# v0.29 05/27/2011 * Bug #943: 3-mon cluster won't start * Feature #948: autotest: graph rbd performance * Bug #960: obsync: support rados pool "buckets" * Bug #1012: Autotest: Measure RADOS IO performance under read and write loads * Bug #1030: osd: list pool/bucket contents excludes missing objects * Bug #1040: obsync: preserve content-type, misc metadata * Bug #1051: obsync: create a librgw to parse binary ACLs generated by RGW * Bug #1052: obsync: add rados backend tests to test-obsync.py * Bug #1056: obsync: add warning when source owner is not the same as dest owner (after mapping) * Feature #1068: rados: incremental import/export * Feature #1069: rados: support attrs in import/export * Bug #1074: rados_sync: implement --delete * Bug #1077: integrate rados_sync with rados tool * Feature #1089: obsync: deb/rpm package * Bug #1094: "mkcephfs -c /etc/ceph.conf --allhosts --mkbtrfs" finds /tmp/mkcephfs.**** directory no longer exists * Bug #1100: osd: marking peers down * Bug #1101: osd: osds don't immediately notice when they've been marked down * Bug #1102: SIGHUP log file reopen is broken * Bug #1103: osd: log bound mismatch * Bug #1113: rdir is not set correctly for the mons * Bug #1116: RecoveryWQ assert failure