


HOWTO merge commits from the integration branch » History » Version 17

Nathan Cutler, 07/28/2015 08:04 PM

1 2 Loïc Dachary
After the [[HOWTO run integration and upgrade tests|tests successfully]] run on the [[HOWTO populate the integration branch|integration branch]]:
3 12 Loïc Dachary
h3. Get approval on a backport
4 1 Loïc Dachary
5 12 Loïc Dachary
The backports that were done by someone in the *stable releases* team need to be approved by a developer or a lead, even after successfully passing the relevant teuthology suite. Although a discussion with the developer or the lead could be engaged before testing, it is less work for a busy developer or lead to review a backport that is known to pass integration tests. 
7 6 Loïc Dachary
* List the pull requests that have been merged in the integration branch with something like:
9 1 Loïc Dachary
$ git log --oneline --merges ceph/giant..ceph/giant-backports
538d012 Merge 4214: osd/ 456: FAILED assert(m_seed < old_pg_num)
12 12 Loïc Dachary
* For each commit in each pull request, lookup the person who merged the backported commit in master
** follow the link on the commit hash of the *cherry-pick from* part of the commit message of the backport
** follow the link to the pull request that included this commit
** the person who merged the pull request was responsible for merging this commit in master
* If there are more than one person responsible for merging the commits of a given pull request, pick one (at random if there does not seem to be a reason to chose one rather than the other)
* Ask the person responsible for merging the commits, via a comment in the pull request:
@person this backport passed the XXX suite (URL to the pulpito page for the suite), do you think it can be merged ?
21 15 Nathan Cutler
** Keep in mind that if the responsible person is Josh Durgin, his position is as follows:
23 16 Nathan Cutler
Generally you can assume that for trivial backports, or ones with 
just trivial conflicts, I'm fine with merging them after an rbd 
suite run.
26 15 Nathan Cutler
27 12 Loïc Dachary
* The person can either merge the pull request (her|him)self or add a comment like LGTM.
28 14 Loïc Dachary
* If the person is unresponsive, the lead can be ping'ed instead.
29 2 Loïc Dachary
30 9 Loïc Dachary
h3. Merge a pull request
31 1 Loïc Dachary
32 9 Loïc Dachary
The backports from the integration branch can be merged (via github so that the pull requests are properly tagged as being merged) into the release branch if:
* the backport was done by the original developer of the commit
35 13 Loïc Dachary
* the backport was approved by the developer or the lead (see above)
36 9 Loïc Dachary
Merging the pull requests goes like this:
39 1 Loïc Dachary
* for each pull request merged in the integration branch
* go to the github web interface
* click on the "Merge button"
42 8 Loïc Dachary
* add the "Reviewed-by:" field to the input box
43 11 Loïc Dachary
* when all pull requests are merged **git log --format='%H %s' --graph ceph/$release..ceph/$release-backports** must not show any commit (i.e. the integration branch must have nothing left because all cherry-picked commits are now found in the $release branch).
44 1 Loïc Dachary
* the $release-backports branch is reset to the $release branch to make it clear that it has been merged (git reset --hard ceph/$release)
46 9 Loïc Dachary
h3. Resolving the matching issue
For each pull request that is merged:
* go to the corresponding issue that should be listed as a link in the pull request comment
51 17 Nathan Cutler
* check that "target version" is set to the right value, i.e. the version of the stable release currently being worked on
52 9 Loïc Dachary
* change the status of the issue to *Resolved*
Note: Since the merge is not from the integration branch, the commit that has been tested won't match the SHA. This is inconvenient when trying to figure out if a mistake has been done. The content of the integration branch should be merged with a script instead of manually via the github web interface to avoid mistakes.