


Tasks #45455

Updated by Yuri Weinstein almost 4 years ago

h3. Workflow 

 * "Preparing the release": *TBD* 
 * "Cutting the release":  
 ** Abhishek/Yuri gets approval from all leads  
 *** Casey, rgw - *DONE* *TBD* 
 *** Patrick, fs - *DONE* *TBD* 
 *** Jason, rbd - *DONE* *TBD* 
 *** Josh, Neha, rados - *DONE* *TBD* 
 ** Abhishek informs Yuri that the branch is ready for testing - sha1: 
 Current SHA1: see in note below 
 ** Yuri runs additional integration tests - *DONE* *TBD* 
 *** If Yuri discovers new bugs that need to be backported urgently (i.e. their priority is set to *Urgent* or *Immediate*), the release goes back to being prepared; it was not ready after all 
 ** Yuri informs Sage, David that the branch is ready for release - done 
 ** Someone creates the packages and sets the release tag - TBD 
 ** Someone writes and commits the release notes - TBD 
 ** Someone sends out release announcement email - TBD 
 ** Someone posts release announcement on - TBD 

 h3. Release information 

 ** branch to build from: nautilus, commit:  
 ** version: v15.2.2 
 ** type of release: point release 
 ** where to publish the release:
