


Cleanup #63421

Updated by Ramana Raja 7 months ago

 What I don't understand there is why in #30890 it was deemed necessary to call `VolumeClient.shutdown()` from both `Module.shutdown()` and `Module.__del__()`.    It doesn't make sense to me because: 
 - `Module.__del__()` would end up doing shutdown work only if the last reference to `Module` somehow got put _without_    `Module.shutdown()` being called first.    Otherwise there would be no shutdown work to do. 
 - It's the manager framework who was expected to call `Module.shutdown()` from C++ via `PyModuleRunner::shutdown()`. 
 - It's the (same) manager framework who is holding at least one reference to `Module`. 

 So either I'm missing something, or all `__del__()` methods in modules (`MgrModule` subclasses) where something is closed or "shut down" are bogus.    `__del__()` isn't even guaranteed to be called: 

 > An implementation is allowed to postpone garbage collection or omit it altogether — it is a matter of implementation quality how garbage collection is implemented [...] 

 > [...] Do not depend on immediate finalization of objects when they become unreachable (so you should always close files explicitly)." 

 Also observed that in 
 - mgr/, MgrModule.__del__() and MgrStandbyModule.__del__() call `MgrModuleLoggingMixin.unconfigure_logging()`, which is also called in `MgrModuleLoggingMixin._configure_logging()` 
 - mgr/telegraf/, BaseSocket.__del__() tries to close a socket. The socket is also closed by BaseSocker.__exit__() 
