


Wiki » History » Revision 14

Revision 13 (Loïc Dachary, 08/24/2015 10:23 AM) → Revision 14/17 (Patrick McGarry, 12/15/2015 07:36 PM)

h3. Welcome 


 *Welcome to the Ceph Wiki!* 

 Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. 

 This wiki functions as storage space for guides, FAQs, developer resources, blueprints, and community interaction. 

 h3. [[Community]] 

 h3. [[Development]] 

 h3. [[FAQs]] 

 h3. [[Guides]] 

 h3. [[Planning]] (CDS) 

 h3. [[Ceph Advisory Board]]