBD image's name is incorrect if the new image name has non-ASCII characters * Bug #42961: osd: increase priority in certain OSD perf counters * Bug #42980: mgr/dashboard: 'dashboard grafana dashboards update' fails with existing dashboards * Backport #42994: nautilus: mon: only bind to v2 addr if mkfs with hostname sytle mon_host * Bug #43005: mgr/dashboard: RPM contains tests, front-end sources and non-releasable contents * Bug #43008: mgr/dashboard: a failure in rbd-mirror makes other dashboard pages fail * Bug #43016: mgr/dashboard: 'always on' modules should be indicated as 'enabled' in dashboard (even if they can't be disabled) * Bug #43053: mgr/dashboard: NFS Ganesha exception when RGW API port not configured * Bug #43063: ROCEv2 can not communication between machines in different VLAN * Bug #43073: ceph_perf_msgr_client crashed * Backport #43140: nautilus: ceph-mon --mkfs: public_address type (v1|v2) is not respected * Backport #43233: nautilus: rgw: radosgw_admin teuthology task: No module named bunch * Backport #43279: nautilus: "cd /home/ubuntu/cephtest/s3-tests && ./bootstrap" fails on ubuntu * Backport #43301: mgr/dashboard: RGW subuser S3 key not auto-generated. * Backport #43302: nautilus: mgr/dashboard: Jenkins dashboard test failures due to "Error: Angular could not be found on the page" * Backport #43466: nautilus: ceph-mgr's finisher queue can grow indefinitely, making python modules/commands unresponsive * Bug #43586: mgr/balancer reports "Unable to find further optimization ...", but distribution is not perfect * Bug #44166: Client fails to release capabilities, lazy collective shared file I/O (simplified PoC provided). * Support #44436: Ceph BucketNotifications do not push messages to Kafka