


Bug #52301

Updated by Sebastian Wagner over 2 years ago


 I have a new small freshly installed Octopus 16.2.5 cluster on ARM with Samsung SSD 7.6TB 2.5 SATA PM883 disk (MZ7LH7T6HMLA-000) and the "orch device ls" command of ceph reports that this device has HDD type although it should be detected as SDD as you can see below:  

 $ ceph orch device ls 
 Hostname    Path        Type    Serial            Size     Health     Ident    Fault    Available   
 ceph1g      /dev/sda    hdd     REMOVEDSERIAL    7681G    Unknown    N/A      N/A      No         

 As workaround I manually changed the class type but I guess it should have been detected as SDD when adding that specific OSD device.
