


Feature #10134

Updated by Yuri Weinstein over 9 years ago

This ticket is an attempt to document our discussions and opinions re: the "x-y-z concept", so we can clarify requirements and necessity of this feature.  

 My 2c - we currently have two major types of upgrade "-x" suites: single step (e.g. firefly-x) and double-step (dumpling-firefly-x). 

 Every time when we come up with a new release - those suites have to be modified and recreated ("firefly" in firefly-x suite is hard coded). 

 It might be beneficial to add a feature in teuthology, which would allow to use more then one ("-x") argument when we run/schedule suites.   

 For example:  

 instead of "dumpling-firefly-x" it'd look like "<branch-x>-<branch-y>-<branch-z>"    (aka x-y-z) 
 instead of "firefly-x" it'd look like "<branch-x>-<branch-y>" "<branch-x>-<branch-y>>"    (aka -x)
