


Ovh » History » Revision 35

Revision 34 (Cron Tab, 10/20/2016 06:00 AM) → Revision 35/36 (Cron Tab, 01/05/2017 06:00 AM)

h3. Crontab<pre>MAILTO="" 

 # Edit this file to introduce tasks to be run by cron. 
 # Each task to run has to be defined through a single line 
 # indicating with different fields when the task will be run 
 # and what command to run for the task 
 # To define the time you can provide concrete values for 
 # minute (m), hour (h), day of month (dom), month (mon), 
 # and day of week (dow) or use '*' in these fields (for 'any').#  
 # Notice that tasks will be started based on the cron's system 
 # daemon's notion of time and timezones. 
 # Output of the crontab jobs (including errors) is sent through 
 # email to the user the crontab file belongs to (unless redirected). 
 # For example, you can run a backup of all your user accounts 
 # at 5 a.m every week with: 
 # 0 5 * * 1 tar -zcf /var/backups/home.tgz /home/ 
 # For more information see the manual pages of crontab(5) and cron(8) 
 # m h    dom mon dow     command 


 # Ensure ceph-sepia-secrets is up-to-date 
 */5 * * * *     cd /home/teuthology/ceph-sepia-secrets && /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper git pull 

 #Publish this crontab to the Tracker page 
 00 6 * * *    crontab=$(crontab -l | perl -p -e 's/&lt;/&lt;/g; s/&gt;/&gt;/g; s/&/&amp;/g') ; header=$(echo h3. Crontab ; echo) ; curl --verbose -X PUT --header 'Content-type: application/xml' --data-binary '&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;&lt;wiki_page&gt;&lt;text&gt;'"$header"'&lt;pre&gt;'"$crontab"'&lt;/pre&gt;&lt;/text&gt;&lt;/wiki_page&gt;'$(cat /etc/redmine-key) 

 # Ensure teuthology is up-to-date 
 55 13 * * *     cd /home/teuthology/src/teuthology_master && /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper git pull 
 59 13 * * *     cd /home/teuthology/src/ceph-qa-suite_master && /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper git pull 
 # Ensure ceph-sepia-secrets is up-to-date not needed in ovh 
 #57 13 * * *     cd /home/teuthology/ceph-sepia-secrets && git pull 

 #Powercycle tests - lets try it manually and get a green before we add it to the nightlies 
 #00 20 * * 2,4 teuthology-suite -v -c giant -k testing -m plana,burnupi,mira -s powercycle 

 #********** master branch 
 ### 00 5 * * *     /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c master -n 7 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s smoke -k testing -p 70 -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 10 5 */3 * * /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c master -n 7 -m $MACHINE_NAME -k distro -s big -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 

 ### 00 16 * * 1,6 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c master -n 7 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s rbd -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 #**** MOVED TO SEPIA b/c OVH issues START ***** 
 #02 17 * * 1,6 teuthology-suite -v -c master -m $MACHINE_NAME -s rgw -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 #04 18 * * 1,6 teuthology-suite -v -c master -m $MACHINE_NAME -s fs -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 #08 20 * * 1,6 teuthology-suite -v -c master -m $MACHINE_NAME -k testing -s kcephfs -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 #10 21 * * 1,6 teuthology-suite -v -c master -m $MACHINE_NAME -k testing -s knfs -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 #12 22 * * 1,6 teuthology-suite -v -c master -m $MACHINE_NAME -s hadoop -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 #14 23 * * 1,6 teuthology-suite -v -c master -m $MACHINE_NAME -s samba -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 #**** MOVED TO SEPIA b/c OVH issues END ***** 
 ### 06 19 * * 1,3 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c master -n 7 -m $MACHINE_NAME -k testing -s krbd -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 16 19 * * 1,3 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c master -n 7 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s rest -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 #removed per Greg's request 18 23 * * 1,3 teuthology-suite -v -c master -m $MACHINE_NAME -k testing -s multimds -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL 

 #--filter-out rbd_cli_tests.yaml while waiting for a fix issue 14825, qemu per Josh  
 ### 00 19 * * 4 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -k distro -s rbd -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml --filter-out qemu 
 ### 05 19 * * 4 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -k distro -s rgw -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 10 19 * * 4 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -s fs -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 15 19 * * 4 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -k testing -s krbd -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 20 19 * * 4 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -k testing -s kcephfs -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 25 19 * * 4 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -k testing -s knfs -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 30 19 * * 4 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -s hadoop -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 35 19 * * 4 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -s samba -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 40 19 * * 4 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -s rest -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 #removed per Greg's request 18 18 * * 7 teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -s -k testing multimds -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL 
 ### 45 19 * * 4 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -k distro -s upgrade/client-upgrade -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 50 19 * * 4 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -m $MACHINE_NAME -k distro -s ceph-deploy -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 

 ######## UPGRADES 
 #STOPPED running 10 17 1 * *       teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -k distro -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/dumpling-firefly-x --timeout 54000 -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 05 17 * * 4       /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -k distro -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/firefly-x -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 15 17 * * 3,7     /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c hammer -k distro -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/hammer -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 

 ### 10 02 * * 1,3,5 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c jewel -k distro -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/hammer-x -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml 
 ### 20 02 * * 1,3,5 /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c jewel -k distro -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/infernalis-x -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL ~/vps.yaml</pre>