


Bug #52512

Updated by Konstantin Shalygin over 2 years ago

Our application use object size mostly 512 bytes 512k or lower, with 4K overhead we can't use standard stored or stored_raw metrics for pool usage 
 # ceph df 
     CLASS         SIZE          AVAIL         USED          RAW USED       %RAW USED 
     hdd_pg        4.3 PiB       1.0 PiB       3.2 PiB        3.2 PiB           75.91 
     nvme_pg       161 TiB        44 TiB        96 TiB        117 TiB           72.65 
     TOTAL         4.4 PiB       1.1 PiB       3.3 PiB        3.4 PiB           75.79 

     POOL       ID       PGS         STORED        OBJECTS       USED          %USED       MAX AVAIL 
     meta       17        2307       3.6 TiB         8.62G        96 TiB       85.58         5.4 TiB 
     data       18       16384       1.1 PiB         3.16G       3.2 PiB       81.76         245 TiB 

 As we can see for store 3.6TiB we use 96TiB 

 We need expose avail_raw metrics and revert bytes_used metric back 

 (((8620017891 * 512) * 3) = 13240347480576 (12.04TiB)) - (((8620017891 * 4096) * 3) = 105922779844608 (96.34TiB)) = 92682432364032 (84.29TiB) that we can't see
