


Community » History » Revision 11

Revision 10 (Jessica Mack, 05/25/2015 06:05 PM) → Revision 11/23 (Jessica Mack, 05/25/2015 09:57 PM)

h1. Community 


 h3. Meetups 

 This [[Meetups|page]] contains a listing of Ceph meetups and logistics contacts. 

 h3. Press 

 This [[Press|page]] contains mentions of Ceph in mainstream press, high profile blog posts, or other notable media. 
 For a list of regularly syndicated blogs featuring Ceph please check out the "Ceph Planet aggregator":  

 h3. Ceph User Committee 

 [[Committer List]] 

 h3. Speakers 

 h3. Event Calendar 

 This [[Event Calendar|page]] contains events happening in the Ceph Community. 

 h3. Ceph in Academia