


Tasks #11990

Updated by Loïc Dachary almost 9 years ago

h3. Workflow 

 * "Preparing the release": *IN PROGRESS* 
 * "Cutting the release": 
 ** Abhishek asks Sage if a point release should be published  
 ** Abhishek gets approval from all leads  
 *** Yehuda, rgw 
 *** Gregory, CephFS 
 *** Josh, RBD 
 *** Sam, rados 
 ** Sage writes and commits the release notes  
 ** Abhishek informs Yuri that the branch is ready for testing  
 ** Yuri runs additional integration tests  
 ** If Yuri discovers new bugs with severity Critical, the release goes back to being prepared, it was not ready after all 
 ** Yuri informs Alfredo that the branch is ready for release  
 ** Alfredo creates the packages and sets the release tag   

 h3. Release information 

 ** branch to build from: hammer, commit:<TBD> 
 ** version: v0.94.3 
 ** type of release: point release 
 ** where to publish the release: and 

 h3. teuthology run commit 1e841b08cc9534e654de50967f06113fb7383b0c 
 (hammer backports July-20) 

 git --no-pager log --format='%H %s' --graph ceph/hammer..ceph/hammer-backports | perl -p -e 's/"/ /g; if (/\w+\s+Merge pull request #(\d+)/) { s|\w+\s+Merge pull request #(\d+).*|"Pull request $1":$1|; } else { s|(\w+)\s+(.*)|"$2":$1|; } s/\*/+/; s/^/* /;' 

 * +     "Pull request 5026": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Increase max files open limit for OSD daemon.": 
 * +     "Pull request 5028": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Bug fix to ceph systemV compatability script.": 
 * | + "Fixes to rcceph script": 
 * +     "Pull request 5030": 
 * |\   
 * | + "packaging: move SuSEfirewall2 templates out of src": 
 * | + "packaging: add SuSEfirewall2 service files": 
 * +     "Pull request 5038": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Makefile: install ceph-post-file keys with mode 600": 
 * | + "ceph-post-file: improve check for a source install": 
 * | + "ceph-post-file: behave when sftp doesn't take -i": 
 * +     "Pull request 5040": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Increase max files open limit for OSD daemon.": 
 * +     "Pull request 5055": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw/logrotate.conf: Rename service name": 
 * +     "Pull request 5117": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: fix data corruption when race condition": 
 * +     "Pull request 5118": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: simplify content length handling": 
 * | + "rgw: make compatability deconfliction optional.": 
 * | + "rgw: improve content-length env var handling": 
 * +     "Pull request 5119": 
 * |\   
 * | + "qa: update to newer Linux tarball": 
 * +     "Pull request 5120": 
 * |\   
 * | + "tools: chunk reads in Dumper": 
 * +     "Pull request 5121": 
 * |\   
 * | + "ReplicatedPG::finish_promote: handle results->snaps is empty case": 
 * | + "ReplicatedPG::finish_promote: fix snap promote head snaps": 
 * +     "Pull request 5160": 
 * |\   
 * | + "mon/PGMap: add more constness": 
 * | + "mon/PGMap: sort pg states by the states in    pg ls    spec": 
 * | + "mon: s/recovery/recoverying/ in    pg ls*    commands' spec": 
 * +     "Pull request 5206": 
 * |\   
 * | + "debian: move ceph_argparse into ceph-common": 
 * +     "Pull request 5214": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: rectify 202 Accepted in response for PUT on existing bucket.": 
 * +     "Pull request 5222": 
 * |\   
 * | + "client: reference counting 'struct Fh'": 
 * +     "Pull request 5226": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Swift: Set Content-Length when requesting/checking Keystone tokens": 
 * +     "Pull request 5227": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: fix lack of account name in XML listing of Swift account.": 
 * +     "Pull request 5228": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: generate the    Date    HTTP header for civetweb.": 
 * +     "Pull request 5229": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: fix reset_loc()": 
 * +     "Pull request 5231": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: error out if frontend did not send all data": 
 * +     "Pull request 5237": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: fix empty json response when getting user quota": 
 * +     "Pull request 5241": 
 * |\   
 * | + "librbd: prevent object map updates from being interrupted": 
 * +     "Pull request 5243": 
 * |\   
 * | + "librbd: assertion failure race condition if watch disconnected": 
 * +     "Pull request 5248": 
 * |\   
 * | + "mon: add an    osd crush tree    command": 
 * +     "Pull request 5265": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Conditional-compile against minimal tcmalloc.": 
 * +     "Pull request 5269": 
 * |\   
 * | + "PG::find_best_info: ignore info.les for incomplete peer": 
 * +     "Pull request 5279": 
 * |\   
 * | + "librados_test_stub: read op should return number of bytes read": 
 * | + "tests: fixed TestObjectMap.InvalidateFlagInMemoryOnly": 
 * | + "librbd: don't attempt to invalidate an object map in R/O mode": 
 * | + "tests: add new unit tests for object map invalidation": 
 * | + "librbd: move object map codes to common location": 
 * | + "librbd: only update image flags when holding exclusive lock": 
 * | + "librbd: new ImageWatcher::is_lock_supported method": 
 * + |     "Pull request 5280": 
 * |\ \   
 * | + | "test: potential memory leak in FlushAioPP": 
 * | + | "pybind: fix valgrind warning on rbd_get_parent_info call": 
 * | + | "osdc: invalid read of freed memory": 
 * | + | "krbd: fix incorrect types in the krbd API": 
 * | + | "fsx: cleanup crypto library at exit": 
 * | + | "tests: add": 
 * | + | "valgrind: update valgrind suppressions for lttng-ust": 
 * | + | "librbd: TaskFinisher should finish all queued tasks": 
 * | + | "tests: fix valgrind errors with librbd unit test": 
 * | + | "tests: librbd should release global data before exit": 
 * | + | "librados_test_stub: cleanup singleton memory allocation": 
 * + | |     "Pull request 5283": 
 * |\ \ \   
 * | + | | " install 95-ceph-osd.rules, mount.ceph, and mount.fuse.ceph properly on SUSE": 
 * | | |/   
 * | |/|    
 * + | |     "Pull request 5284": 
 * |\ \ \   
 * | + | | "rgw: If the client sends a Connection: close header respond accordingly.": 
 * | |/ /   
 * + | |     "Pull request 5285": 
 * |\ \ \   
 * | + | | "rgw: fix ListParts response": 
 * | |/ /   
 * + | |     "Pull request 5286": 
 * |\ \ \   
 * | |/ /   
 * |/| |    
 * | + | "Fixes: #12286 radosgw-admin: after subuser modify print only once user info.": 
 * |/ /   
 * + |     "Pull request 5046": 
 * |\ \   
 * | |/   
 * |/|    
 * | + "tests: add librbd watch/notify version compatibility test": 
 * | + "qa/workunits/rbd: add notify_master/slave bootstrap scripts": 
 * | + "qa/workunits/rbd: add new test_librbd_api workunit": 
 * | + "tests: create librbd API-only integration test suite": 
 * + "Pull request 5159": 
 * + "OSD: add command_wq suicide timeout": 
 * + "OSD: add remove_wq suicide timeout": 
 * + "OSD: add scrub_wq suicide timeout": 
 * + "OSD: add snap_trim_wq suicide timeout": 
 * + "OSD: add recovery_wq suicide timeout": 
 * + "OSD: add op_wq suicide timeout": 

 h4. rados 

 eval filter=$(curl --silent$run/ | jq '.jobs[] | select(.status == "fail") | .description' | while read description ; do echo -n $description, ; done | sed -e 's/,$//') 
 echo $filter 
 rados/thrash/{0-size-min-size-overrides/2-size-1-min-size.yaml 1-pg-log-overrides/short_pg_log.yaml clusters/fixed-2.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml msgr-failures/fastclose.yaml thrashers/pggrow.yaml workloads/snaps-few-objects.yaml} 
 teuthology-openstack --verbose --key-name loic --priority 50 --suite rados --filter="$filter" --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --ceph hammer 
 teuthology-openstack --verbose --key-name loic --priority 50 --suite rados --filter="$filter" --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --ceph hammer-backports 

 * *pass* "hammer run": 
 * *pass* "hammer-backports run": 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rados --subset $(expr $RANDOM % 18)/18 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira 

 * *failed* 
 ** *Command crashed: 'CEPH_CLIENT_ID=0 adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage ceph_test_rados --op read 100 --op write 100 --op delete 50 --max-ops 4000 --objects 50 --max-in-flight 16 --size 4000000 --min-stride-size 400000 --max-stride-size 800000 --max-seconds 0 --op snap_create 50 --op snap_remove 50 --op rollback 50 --op copy_from 50 --pool unique_pool_0'* 
 *** "rados/thrash/{0-size-min-size-overrides/2-size-1-min-size.yaml 1-pg-log-overrides/short_pg_log.yaml clusters/fixed-2.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml msgr-failures/fastclose.yaml thrashers/pggrow.yaml workloads/snaps-few-objects.yaml}": 
 Looks like a new bug, reported at 

 * *enviornmental noise* waiting for more plana,burnupi,mira machines to be free  

 Rescheduled as  

 eval filter=$(curl --silent$run/ | jq '.jobs[] | select(.status == "dead" or .status == "fail") | .description' | while read description ; do echo -n $description, ; done | sed -e 's/,$//') 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rados --filter="$filter" --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira 

 * *running* 

 h4. rgw 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rgw --subset $(expr $RANDOM % 5)/5 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira 

 * *failed* 
 ** *'cd /home/ubuntu/cephtest && cd radosgw-agent.client.0 && ./bootstrap'* 
 *** "rgw/verify/{overrides.yaml clusters/fixed-2.yaml frontend/civetweb.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml msgr-failures/few.yaml rgw_pool_type/replicated.yaml tasks/rgw_s3tests_multiregion.yaml validater/lockdep.yaml}": 
 Failure to install mock in the environment  
 mock requires setuptools>=17.1. Aborting installation 

 h4. fs 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite fs --subset $(expr $RANDOM % 5)/5 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira  

 * *dead* 

 Rescheduled as  
 eval filter=$(curl --silent$run/ | jq '.jobs[] | select(.status == "dead" or .status == "fail") | .description' | while read description ; do echo -n $description, ; done | sed -e 's/,$//') 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite fs --filter="$filter" --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira 

 * *running* 

 h4. rbd 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rbd --subset $(expr $RANDOM % 5)/5 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira  

 * *dead* 

 Rescheduled as  
 eval filter=$(curl --silent$run/ | jq '.jobs[] | select(.status == "dead" or .status == "fail") | .description' | while read description ; do echo -n $description, ; done | sed -e 's/,$//') 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rbd --filter="$filter" --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira 

 * *running* 

 h4. powercyle 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite -l2 -v -c hammer-backports -k testing -m plana,burnupi,mira -s powercycle -p 1000 --email 

 * *dead* 

 Rescheduled as  
 * *running* 

 h4. upgrade (ignore this suite for now) 

 The problem is that hammer-x is designed to test an upgrade from hammer to master / infernalis. It is unfit to test an upgrade from a hammer point release to another point release.  

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite -v -c hammer-backports -k distro -m plana,burnupi,mira -s upgrade/hammer-x --filter ubuntu_14.04 --email 

 * *failed* 

 Because there is no upgrade from the current hammer tip to the hammer-backports tip. 


 ** trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/* 
 2015-07-23T09:34:23.492 error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/ceph-common_0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty_amd64.deb (--unpack): 
 2015-07-23T09:34:23.492 trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/', which is also in package ceph 0.94.2-108-g45beb86-1trusty 
 <pre> 'sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install librbd1-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-test=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty rbd-fuse=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty librados2-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-fuse-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty libcephfs-jni=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty libcephfs1-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty radosgw=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty librados2=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty libcephfs1=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-mds=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty radosgw-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty librbd1=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty python-ceph=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-test-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-fuse=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-common=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty libcephfs-java=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-common-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-mds-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty'* 
 *** "upgrade:hammer-x/parallel/{0-cluster/start.yaml 1-hammer-install/hammer.yaml 2-workload/{ec-rados-default.yaml rados_api.yaml rados_loadgenbig.yaml test_rbd_api.yaml test_rbd_python.yaml} 3-upgrade-sequence/upgrade-all.yaml 4-final-workload/{rados-snaps-few-objects.yaml rados_loadgenmix.yaml rados_mon_thrash.yaml rbd_cls.yaml rbd_import_export.yaml rgw_swift.yaml} distros/ubuntu_14.04.yaml}": 
 *** "upgrade:hammer-x/stress-split-erasure-code/{0-cluster/start.yaml 1-hammer-install/hammer.yaml 2-partial-upgrade/firsthalf.yaml 3-thrash/default.yaml 4-mon/mona.yaml 5-workload/ec-rados-default.yaml 6-next-mon/monb.yaml 8-next-mon/monc.yaml 9-workload/ec-rados-plugin=jerasure-k=3-m=1.yaml distros/ubuntu_14.04.yaml}": 
 *** "upgrade:hammer-x/stress-split/{0-cluster/start.yaml 1-hammer-install/hammer.yaml 2-partial-upgrade/firsthalf.yaml 3-thrash/default.yaml 4-mon/mona.yaml 5-workload/{rbd-cls.yaml rbd-import-export.yaml readwrite.yaml snaps-few-objects.yaml} 6-next-mon/monb.yaml 7-workload/{radosbench.yaml rbd_api.yaml} 8-next-mon/monc.yaml 9-workload/{rbd-python.yaml rgw-swift.yaml snaps-many-objects.yaml} distros/ubuntu_14.04.yaml}": 
 *** "upgrade:hammer-x/stress-split-erasure-code-x86_64/{0-cluster/start.yaml 1-hammer-install/hammer.yaml 2-partial-upgrade/firsthalf.yaml 3-thrash/default.yaml 4-mon/mona.yaml 5-workload/ec-rados-default.yaml 6-next-mon/monb.yaml 8-next-mon/monc.yaml 9-workload/ec-rados-plugin=isa-k=2-m=1.yaml distros/ubuntu_14.04.yaml}": 
 *** "upgrade:hammer-x/parallel/{0-cluster/start.yaml 1-hammer-install/hammer.yaml 2-workload/{ec-rados-default.yaml rados_api.yaml rados_loadgenbig.yaml test_rbd_api.yaml test_rbd_python.yaml} 3-upgrade-sequence/upgrade-mon-osd-mds.yaml 4-final-workload/{rados-snaps-few-objects.yaml rados_loadgenmix.yaml rados_mon_thrash.yaml rbd_cls.yaml rbd_import_export.yaml rgw_swift.yaml} distros/ubuntu_14.04.yaml}": 

 h3. teuthology run commit beee58742551870eeabfa4ae7df230cff493e20a (hammer-backports July-15) 

 git --no-pager log --format='%H %s' --graph ceph/hammer..ceph/hammer-backports | perl -p -e 's/"/ /g; if (/\w+\s+Merge pull request #(\d+)/) { s|\w+\s+Merge pull request #(\d+).*|"Pull request $1":$1|; } else { s|(\w+)\s+(.*)|"$2":$1|; } s/\*/+/; s/^/* /;' 

 * +     "Pull request 5026": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Increase max files open limit for OSD daemon.": 
 * +     "Pull request 5028": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Bug fix to ceph systemV compatability script.": 
 * | + "Fixes to rcceph script": 
 * +     "Pull request 5030": 
 * |\   
 * | + "packaging: move SuSEfirewall2 templates out of src": 
 * | + "packaging: add SuSEfirewall2 service files": 
 * +     "Pull request 5038": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Makefile: install ceph-post-file keys with mode 600": 
 * | + "ceph-post-file: improve check for a source install": 
 * | + "ceph-post-file: behave when sftp doesn't take -i": 
 * +     "Pull request 5040": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Increase max files open limit for OSD daemon.": 
 * +     "Pull request 5046": 
 * |\   
 * | + "tests: add librbd watch/notify version compatibility test": 
 * | + "qa/workunits/rbd: add notify_master/slave bootstrap scripts": 
 * | + "qa/workunits/rbd: add new test_librbd_api workunit": 
 * | + "tests: create librbd API-only integration test suite": 
 * +     "Pull request 5055": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw/logrotate.conf: Rename service name": 
 * +     "Pull request 5117": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: fix data corruption when race condition": 
 * +     "Pull request 5118": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: simplify content length handling": 
 * | + "rgw: make compatability deconfliction optional.": 
 * | + "rgw: improve content-length env var handling": 
 * +     "Pull request 5119": 
 * |\   
 * | + "qa: update to newer Linux tarball": 
 * +     "Pull request 5120": 
 * |\   
 * | + "tools: chunk reads in Dumper": 
 * +     "Pull request 5121": 
 * |\   
 * | + "ReplicatedPG::finish_promote: handle results->snaps is empty case": 
 * | + "ReplicatedPG::finish_promote: fix snap promote head snaps": 
 * +     "Pull request 5159": 
 * |\   
 * | + "OSD: add command_wq suicide timeout": 
 * | + "OSD: add remove_wq suicide timeout": 
 * | + "OSD: add scrub_wq suicide timeout": 
 * | + "OSD: add snap_trim_wq suicide timeout": 
 * | + "OSD: add recovery_wq suicide timeout": 
 * | + "OSD: add op_wq suicide timeout": 
 * +     "Pull request 5160": 
 * |\   
 * | + "mon/PGMap: add more constness": 
 * | + "mon/PGMap: sort pg states by the states in    pg ls    spec": 
 * | + "mon: s/recovery/recoverying/ in    pg ls*    commands' spec": 
 * +     "Pull request 5206": 
 * |\   
 * | + "debian: move ceph_argparse into ceph-common": 
 * +     "Pull request 5214": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: rectify 202 Accepted in response for PUT on existing bucket.": 
 * +     "Pull request 5222": 
 * |\   
 * | + "client: reference counting 'struct Fh'": 
 * +     "Pull request 5226": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Swift: Set Content-Length when requesting/checking Keystone tokens": 
 * +     "Pull request 5227": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: fix lack of account name in XML listing of Swift account.": 
 * +     "Pull request 5228": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: generate the    Date    HTTP header for civetweb.": 
 * +     "Pull request 5229": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: fix reset_loc()": 
 * +     "Pull request 5231": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: error out if frontend did not send all data": 
 * +     "Pull request 5237": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: fix empty json response when getting user quota": 
 * +     "Pull request 5241": 
 * |\   
 * | + "librbd: prevent object map updates from being interrupted": 
 * +     "Pull request 5243": 
 * |\   
 * | + "librbd: assertion failure race condition if watch disconnected": 
 * +     "Pull request 5248": 
 * |\   
 * | + "mon: add an    osd crush tree    command": 
 * + "Pull request 5252": 
 * + "OSDMonitor: allow addition of cache pool with non-empty snaps with config": 

 h4. rados 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rados --subset 1/18 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira  

 * *failed* 
 Failure due to version number in ceph-common; refer; fixed now 

 h4. rgw 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rgw --subset 1/18 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira 

 * *failed* 
 Failure due to version number in ceph-common; refer; fixed now 

 h4.    fs 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite fs --subset 1/18 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira  

 * *failed* 
 Failure due to version number in ceph-common; refer; fixed now 

 h4. rbd 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rbd --subset 1/18 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira  

 * *failed* 
 Failure due to version number in ceph-common; refer; fixed now 

 h4. powercycle 

 h4. upgrade 

 h3. teuthology run commit 3677fd2708856587ac76fde086d1a4f7a20339a8 (hammer-backports June-15) 

 git --no-pager log --format='%H %s' --graph ceph/hammer..ceph/hammer-backports | perl -p -e 's/"/ /g; if (/\w+\s+Merge pull request #(\d+)/) { s|\w+\s+Merge pull request #(\d+).*|"Pull request $1":$1|; } else { s|(\w+)\s+(.*)|"$2":$1|; } s/\*/+/; s/^/* /;' 

 * +     "Merge 4657: DNM: common/admin_socket: close socket descriptor in destructor": 
 * |\   
 * | + "common/admin_socket: close socket descriptor in destructor": 
 * +     "Merge 4667: ceph.spec: update OpenSUSE BuildRequires": 
 * |\   
 * | + "ceph.spec: update OpenSUSE BuildRequires": 
 * +     "Merge 4687: utf8 and old gcc breakage on RHEL6.5": 
 * |\   
 * | + "json_sprit: fix the FTBFS on old gcc": 
 * | + "json_spirit: use utf8 intenally when parsing \uHHHH": 
 * +     "Merge 4776: ceph: cli interactive mode does not understand quotes": 
 * |\   
 * | + " handle unknown Exception correctly": 
 * | + " improve the interactive mode": 
 * | + " parse quote correctly in interactive mode": 
 * +     "Merge 4846: missing man pages for ceph-create-keys, ceph-disk-*": 
 * |\   
 * | + "man/ceph-create-keys.8: add missing file": 
 * | + "doc: add ceph-create-keys.8": 
 * +     "Merge 4862: Bucket header is enclosed by quotes": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: Do not enclose the Bucket header in quotes": 
 * +     "Merge 4868: Clock skew causes missing summary and confuses Calamari": 
 * |\   
 * | + "Always provide summary for non-healthy cluster": 
 * +     "Merge 4875: librbd: aio calls may block": 
 * |\   
 * | + "tests: verify librbd blocking aio code path": 
 * | + "librbd: new rbd_non_blocking_aio config option": 
 * | + "PendingReleaseNotes: document changes to librbd's aio_read methods": 
 * | + "librbd: AioRequest::send no longer returns a result": 
 * | + "tests: update librbd AIO tests to remove result code": 
 * | + "librbd: internal AIO methods no longer return result": 
 * | + "Throttle: added pending_error method to SimpleThrottle": 
 * | + "librbd: add new fail method to AioCompletion": 
 * | + "librbd: avoid blocking AIO API methods": 
 * | + "librbd: add task pool / work queue for requests": 
 * | + "WorkQueue: added virtual destructor": 
 * | + "WorkQueue: add new ContextWQ work queue": 
 * +     "Merge 4877: admin/build-doc: script fails silently under certain circumstances": 
 * |\   
 * | + "admin/build-doc: fix dependency checks": 
 * +     "Merge 4883: ceph-common subpackage def needs tweaking for SUSE/openSUSE": 
 * |\   
 * | + " tweak ceph-common for SUSE/openSUSE": 
 * +     "Merge 4884: Keystone PKI token expiration is not enforced": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: always check if token is expired": 
 * +     "Merge 4885: Object copy bug": 
 * |\   
 * | + "rgw: Use attrs from source bucket on copy": 
 * +     "Merge 4886: MDS is crashed (mds/ 1391: FAILED assert(!is_complete()))": 
 * |\   
 * | + "mds: clear CDir::STATE_REJOINUNDEF after fetching dirfrag": 
 * +     "Merge 4889: OPT_INT option interprets 3221225472 as -1073741824, and crashes in Throttle::Throttle()": 
 * |\   
 * | + "common/config: detect overflow of float values": 
 * | + "common/config: detect overflow of int values": 
 * +     "Merge 4891: crush: take crashes due to invalid arg": 
 * |\   
 * | + "mon: prevent bucket deletion when referenced by a rule": 
 * | + "crush: fix crash from invalid 'take' argument": 
 * +     "Merge 4892: ceph-disk: get_partition_type fails on /dev/cciss...": 
 * |\   
 * | + "ceph-disk: support NVMe device partitions": 
 * +     "Merge 4899: start_flush: filter out removed snaps before determining snapc's": 
 * |\   
 * | + "ReplicatedPG::trim_object: write filtered snapset while we're at it": 
 * | + "ReplicatedPG: start_flush: use filtered snapset": 
 * +     "Merge 4902: Fixes for rados ops with snaps": 
 * |\   
 * | + "ReplicatedPG::release_op_ctx_locks: requeue in scrub queue if blocked": 
 * | + "ReplicatedPG::finish_ctx: take excl lock if operation is rw": 
 * | + "RadosModel: randomly prefix delete with assert_exists": 
 * | + "RadosModel: assert exists on subsequent writes": 
 * | + "test/librados/ add test for 11677": 
 * + "Merge 4936: mon crashes when    ceph osd tree 85 --format json ": 
 * + "mon: add    --check    to CrushTester::test_with_crushtool()": 
 * + "crushtool: rename    --check-names    to    --check ": 
 * + "mon: check the new crush map against osdmap.max_osd": 
 * + "crushtool: enable check against max_id": 
 * + "crush/CrushTester: check if any item id is too large": 
 * + "mon: validate new crush for unknown names": 
 * + "crushtool: add the    --check-names    option": 
 * + "crush/CrushTester: add check_name_maps() method": 
 * + "mon: remove unused variable": 

 h4. fs 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite fs --subset 1/18 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira  

 * *passed* 

 h4. rados 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rados --subset 1/18 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira  

 * *passed* 
 * *failed* 
 ** *'sudo adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage daemon-helper kill ceph-osd -f -i 3'* 
 *** "rados/thrash/{0-size-min-size-overrides/3-size-2-min-size.yaml 1-pg-log-overrides/normal_pg_log.yaml clusters/fixed-2.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml msgr-failures/osd-delay.yaml thrashers/morepggrow.yaml workloads/radosbench.yaml}": 
 possible environmental noise, the error in the logs look similar to the issue #10137  
 Rescheduled as  
 filter=rados/thrash/{0-size-min-size-overrides/3-size-2-min-size.yaml 1-pg-log-overrides/normal_pg_log.yaml clusters/fixed-2.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml msgr-failures/osd-delay.yaml thrashers/morepggrow.yaml workloads/radosbench.yaml} 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rados --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira --filter="$filter" 

 ** *passed* 

 h4. rbd 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rbd --subset 1/18 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira  

 * *passed* 

 h4. rgw 

 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rgw --subset 1/18 --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira 

 * *failed* 
 *** "rgw/singleton/{overrides.yaml all/radosgw-admin-data-sync.yaml frontend/civetweb.yaml rgw_pool_type/replicated.yaml}": 

 Environmental noise, pip download of boto failed 
 *** "rgw/singleton/{overrides.yaml all/radosgw-admin-multi-region.yaml frontend/apache.yaml rgw_pool_type/ec-cache.yaml}": 

 Environmental noise, pip download of boto failed 

 Rescheduled as  
 filter=rgw/singleton/{overrides.yaml all/radosgw-admin-multi-region.yaml frontend/apache.yaml rgw_pool_type/ec-cache.yaml},rgw/singleton/{overrides.yaml all/radosgw-admin-data-sync.yaml frontend/civetweb.yaml rgw_pool_type/replicated.yaml} 
 ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --priority 1000 --suite rgw --suite-branch hammer --distro ubuntu --email --ceph hammer-backports --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira --filter="$filter" 

 * *passed*
