


HOWTO merge commits from the integration branch » History » Version 5

Loïc Dachary, 04/02/2015 10:05 AM

1 2 Loïc Dachary
After the [[HOWTO run integration and upgrade tests|tests successfully]] run on the [[HOWTO populate the integration branch|integration branch]]:
3 5 Loïc Dachary
* Assign pull requests that have been backported and tested without interaction with the original author to the [[HOWTO#Leads|lead]] because (s)he is the one deciding if the backport is good enough. Although a discussion with the lead could be engaged before testing, it is less work for a busy lead to review a backport that is known to pass integration tests.
* Wait for all pull requests to be approved.
5 2 Loïc Dachary
The backports from the integration branch can be merged (via github so that the pull requests are properly tagged as being merged) into the release branch. 
7 1 Loïc Dachary
* for each pull request merged in the integration branch
* go to the github web interface
* click on the "Merge button"
* add the "Reviewed-by:" field to the input box
12 5 Loïc Dachary
* when all pull requests are merged **git log --no-merges giant-backports ^giant** must be empty (i.e. the integration branch must have nothing left except diverging merges because all cherry-picked commits are now found in the giant branch).
13 1 Loïc Dachary
Since the merge is not from the integration branch, the commit that has been tested won't match the SHA which is inconvenient when trying to figure out if a mistake has been done. The content of the integration branch should be merged with a script instead of manually via the github web interface to avoid mistakes.