



HOWTO populate the integration branch » History » Revision 25

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Loïc Dachary, 08/10/2015 02:21 PM

Before a backported commit can be merged into the release branch, it must be tested in an integration branch. It serves two purposes:

  • Detect trivial problems that would break the upgrade tests run on the release branch (they are run at the tip of the branch, not at the latest point release)
  • Do not pollute the release branch with reverted commits (commits would have to be reverted because the stable branch must never be rebased)

Let say the release to be tested is $release (i.e. hammer for instance) and your local clone has two remotes: origin which is your read/write fork of the official ceph repository and ceph which is the read only official ceph repository.

ceph (fetch)
ceph (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

  • Fetch the latest $release : git fetch ceph
  • Verify each pull request have a successful make check bot report. Prefix with DNM the title of the one that did not pass the make check bot so they are ignored.
  • Create a $release-backports branch locally if it does not already exists: git checkout -b $release-backports ceph/$release
  • Reset it to ceph/$release: git reset --hard ceph/$release
  • Fetch all pull requests from github. Each pull request XXX has its own branch in the official ceph repository, named pull/XXX
    • For finding out the pull requests in github against a milestone; Github's api can be queried (see the collect_pr shell function below).
    • Retrieve the commits of the pull request XXX: git fetch --force ceph +refs/pull/XXX/head:refs/remotes/ceph/pull/XXX/head
    • Get the title of the pull request: eval title=$(curl --silent | jq .title)
    • Merge the pull request in the local integration branch. The --no-ff ensures that even if the merge commit could be skipped, it will not be. git merge --no-ff -m "$(echo -e "Merge XXX: $title\n\nReviewed-by: Myself <>")" ceph/pull/XXX/head
  • Modify the pull requests individually to fix merge conflicts (i.e. they must merge cleanly, which may involving aggregating two pull requests into a single one designed to properly resolve the conflict).
  • Push the integration branch to github: git push --force origin $release-backports
  • Verify the integration branch compiles and passes make check
    • On the local machine: ./
    • Via the make check bot by creating a pull request with the $release-backports* integration branch
  • Push the integration branch to the official repository: git push --force ceph $release-backports (requires write permission to the ceph repository)

The following snippet summarizes all the actions above:

github_token=55844b338f33e616d6fec2ee # dachary
reviewer='Loic Dachary <>'

function collect_prs() {
    local pages=$(curl -Is "$github_token" | grep ^Link | sed  's/.*?page=\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/')
    local page
    for page in $(seq 1 $pages)
        curl --silent "$page&per_page=100&access_token=$github_token" | jq --arg release "$release" '.[] | select(.milestone.title == $release) | select(.title | contains("DNM") | not) | [.number, .title] | @sh' | while read line ; do 
            eval eval set $line
            echo $1
            echo "$1 $2" >&2

git fetch ceph
git checkout -b $release-backports ceph/$release
git reset --hard ceph/$release
git fetch --force ceph $(for ref in $PRS ; do echo +refs/pull/$ref/head:refs/remotes/ceph/pull/$ref/head ; echo +refs/pull/$ref/merge:refs/remotes/ceph/pull/$ref/merge ; done)
for pr in $PRS ; do eval title=$(curl --silent$pr?access_token=$github_token | jq .title) ; echo "$pr $title" ; git --no-pager log --oneline ceph/pull/$pr/merge^1..ceph/pull/$pr/merge^2 ; git --no-pager merge --no-ff -m "$(echo -e "Merge $pr: $title\n\nReviewed-by: $reviewer")" ceph/pull/$pr/head ; done
git push --force ceph $release-backports

# hack to figure out what conflicts with what, lot of room for improvement
# PRS_B are the PRS found to conflict and set aside
PRS_A="5171 5170 5129 5062 5056 5051 5044 5043 5039 5037 4867 4788 4771 4769 4765 4762 4642 4641 4639 4633 4632 4631 4630 4584 4583 4582 4535" PR_B="4635 4636 4597" 
for pr_a in $PR_A ; do git reset --hard ceph/$release ; for pr_b in $PR_B ; do git --no-pager merge --no-ff -m "$(echo -e "Merge $pr_a" ceph/pull/$pr/head ; git --no-pager merge --no-ff -m "Merge $pr_b" ceph/pull/$pr/head || echo "CONFLICT $pr_a $pr_b" ; done ; done

Updated by Loïc Dachary over 8 years ago · 25 revisions