


Bug #64063

Updated by Ramana Raja 4 months ago

Mapped rbd images/snapshots to nbd devices using ioctl method, which is currently the default method of mapping using rbd-nbd. Checked the device size and the MD5 checksum of the device immediately after the mapping. The device size and the MD5 checksum were zero bytes and d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5 checksum of a zero byte file) respectively. After sleeping for a few seconds, the correct device size and MD5 checksum were reported. It seems like the command to map a rbd image to a nbd device using ioctl method returns before waiting for the device to be ready for use. us. 

 However, no such issues were observed when mapping a rbd image to a nbd device using the netlink method.
