


Subtask #7292

Updated by Loïc Dachary about 10 years ago

* Add const CompatSet &get_compat() &get_features() const to ErasureCodeInterface 
 * When a MON or OSD boot, loads all plugins found in the erasure-code directory and assert that do not support "V0" are ignored, as if they did not exist is supported 
 * ErasureCodeInteface is documented to explain that feature "V0" is mandatory 

 This has the same effect as if the erasure code plugins were statically linked with every osd or mon because there is no upgrade path for the plugins. Firefly mons and osd will require the jerasure plugin to behave as "V0" even if "V1" is available. 

 Giant will introduce a generic plugin system and it will presumably provide more flexibility. In the meantime Firefly is protected from accidentally using plugins that are not "V0" 
