


Feature #47286

Updated by Sebastian Wagner almost 3 years ago

The idea is to optimize cluster deployment time by creating a local registry that will then be used to pull images from other nodes. 

 One idea is to use the new @service_type: container@ generic deployment to deploy a registry. 

 Problem is: we need a ceph cluster in order to deploy the registry.  


 * Either we call `cephadm deploy ...` in `cephadm bootstrap` manually before starting the first MON, 
 * or we run bootstrap and modify @container_image@ afterwards to point to the correct registry. 

 Note, we have to modify the registries.conf on all hosts for this to work. 

 Maybe this Plus a systemd unit: 

 podman run --privileged -d --name registry \ 
  -p <option>REG_HOST_PORT</option>:5000 -v /var/lib/registry:/var/lib/registry \ 
  --restart=always registry:2 
