


Bug #63896

Updated by Dhairya Parmar 5 months ago

when waiting for onfinish, with this test case(trivial before and after parts removed): 

 <pre><code class="cpp"> 
   for(int i = 0; i < NUM_BUF; ++i) { 
     writefinish.reset(new C_SaferCond("test-nonblocking-writefinish-non-contiguous")); 
     rc = client->ll_preadv_pwritev(fh, current_iov++, 1, i * NUM_BUF * 10, 
                                    true, writefinish.get(), nullptr); 
     ASSERT_EQ(rc, 0); 
     total_bytes_written += writefinish->wait(); 
   ASSERT_EQ(total_bytes_written, bytes_to_write); 

   readfinish.reset(new C_SaferCond("test-nonblocking-readfinish-contiguous")); 
   rc = client->ll_preadv_pwritev(fh, iov_in_contiguous, NUM_BUF, 0, false, 
                                  readfinish.get(), &bl); 
   ASSERT_EQ(rc, 0); 
   total_bytes_read = readfinish->wait(); 
   // should be less since the data written is non-contiguous but the read 
   // was contiguous 
   ASSERT_LE(total_bytes_read, bytes_to_write); 

 the executions stalls, check out 1_execution_stalled_contiguous_read linked below 

 _BUT_ if the code to wait for context to complete is removed, i.e.: 

 <pre><code class="cpp"> 
   for(int i = 0; i < NUM_BUF; ++i) { 
     writefinish.reset(new C_SaferCond("test-nonblocking-writefinish-non-contiguous")); 
     rc = client->ll_preadv_pwritev(fh, current_iov++, 1, i * NUM_BUF * 10, 
                                    true, writefinish.get(), nullptr); 
     ASSERT_EQ(rc, 0); 
     total_bytes_written += writefinish->wait(); 
   ASSERT_EQ(total_bytes_written, bytes_to_write); 

   readfinish.reset(new C_SaferCond("test-nonblocking-readfinish-contiguous")); 
   rc = client->ll_preadv_pwritev(fh, iov_in_contiguous, NUM_BUF, 0, false, 
                                  readfinish.get(), &bl); 
   ASSERT_EQ(rc, 0); 

 execution aborts with a core dump with: 
 <pre><code class="text"> 
 2023-12-28T19:53:08.780+0530 7f0f47a4a9c0 20 client.4423 awaiting reply|forward|kick on 0x7fff7814eaa0 
 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error' 
   what():    Invalid argument 
 *** Caught signal (Aborted) ** 

 checkout 2_core_dumped(attached below) for more info 

 Ideally these should've just returned bytes less than total bytes written since the data between offsets must be 0 but it failed to handle this case 

